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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. I chose Blizzard of Ozz, mainly because of Randy Rhoads' debut, and classic (if overplayed) cuts "Crazy Train", "Mr. Crowley" and "I Don't Know". All three of those songs are melodic metal classics. But even with that said, Heaven and Hell is an awesome CD. I think it's a pretty hard choice...
  2. Luton footie? Is that some kind of wart?
  3. Both the above albums are excellent examples of 80s heavy metal, but which was better?
  4. I dig Zeno as well. Does not get the acknowledgment that alot of, less deserving, other players do. Zeno's main problem is a lack of identity. There's more to being noticed than wearing black hats. I love the guy, but he sounds like a great cover band guitarist.
  5. Here's a few I've loved for a long time, but they're not that unheard of... a.k.a. - Dangerous Addiction Airrace - Airrace Beau Coup - Born and Raised On Rock and Roll Spys - Spys/Behind Enemy Lines Again, pretty "meat and potatoes" stuff, but great just the same.
  6. Maybe we could all just get together and record our favorite Dokken classics ourselves. I have an accordian, a mouth harp, a kazoo and a whistle. Okay, who's ready to learn "Breaking the Chains"?
  7. When the Bell Rings - Wicked Lester
  8. Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners Eeww...
  9. Well I don't know for sure but at least it's not as bad as what Ozzy and Sharon did by re-recording the bass and drum parts on the first two Ozzy albums to screw Kerslake and Daisly out of $$$$$. I might be mistaken, but isn't that what is happening here? I thought Dokken was recording their early hits with a new guitarist and bassist. Am I reading that incorrectly?
  10. As Tim said in the other thread, I think it's only he and I who disliked it. As far as I know everyone else loved it? I thought? I might be wrong though... There are other people I know who live outside of this board mate, surprisingly!
  11. I really hate these kinds of "projects". They're never as good as the original, they screw the original performers out of a royalty check, and they screw loyal fans that made the band popular in the first place by putting a few "new" songs, or more likely demos that never got finished, onto them. As much as I love Dokken, I wouldn't spend a penny on this one. (And the labels are all peeing in their Gucci loafers wondering how to get more fans to buy CDs. Morons.)
  12. Nicholas, you have excellent taste. I don't care what Blue Charvel says about you. (Which is alot. And unflattering. And vulgar. Really vulgar.)
  13. Agreed Okay, I'll agree too, but damn his released music is horrific at best. Sometimes, there are more important things than music. R.I.P. Dominic.
  14. After mulling it over and reading everyone's comments, here's my list of the most influential AOR albums: 1. The Babys - Head First (One of the earliest AOR albums and still one of the best. Influenced Journey et al.) 2. Boston - Boston (Everyone on the planet has owned this record.) 3. Journey - Infinity (The first of the Perry era from the band that IS 70s AOR.) 4. Asia - Asia (Maybe the only true AOR supergroup, at least for two albums. Made AOR "cool" for hard rock enthusiasts.) 5. R.E.O. Speedwagon - Hi Infidelity (Made having an entire album full of power-ballads acceptable and paved the way for such albums as Survivor's "Vital Signs" and Toto's "IV".) And some bonus "also-rans" (Besides Survivor and Toto)... April Wine - Nature of the Beast Foreigner - Foreignor Styx - Grand Illusion Loverboy - Get Lucky Again, you could disagree. But you would be wrong.
  15. I'm kind of surprised the guy from Tesla (whose name escapes me at the moment) or Sebastian Bach were not included.
  16. I've seen this question asked about a lot of other genres, most notably heavy metal, but never about AOR. So...what do you think the top five most influential AOR albums of all time are?
  17. We should find out the answers to all of these questions soon, I hope. I am beginning to think that Daniel Fairiday(SP?) is Jacob. Hmmmmmmmm...
  18. Wow. Has it really been one month, six days, four hours, thirty-two minutes and forty-one...two...three seconds since I re-joined the boards? Time flies when your eyeballs are glued to your wristwatch.
  19. I thought I would begin a list of all the questions I have involving the show and check them off as they get answered. (If they get answered???) Feel free to add your own questions and answers... 1. What is the smoke monster? 2. Who or what is Jacob? 3. Who are the Others and how did they become caretakers of the island? 4. What exactly IS the island? 5. Why is Hugo's nickname "Hurley"? 6. What's the deal with the numbers? 7. Is Claire dead? 8. Why do dead people keep showing up, especially Christian? Man, this show is so confusing...but I can't stop watching!
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