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Retrospect Records

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Everything posted by Retrospect Records

  1. Guys , I just heard a KILLER AOR tune while watching an early 90s EROTIC DANCER WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP dvd (lol). Tell me who it is!!! (THIS IS NOT LION , it sounds more like Aviator or Tobruk) Here's the lyrics to the massive chorus: don't surrender , don't give in without a fight only one way to survive , you've got to fight Anybody recognize it??? copy and paste this link http://www.retrospectrecords.com/auctions/whoisthis.mp3 free cd to the person who knows who this is $100 to the person who is instrumental in me signing this band (if they havent already released a cd)
  2. It's totally going to happen my friends. 2013 is the 30 year anniversary of the classic US festival and I'm going to try and do something big next year. If anyone wants to be a shareholder in this event you should contact me.
  3. Steve "I personally think it is the BEST sounding hard rock / melodic metal recording over 20 years of age ever released for the first time." Wow , guess you don't listen to some of my releases brutha. On another note , I'd like to thank Steve personally for continuing to release classic albums. I can't do it all and there's only a few of us left. It's a tough business , and making money on any level is difficult. Wait til u got 300-400 bands to pay out every quarter bro! The "re-issue" market isn't an easy one , which is why I'm very picky about which titles get a short run and which titles get a large pressing. Continued success Steve , it's a labor of love man , sometimes you have to see it as that.
  4. Poor quality masters are pretty irrepairable. You can only do the best you can to clean em up.
  5. Yea , I need to get on that XX Badboy - its killer stuff but unfortunately what lets it down is the actual quality of the masters. It's a great release though.
  6. Sorry , to have been so out of the loop updating you guys. Been experiencing some personal issues and not releasing as many titles this year as I would have liked. That being said next week should see the arrivals of 18 NAMES , NEMESIS and HESSLER all in cd format. Following close behind will be HARD ATTACK (AOR) , CUTHROAT and FORTNOX. Still a shit load of new stuff to put out including MAD ANTHONY and a whopping 3 to 4 albums by a new signing in RAZOR SHARP (holy shit have you guys heard this band??) Anyways , doing the best we can here. Hopefully will be back to 5 releases a month soon. Sam
  7. A little history on Black Tora. I found these guys back in 2008 and released their first album under the moniker of WARRYOR. They then signed up with Paul Shortino and released RISE OF THE TORA under the new Black Tora name. All this time I've had them appear at Rocklahoma to a killer response. Needless to say , me and the guys are on great working terms and I'm tellin ya , they are the nicest dudes ever and are the REAL DEAL. I will definitely be distro'ing that new EP which is fucking awesome by the way. They should be the next big thing in Europe - really bringing back that Melodic Metal sound.
  8. Alex McDonald from the UK. Bought 5 cd's from me , didn't like one and claimed the FULL AMOUNT on paypal. Fucking scumbag piece of shit took the money out the pockets of BANDS , not me. Do not trust this asshole: ALEX MCDONALD from the UK.
  9. Sorry if you've been having problems - I will extend the sale for 7 more days.
  10. The only reason I won't is because those people still buy product from me.
  11. Not to mention how cd manufacturers here in the USA are dropping like flies. Trust me , the Russians WILL boot ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Expect it. I've been dealing with these people for over 10 years...
  12. There are a lot more bootlegs going around than people think. I exposed the bootlegging ring of a number of people FROM THIS FORUM for their pathetic role in the LORRAINE "Boys Nite Out" debacle. Mr Ryan Northrup (Metal Mayhem) was a massive instigator of a number of high-priced boots surfacing in the early 2000's and we all know who was in that "bootlegging ring" don't we? Michael Eden was in cahoots with Ryan when it all started and people like Burt Surf (among quite a few others HERE) were all too happy to flog these boots for a whopping $600+ while slowly leaking them out to the zealous eBay crowd. Have I sold some too? YEP. But quite a while after I exposed that pirate community. So let's be clear: some of those who fling the bullshit are the ones standing waist-high IN it... Do I really have to name names?
  13. Hahaha! Oh man, I couldn't hold it in. Retrospect a legitimate label, that's a good one... I don't care how large or small the record label is, if the people who own the rights to the music are not getting paid, it's a bootleg. That's about as clear as I can put it. Of course, this is my stance on the issue, and while I believe that some will disagree, I'm sure there are many who would side with me on this one. Metal4Ever - you are questioning my company's legitimacy? Oh man - after 7 fucking years and 500 releases you are going to question whether I release boots? FUCK YOU dude. After 5 years at Rocklahoma , M3 , Rock Jam and Rock n America ...not to mention the upcoming Liberty Fest in Tampa where I have booked 100+ RETROSPECT bands , you are going to question MY legitimacy? Yeh all those bands are gonna come play these festivals after I booted their cd's...DUMBASS!! Dude , you opened a can of worms that you can't back up so why don't you take a flying leap you jealous hack. I have PROVED my worth in this business and I'll be damned if I will put up with some envious shit-for-brains questioning what my company has done as "legitimate". FUCK YOU AND THE WHORE YOU RODE IN ON.
  14. Guys , AZINTEX are some pretty savvy motherfuckers. They will boot anything and everything and do it well. I highly recommend anyone who has a high-priced collection to sell it off now like I'm doing. They are rendering everyone's collectables worthless so if you think they WON'T boot something extremely rare like Rock Boulevard , Friction or Oxido - think again. It WILL happen and FAST.
  15. Look at the fuckers description... "NOT "TIME WRAP" CD-R, NOT LATVIA/RUSSIA COPY, NOT "RETROSPECT RECORDS" CD-R!" What the fuck? Firstly what is TIME WRAP? LOL and why even mention my fucking company??? Rock Candy has never been signed to me. Asshole.
  16. Whoever the fucker is who posted this "Link Records CD is silver pressed original but here is crappy cd-r is now on ebay from seller named showtime9966. from so called TIME WARP RECORDS, which never existed. It was created with imagination of RETROSPECT RECORDS Sam and helps him to sell loads of cd-rs to all of you devoted followers ))) " on the product page here at HH can kiss my ass!! Yep , I sell Time Warp stuff but I do not make it - I haven't got time for that. And showtime9966 is NOT me on eBay. You're an asshole dude!
  17. next time I do a big order with those Ruskie companies I'll do a post to see who's interested in spending some cashola.
  18. I can get all that shit. I'll start taking orders once the new catalogs come in. If you want cheap cd's , Jesus , I got access to fucking thousands of them....
  19. Any idea when Jillson will appear? I was tempted to preorder last month, but decided to wait until the CD is imminent... it is in production now , should be here within 10 days
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