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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Upon reading this I went to their myspace page to check out some of the songs. Not sure if the ones on the myspace are the ones on your release that you're listening to.......but, I loved what I heard from the guitar/keys and vocals.....but the DRUMS....what in hell do these people use electronic drums for????!!! Why is it these bands do this?? I hate the sound of electronic drums in an album like this!! Use a damn acoustic drummer for God's sakes!! LOL To me, at least the songs I heard on the myspace were great except for the lame sounding drum machine!!!
  2. Whilst drinking "Cranberry" juice no doubt !! Vision 180 - More To Believe In Again...... But of course, my dear Wot!! You can't listen to Delores without that fine beverage!! And recently I was jamming to the Saints of the Underground.....and what a cool disc that is!
  3. That guy, Matt, has some mental issues.....what a whackjob!!
  4. Red Eyes rawks!! Excellent tuneage there!! Thanks for the hookup!!
  5. My fuckin' head has been hurtin' for three fuckin' weeks.................... :hammer:
  6. Iron Man.......fucking excellent!! Can't wait for The Avengers!!!! I almost crapped my pants when I saw that at the end!!!! :christmas:
  7. That may be one of the better pics I've ever seen of her!! Thanks!!
  8. ... but after all Chris is right !! We're musicians, we can't afford haircuts... i would buy the hair and make a bra to wear out of it I'm sorry but that's just a bit creepy!!!
  9. You guys fuckin' crack me up!! LOL
  10. The 5 CD's currently in my stereo.....are: Def Leppard "Songs from the Sparkle Lounge" Story of the Year "The Black Swan" Saints of the Underground "Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner" Black Tide "Light from Above" Delores O'Riordan "Are You Listening"
  11. He actually looks like an ugly woman in that pic *not you Pete...!!*!!! LOL But, it's cool that you got to meet him, etc.....
  12. She might have been a bad girl.....
  13. Their half and half (lemonade/iced tea) is also pretty damn fine. They make good stuff across the board IMO. Ya know..I don't think I've ever seen their half and half......I'll have to check into that!
  14. I think I've changed over the past year or since I responded to this thread and it is now Nantucket Nectar's Lemonade......damn good stuff!!
  15. You may need to set your 'buyer setting's up to not allow feedback below 10 or whatever the number the allow is......that's what I did....
  16. I almost had to laugh when I went to Youtube about a week or so ago and saw a killer...and I mean KILLER band called Pyramid. So, I inquired on the boards here about them, knowing there are some peeps from the Philly/Jersey area where they played..... I then go to the person who put up the videos on Youtube and asked them about the band....and she tells me that they signed with Retrospect Records. I mean, c'mon damnit....you're beating me to the punch now Sam!!! LOL Anyway.....I'm pretty excited about those Pyramid releases! If any of you guys get the chance, go to Youtube and do a search for them.....you won't be disappointed!!! Especially you fans of Dokken...heavier hard rock bordering on metal....
  17. Definitely get props on this one! .....fuck.....
  18. This is exactly what I thought of their last album. Thanks for the info, I'll pass on this one.... Yeah, imo it's as bad as the last one (sorry Wes, and thanks for trying ). This style of music is dead to me. Junkfood - 'No spade' ; This is a great band. I could tell right off that I will like these guys. I was picturing something a little more like Marvelous 3 or 40Ft Ringo (which in this case is a good thing), but these guys are far more discreet, if that makes sense. They don't go outright for the big instant pop anthems, but that's not to say their hooks are not just as big and infectious. These guys are delicious song writers with top-class choruses. I'm halfway through the next album and I still haven't heard a filler yet. This will be a band that will sustain excellence. Great stuff. Geoff, do you like the band Sick Puppies? Another band my nephew told me to get. It's pretty darn good!
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