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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. "Again, no offence but I would take THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON over Elway. I actually don't even think he's a top ten QB but that's just me..." Wow.........ooooo'tay.......
  2. It's a shame that Shawn, the singer, can't get his shit together because it is a kickass CD. Seriously........a 9 out of 10 from me. I have to laugh at the 'we wait until we have enough orders to go the P.O. because of gas'.....what a fuckin' joke. What happens when they have a couple of orders and then don't have anymore!!?? LOL Those people are just shit outta luck??!! LOL True story: Back when this band was in the Rock on the Rise in Metal Edge, I sent them money for their demo along with a letter, etc. Well.............weeks and weeks go by with no demo from them. Well, they listed a 'hotline' number in the magazine and so I figured 'Hell..I'll just call it'....so I did and the bass player answers....talk to him and he says "Oh..no problem, man....we'll send it right out". ....................no tape..............no nothing..........and their hotline number was disconnected. So I guess that this happening doesn't surprise me too much..........
  3. Finally saw Batman: The Dark Knight.......very good flick!
  4. Had to have this one 'walk on by'....one more time!!
  5. The next few tunes on mine......... Slash Puppet ~ "When the Wip Comes Down" Type "O" Negative ~ "Creepy Green Light" Naked Eyes ~ "Making Waves" AdrianGale ~ "Feel the Fire" Dokken ~ "It's Not Love" Gary Numan ~ "The Joy Circuit" Anything Box ~ "I'm on My Way" Without Love ~ "Lose Control" Queen ~ "We Will Rock You" Shotgun Messiah ~ "Don't Care About Nuthin" The Movies ~ "Leaving Home"
  6. Thank you Jesus. I mean Jim. They're cute aren't they!!
  7. I really like the windblown look when it comes to a woman's hair..........
  8. Saved from Page 3 obscurity by.....Lucy......Pinder....!!
  9. Hahaha....that almost sounds like a fuckin' Harry Potter spell!!!
  10. YES.....this is psychoboy...aka....Chris.....Rob....etc....etc......AVOID...... If you seriously have any rare cassettes you want to sell...please, by all means PM me and we can work something out. IF you do deal with this person, be forewarned.....Sleazeroxx is indeed that person so frequently mentioned in the buyer/seller beware threads...
  11. Twatwaffle, twatwaffle......fuckin' TWATWAFFLE!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Have you a set bedtime for yourself, Widow? I've not taken notice of the times, but it seems to be a pretty definite fucking moment of the night. Is it always the same time? Just fucking curious. i usually have a set bedtime for myself, anywhere from 730pm to 930 pm, and i know when i get fuckin nasty, and think nasty fuckin things and want to jump in the car or get on the fuckin phone and rip someone a fuckin new one, it is time to go the fuck to bed. i am the first to admit it, i love fucking sleep. ... and need at least 8 hours or i am a total bitch. to fuckin sum it up: tired = nasty. 7.30pm! Fuck me thats early - my daughter goes to bed then and she's fuckin 18 months old THAT had me fuckin' laughin' out loud!!
  13. Picked up some 'different' ones this week.... Katy Perry Kerli Thriving Ivory
  14. Definitely my favorite place to 'hang out'! Here's to the next 10,000!!
  15. Looks like the Hurricane ain't gonna fuckin' hit Houston...!! But we sure are gettin' some fuckin' rain!!
  16. DECLINE II is the Great White Whale of DVD releases. Apparently Penelope Spheeris has been trying to secure a DVD release for years but it's been tied up by endless hassles with music licensing/publishing rights and clearances. All the deals she made with the bands that appeared in the movie (and their record labels) to use their songs in the film obviously expired a loooooong time ago. I still have a near-mint VHS copy but if and when it turns up on IFC again I'm gonna make sure to program my DVD recorder and catch it, cuz I am tired of holding my breath waiting for an official DVD!! That's exactly what I did, I TiVo'd it from IFC.
  17. For the brunette lovers out there!!
  18. DOUBLE trouble........fo sho...fo sho!!
  19. Anyone need a place to lie down....??
  20. hahaha...I just NOW saw that you did that!! Cute! Thanks by the way!!
  21. There is a thread that was done about a year or so ago that has them all listed.......I'm sure someone can post the link to that thread, or you can do a search for it.
  22. I have it and it's not too bad at all. I had my LP transferred to CD about a year ago.......
  23. That was some rockin' stuff Mike! Thanks for the hookup!
  24. I wanna say they said it will be out in November......and the track is on youtube.... Hinder's new song Use Me
  25. Just heard it on the radio yesterday morning here in Houston. They then had people call in and tell them what they thought.... Interesting that a majority of them thought it was 'ok'.......and the reason it was just 'ok' was because it sounded like the 80's!! LOL One girl even said it sounded like Motley Crue.....
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