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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. You rock Why yes.....yes I do.....JLP........Rocks!!!!!!!!
  2. You rock Cool listening there Jim (apart from 'The Academy Is....' which is all a bit samey) Next up:- FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND - Memory & Humanity Thanks Tim......but even if the Academy Is...is a bit 'samey' I'm still lovin' the melodies to some of those songs. Some are absolutely brilliant tunes!
  3. Is it as awesome as everything I keep hearing about it? No, its good, but no where near awesome. IMO. I've heard it only once through......and not paying full attention it sounded good...but not sure about GREAT, but.....I need to really listen to it properly before I give a 'yeah' or 'nay'....
  4. Tesla ~ "Forever More" Disciple ~ "Scars Remain" Simple Plan ~ "S/T" Pillar ~ "For the Love of the Game" Shinedown ~ "The Sound of Madness" The Academy Is... ~ "Fast Times at Barrington High" Hawthorne Heights ~ "Fragile Future" Sick Puppies ~ "Dressed Up as Life" Story of the Year ~ "The Black Swan"
  5. My Bloody Valentine on Saturday followed by The Golden Compass on Sunday.........over the course of the next two weeks we'll really fire up the old Halloween type movies!!!
  6. I don't know....but I likey!!!
  7. I haven't heard the tracks........and I'll just wait until it comes out *if it does* to get them.
  8. On that page I just started clicking on the 'bandbox' player and heard all of 321...what a kickass song....now currently listening to the 2nd track...the ballady song....just very very good stuff.....
  9. My first love was a girl named 'Cari'....so believe you me, that was my pick!
  10. It's 'back to school' time.....
  11. Not a great pic of this girl.....but my imagination tells me that seeing her from 'behind' has got to be nothing short of SPECTACULAR!!!!
  12. Damn....can't let Hurricane Ike push this thread back too far..........LOL
  13. Ok all of you Christina lovers...........here's a nice...........shot.........!
  14. i will if i demand money while im young instead of playing originals for nothing... and as ive said before, if my dad can step straight into the music business then i should be able to, cause i have a pro musician for a father, and he didnt have that.....meaning i can always come to him for advice on the freelance part of the music industry.. theres no reason i cant make a decent amount of money out of gigging The words 'demand'....and 'no reason' are words that you might want to use a bit more selectively. As the business you are wanting to partake in does not favor on the side of the musician. Listen to the advice you're given......do with it what you will, but..............and I mean this, do NOT expect any sympathy when it goes awry because of your stance *father to fall back on, etc.* and the 'words' you use to indicate how it will or should play out.
  15. I've thought of a new term of endearment.......'Fuckdrop'........ Used in a sentence: "Come here my little fuckdrop.." What say you fuckers about that? Yay....or nay...?? LOL
  16. Saved from Page 3 again.....I need to post more often I guess!!??
  17. Wow dude, that's me too... scary! Does your wife laugh @ some of the stuff you listen too also? Mine likes all that new crap from Thousand Foot Crutch to Coldplay! My wife actually likes a bunch of the stuff I listen to, but she does step outside my taste range as well. The Eminem phase was particularly grueling from a spousal standpoint... You too!!?? LOL....except my wife went the Fitty Cent route.......... ...thank GOD that only lasted for one CD....and then she tells me she ended up buying it only for the one song "Candy Shop" or something.....LOL I will say this....my wife's musical tastes are all over the place....from stuff like Katy Parry and Leona Lewis to R&B....to Def Leppard and Bon Jovi....to Faith Hill and Shania and a bunch of other Country artists...
  18. The Girl has a fucking way with words don't ya fucking think? Awwww shucks guys, i am fuckin blushing I wonder if i am a blusher whist fucking? What's 'Whist Fucking', Some new kinky fucking card game?? or did you mean Wrist fucking? Yeah....maybe she has a thing for wrists but has a fuckin' lisp?!
  19. "THANK YOU SWEET MOTHER OF FUCK" <------- Now THAT was fuckin' funny!!!!!!!!!
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