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Morning Dave :D


This will soon be true of most cricketing nations, including the marvelous English team, (led as you know by the fucking awesome Englishman Kevin Pietersen), going by the state of your present knocked together shambles of a 'Team' .


:anon: Um.......That..... I can't fuckin' argue :doh:

Oh, by the way......would Kev like Australian citizenship :whistle:



Batted a bit fucking better today mate!!


Kev is a born again Brit mate, so keep your fucking hands off. :lol:


How about Monty then :whistle:

Not that the fuckin' Indians needed to do it, but they have prepared a pitch that should produce 1000 runs on the first innings because a draw is all they needed.

We simply don't have the bowlers to bowl them out twice anyway and there is a very good chance when the ball starts to turn at all angles, they will go through us like one of their hot curry's... :yikes:


I noticed you used 8 fucking bowlers yesterday, even Ponting getting in on the act = a bit of desperation?


I won't say too much more though mate, as we are out there next month and will probably get fucked over aswell. :tumbsup:

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Our place of work closes down for two weeks over Christmas and New Years which fucks me off because we have to take two weeks of compulsory holidays which is completely wasted as my wife doesn't get the time off, there's fucking kids everywhere and everything is 100% more expensive than any other time in the year. So having holidays then is as awesome as being stabbed in the teeth by a rabies infested stick. But just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, they told us today - due to the fucked up state of business - we will be having THREE weeks off. What the fuck??!!! Either way, been spending the night looking for the most delightful places along the coast in NSW where I can cheap-ass camp or something... just me, the surfboard and the camera. And my genitals. And warm beer. But fuck... what a waste.



The fucking 'Camping' should come natural mate, so I am sure you won't have any fucking probs with that! :D

How many times do I have to say it?! I'm not gay. Just because that dude I fucked was, doesn't mean I am.

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Our place of work closes down for two weeks over Christmas and New Years which fucks me off because we have to take two weeks of compulsory holidays which is completely wasted as my wife doesn't get the time off, there's fucking kids everywhere and everything is 100% more expensive than any other time in the year. So having holidays then is as awesome as being stabbed in the teeth by a rabies infested stick. But just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, they told us today - due to the fucked up state of business - we will be having THREE weeks off. What the fuck??!!! Either way, been spending the night looking for the most delightful places along the coast in NSW where I can cheap-ass camp or something... just me, the surfboard and the camera. And my genitals. And warm beer. But fuck... what a waste.



The fucking 'Camping' should come natural mate, so I am sure you won't have any fucking probs with that! :D

How many times do I have to say it?! I'm not gay. Just because that dude I fucked was, doesn't mean I am.

Fuckin' :rofl2:

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Morning Dave :D


This will soon be true of most cricketing nations, including the marvelous English team, (led as you know by the fucking awesome Englishman Kevin Pietersen), going by the state of your present knocked together shambles of a 'Team' .


:anon: Um.......That..... I can't fuckin' argue :doh:

Oh, by the way......would Kev like Australian citizenship :whistle:



Batted a bit fucking better today mate!!


Kev is a born again Brit mate, so keep your fucking hands off. :lol:


How about Monty then :whistle:

Not that the fuckin' Indians needed to do it, but they have prepared a pitch that should produce 1000 runs on the first innings because a draw is all they needed.

We simply don't have the bowlers to bowl them out twice anyway and there is a very good chance when the ball starts to turn at all angles, they will go through us like one of their hot curry's... :yikes:


I noticed you used 8 fucking bowlers yesterday, even Ponting getting in on the act = a bit of desperation?


I won't say too much more though mate, as we are out there next month and will probably get fucked over aswell. :tumbsup:


It is sad that the term "Bowlers" was used in reference to those who fuckin' can't do it.

Rumor has it that Ponting asked one of the umpires if he wanted to bowl a few overs...he would probably have just as much skill as White, Katich, Clarke, or Ponting when it comes to bowling.

Oh how the once all fuckin' mighty have fallen :crying:

:unsure: Anyone have Derek Underwood's phone number.....He might be about 75 years old now but I bet he could still spin it more than these clowns fuckin' can.......I'll organise citizenship and a place in a nursing home if he is interested...If not, Bishen Behdi {or however you spell his name} will be next on the list :whistle:

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Cricket is well fuckin' strange lately... :whistle::unsure:


The writing was on the fuckin' wall for us and Stevie Wonder could have seen what was about to unfold once all our big guns called it a day :crying:

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A fuckin` frosty morning to you all :tumbsup:



I coming up to Tenbury today mate, so make sure the weather is good. :headbanger:

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I'm here, I'm fucking drunk... this could be fucking dangerous.

Now that's fuckin' scary......

Considering what I type when I'm not fuckin' drunk, I'd have to agree with you my good man.

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I'm here, I'm fucking drunk... this could be fucking dangerous.

Now that's fuckin' scary......

Considering what I type when I'm not fuckin' drunk, I'd have to agree with you my good man.


I didn't fucking drink last night yet I feel like I did. That's what I call getting fucking cheated.

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Just don't fuckin' drink lads,fuckin' works for me......


Fuckin' unfortunately !!!!!! :crying::crying::crying:

What's this fuckin' "don't" word you speak of, mate?

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Don't = Fuckin' bereft of fuckin' alcohol... :crying::crying::crying:

I don't drink very fuckin' often either Ian. :tumbsup:

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Fuck Christmas shopping....




i hate alot of fuckin things about Christmas. not fuckin everything, but alot of fuckin things.

The best fuckin' part of Christmas is the TV shows. The shopping blows dead monkey balls on a hot July afternoon.

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