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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good morning The Brittster,


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Good morning Brittles


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Mornin' Eric Brittingham.


I guess I should'nt ask how you're feeling about the Cinderella/Lynch Mob tour being cancelled huh??




Nah, I guess not.

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Good morning Britty-Boo-Boo,


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Good Morning Eric.


What a fuckin' great Maiden gig on Saturday night, huh? You were there right? Of course you were. Eric Brittingham is everywhere.

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Good morning Britty-Baby


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Good morning Eric Wesingham


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Good Evening Eric Brittingham.


Thank you for bringing Wes back to us safely after his sabbatical. Additional thanks that he did not really become an Emo Gay Rodeo Clown.

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Good Evening Eric Brittingham.


Thank you for bringing Wes back to us safely after his sabbatical. Additional thanks that he did not really become an Emo Gay Rodeo Clown.


There's Gay Rodeo Clowns? :unsure:

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Good Evening Eric Brittingham.


Thank you for bringing Wes back to us safely after his sabbatical. Additional thanks that he did not really become an Emo Gay Rodeo Clown.


There's Gay Rodeo Clowns? :unsure:


According to a post in the"We Miss Heaven & Hell" thread, there's an entire gay rodeo circuit, so logic demands that they must have gay rodeo clowns. Y'know what I'm sayin?

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Good afternoon Ericlopedia Brittinganicaham,


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Greetings Eric Brittingham.


How many times are you going to break poor Geoff's face? It's starting to seem a bit excessive. What'd he ever do to you?

I ask with all due respect of course. Please don't start breaking my face instead.

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You make a good point, Keith. I'd be interested to hear Eric Brittinghoussen's-


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Good Evening Eric Brittingham.


So who are the Kardashians, and why exactly am I supposed to be keeping up with them anyway??



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Greetings and felicitations Eric Brittingham.


Pardon me, I got nuthin' to say.

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham!!!


I am neglectful. A full house can do that.



Is it a house full of pugs?


Oh yeah, and hi Britz-


Okay, *nursing broken face* I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


I'm bringing it back. How am I doing?

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