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Alleycat Scratch Vs. Noise Toyz


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Out of the two you listed I would have to go with Alleycat Scratch! Noize Toyz were more of a hard rock band than a "sleaze" band so ACSCratch wins that one hands down!!

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Ok.......here are some cool sleazy hard rock/metal cd's..........


Hard Knox "Psycho's R Us"......awesome, awesome sleazy hard rock/metal in the vein of early GnR.....aggressive.....melodic....rippin' guitars and excellent vox!!


Spread Eagle "s/t"........Listen to "Scratch Like a Cat" and tell me this isn't one kickass sleazy hard rock band.......


Glorious Bankrobbers "Dynamite Sex Doze".......another band from Europe that was sadly overlooked here in the States.....excellent!!


Finster Baby "Take a Lick an' See".......nice L.A. Guns/GnR hybrid.....very cool Indie


Loud N Nasty.......another Euro sleaze band!!!

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No......the band who released "Psycho's R Us" is a completely different band than the one who put out "Combat Alley".

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Spread Eagle were brilliant, excellent visd too ...



Tuff are a cool sleeze/glam band especially shine on their debut - What comes around goes around.


Slik Toxik - Doin the Nasty era .....


New band erotic suicide hit the mark with 'Perserverance' I recommend you find a copy from perris records, while you can ..... their imaga kinda sucks now since this cd and the singer has gone .. but BUY !!!!! this cd :P


Another indie band with a touch of sleeze whos cd is so hard to fine but had plenty of talent was 'Dirty Cowboys' drove hard put up wet :)




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No offence Razor, I thought Slik Toxik and Spread Eagle were overrated. Slik Toxik has a good tune with "Big Fuckin' Deal" but I thought that was it. Erotic Suicide's "Perserverance" is really good but stay away from their first cd "Abusement Park." Spread Eagle's debut is decent but not worth too much hype. I like the Tuff release you mentioned. Who do the Dirty Cowboys sound like? I've seen them on Ebay a couple of times. :)

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i just scored an original ..Dirty Cowboys/ rode hard... from the mighty.... jlprocks..again thanks Jim..i took a scan through ebay and couldnt find any listing for Pretty Vacant..but found a listing for Pretty Wicked.......

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You are quite welcome Danny!!!


Oh...I have the Pretty Vacant album....my buddy Dave Belanger *also of Fashion Police* was in that band......it's a damn good album!!!

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Heh Tim,


I saw the Dirty cowboys cd in an ad described as a mixture of 'Poison' (flesh & blood era) and Tesla, hmmm vocalist sounds like Tesla guy .... difficult to define. Theyre definately not glam but do have sleeze (heh one song has the words kitty kitty in the tiltle)


I would get a copy on cd for about $15 max once I find out how to use my audio grabber I could email you some mp3's if ya want ?




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