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Miss Behaviour to reissue debut album and working on new material too

Captain Howdy

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From FaceBook

It's been a while but we are back with some news for you!
We are happy to annonce the reissue of our debut album "Heart of Midwinter". Holy Crap, it's been 17 years since we faked the label "Sunset Fox Records" and got this piece on the market. We would like to thank Pride & Joy Music for bringing Heart of Midwinter back in February 2023.
But wait there's more. This also means that all our previous releases will be available on all major streaming services.
Oh, by the way, we are currently working on new material to record.
Merry Christmas to all of You from Miss Behaviour! 🥰
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Pretty cool news. I hate to admit, but this is one of those bands that I didn't know if they've called it quits, or if they were just taking a long time to record again. I have thought about them through the years... even very recently, in complete honesty. But before I can google something it's skipped my mind and I forget to check. 

Either way, I really love the 'Last Woman Standing' album but everything else has been a bit patchy... except for the debut, which imo isn't that great throughout. 

But, I will look forward to a new album and hope they can record another consistently great album. There's certainly been moments on the last two. 

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13 hours ago, martinsane said:

I couldn't tell you a song of theirs or who they are, but 1 thing is that album cover is buns, aka bad.

Yep, it's horrendous. 

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