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Interesting Baseball Practice


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I still play baseball, every summer, accept for the early 2000s when I was on heroin, and even those I played a couple, I had my 1st spring practice tonight, the place we practice is on Weber St University campus, today when I got there, there was a shitload of camel jockeys playing cricket, I was way early so I went over and sat down, and started talking to a couple of these guys, they really really wanted to try playing baseball, and I really really really wanted to try cricket, they said it's hard to play legitimate Cricket because there are no proper fields, so basically they just have to fuck around, or find a park that's big enough to set up a makeshift field, which I took that it's basically like when you gotta play basketball on a half court, I guess in Cricket there has to be a field with 360 degree access, I never knew that, so baseball fields end at the backstop, where cricket uses behind the batsman.

For this reason, all these dudes want to learn to play baseball since there is a diamond on every corner, it seems crickets not as user friendly, but these guys are going to meet me Saturday morning, I guess they have a place by their house that they have basically made into a place where you can practice I guess it's bowling? they said they have a wicker or wicket or wicked or some shit, but that's it, but their going to show me how to bowl, I am going to see if there's any potential prospects out of this group of like 21 dudes from Pakistan, I didn't know they played anything in Pakistan other then Camel Polo, so I'm going to show this big ass group of dudes who are Cricket players, how to play baseball, they are similar sports, so these guys all know how to utilize their arms for throwing, they all are familiar with hitting and the speed of the ball, this is like a free goldmine especially if I find someone who is exceptional, because if there are some talented guys here, they aren't just getting taught baseball, they are going to be learning on the fly, because If there's a few of them that are that good, they are going to be taking the last 3 spots on the team I play on, it's like a huge light went on over my head when they said they wanted to learn baseball, like Ive got a golden ticket.

An afterthought, where I'm going to come up with like 20 mits, and it's a lot harder to learn how to play ball with a mit, then it is to learn how to play without one, that's the 1st true Oh Fuck these are 2 different sports feeling I got, and now Ive been home awhile, and started to really think this out, just right out of the gate, I realized how completely different these 2 sports are, and I don't even know shit about Cricket, but thinking of these guys learning a completely different sport made me aware of just the equipment differences, now im stoned and im wondering if these guys think that same shit, they just want to learn baseball cause it's like cricket, and never gave a thought into the fact they will have to use a glove, when they are all use to using their hands, either way this is my one shot to learn some shit about Cricket, and actually play or practice them, that's why I love sports, I have no interest in any sport Ive never played, its why I'm so flat about Hockey, I don't hate it, but I don't love it either, I'll watch it, and be entertained, but not really into it like I am with the other 3 sports,  but I'm super stoked, and so should be the coach of my team when I bring him a Jockey with a burner arm, I probably should have mentioned this to him today, damn.

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Do you really need a glove to play Baseball?

Do you have the option of not wearing one?

I think it would be more of a hinderance.

I reckon you could get by without one.

Also, growing up playing Cricket we didn't need 360 degree access, just a wall or fence and the "automatic keeper" rule.

"last man gets his tucker" is another childhood Cricket term that I'm sure all the Aussies here are familiar with, along with "6 and out".

Edited by Darkstone
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Well Dusty, that was something else, these really are different sports, I think even more so then football and rugby, my brain cant get over bouncing that fucker, im going to learn to bat tuesday, as for the glove, these guys didnt want to catch the baseball without one, they tried, the glove actually allows you to handle the ball better, you can reach down and back hand balls and it gives you a bit of an extra reach, I like my new muslim buddys, except when they start talking in ali akbar language, dirka dirka

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15 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Do you really need a glove to play Baseball?

Do you have the option of not wearing one?

I think it would be more of a hinderance.

I reckon you could get by without one.

Also, growing up playing Cricket we didn't need 360 degree access, just a wall or fence and the "automatic keeper" rule.

"last man gets his tucker" is another childhood Cricket term that I'm sure all the Aussies here are familiar with, along with "6 and out".

London Yes GIF by Lord's Cricket Ground

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