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Earlier years best on main site


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The main site has "best releases" starting at year 2000. Has their been any thought to adding in the prior two decades retrospectively?

Personally I think a lot of people look for those lists out of interest. I know I do.

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That would be difficult, as all of the "Best of" lists were created fresh at the end of each year, not long after the fact. Retroactively listening isn't the same as listening to new material fresh upon release and how it relates to other contemporary releases.

There are already numerous threads and polls here on the board for assessing the best of certain years. I'd really prefer not going back and trying to artificially create Best of lists for older years.

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On 7/19/2021 at 7:44 PM, heavyharmonies said:

That would be difficult, as all of the "Best of" lists were created fresh at the end of each year, not long after the fact. Retroactively listening isn't the same as listening to new material fresh upon release and how it relates to other contemporary releases.

There are already numerous threads and polls here on the board for assessing the best of certain years. I'd really prefer not going back and trying to artificially create Best of lists for older years.

Agreed. Things I liked in 1988 I might not like as much in 2021.

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