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Journey turmoil??


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I was just wondering if anyone knew if this shit is actually going on, or if its bogus, I dont have time to scope all these stories out, somebody just sent me this, and if its true it just blows my fuckig mind. Journey are really just complete shit bag human beings, Ive watched this band implode for years, when 1 band destroys internally for this many years, I have a hard time believing it's cause their good and decent people just in it for the love of music.



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right on, where did you get it from?

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Interesting.  They were on the verge of imploding a couple years ago after most of the band visited President Trump at the White House and got labeled as "Journey" amid news stories that the "entire band" had visited.  Neil Schon didn't attend and the band apparently has an agreement to not do anything political or religious with the name Journey attached.  

Also interesting in that story is no mention of Arnel Pineda.  Is he not considered a member?

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Lol, right on, pretty interesting shit, sounds like a lot of paranoia on the part of a certain member, when somebody gets to that point, I'd imagine he doesnt have people jumping to get in

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