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For Stefan, the Miserable Finn


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Hmmm...let's see...


- I have 3 lovely children (read: little monsters)

- I have a beautiful and lovely lady (read: bitch)

- I have a wonderful and fulfilling job (read: boss from hell)

- I live in a comfortably detached house (read: owned by the bank)

- I have a really nice summer cottage/log cabin (read: no electricity and needs renovation big time)

- I have a reliable car (read: scrap metal)

- I have a CD collection of 8000+ (read: crap music)

- I'm in the best health and shape of my life with a body to die for (read: what?! who are you kidding?!)



Yeah. I have a life. Therefore I'm miserable (read: meaning of life)


The only wish I have: win the Finnish Lottery or somehow cough up the doug to fly over to give you a hug Nolan (read: punch you in the face)



On a positive note: I'm not married (read: yeah, that's the spirit!)







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I see 'Finland', and I think of the Monty Python guys singing:


Finland, Finland, Finland.
The country where I want to be,
Pony trekking or camping,
Or just watching TV,
Finland, Finland, Finland.
It's the country for me.

You're so near to Russia.
So far from Japan,
Quite a long way from Cairo,
Lots of miles from Vietnam.

Finland, Finland, Finland.
The country where I want to be,
Eating breakfast or dinner,
Or snack lunch in the Hall,
Finland, Finland, Finland.
Finland has it all.

You're so sadly neglected,
And often ignored.
A poor second to Belgium,
When going abroad.

Finland, Finland, Finland.
The country where I quite want to be,
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland.
Finland has it all.

Finland, Finland, Finland.
The country where I quite want to be,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland.
Finland has it all.

Finland has it all ...



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