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The answer to this is to look at the Foundations Forum 90 CD credits and see what the band line-up is or who wrote the track on that sampler...this will tell us if it's the same band who released that CD in 1995. I'm guessing it's a rare CD that not many people have heard but if the songs are similar to the 'More Than a Miracle' track then I will be very interested to trackbit down. I just had a look and I don't have the Foundations Forum 90 in my collection.

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I am going to say that it's not the same band, has no affiliation with that band, and what I know about those samplers, some are put together by record companys, 4 times a year, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, they load them up with all the singles for the forthcoming albums for that year, generally lesser known bands, or new signs, then other companys, do what I think that Foundations Forums Sampler did, bands are picked to appear on the sampler, then are asked to provide the company with one single, generally the demo of the song they think is their best chance at catching someones ear, then a whole bunch of unknown bands, get to have at least a smigen of a chance at having their sound put out there, now how well these samplers get or got distributed played the key role, as it did for any band, signed or not, their used to be samplers I got at the station I jocked at called Buzz Clips, I still have a shitload of these, they did half and half, but I heard an awesome female fronted southern rock group on one of these, the band was called Runaway Train, the song was called All Around The World, it had top 40 success written all over it, I cant remember what label they were on, they did drop a cd, I never got it, I dont think I ever saw it, until the internet came around, but if I would have been them, I wouldve been heart broken, whats that like to have a mega catchy, ultra ready top 40 single on your hands, a song you just know cannot fail, have your album ready, then have the cocksucker label not know how to promote you, and be dead before you even are born? thats waht I think

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