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Best audience picture ever!

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From a Yahoo news article showing Will Smith's family while watching Miley Cyrus get slutty on stage at the VMA awards.




Those are the faces I do when I watch those horrible award shows.



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actually if you research this picture, the show was taken from when another performer was on stage if I read it correctly and memery serves me.



"The image was picked up and shared by outlets like Buzzfeed, Us Weekly, Business Insider and Yahoo! News. However, it turns out the Smiths weren't reacting to Cyrus at all.


The MTV audience cam, which was focused on the crowd all night, shows the Smiths were actually reacting to Lady Gaga's opening performance of "Applause." A look back at the feed also shows they weren't even too shocked by the 27-year-old pop star's scantily glad dance. Jaden's confused look was just some intense concentration. Willow's open mouth was caused by her gum chewing. What looked like a gasp was actually just a nose scratch."

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actually if you research this picture, the show was taken from when another performer was on stage if I read it correctly and memery serves me.



"The image was picked up and shared by outlets like Buzzfeed, Us Weekly, Business Insider and Yahoo! News. However, it turns out the Smiths weren't reacting to Cyrus at all.


The MTV audience cam, which was focused on the crowd all night, shows the Smiths were actually reacting to Lady Gaga's opening performance of "Applause." A look back at the feed also shows they weren't even too shocked by the 27-year-old pop star's scantily glad dance. Jaden's confused look was just some intense concentration. Willow's open mouth was caused by her gum chewing. What looked like a gasp was actually just a nose scratch."


You actually researched this picture! That quote you got sounds like an 16 year old girl journalist defending the awards show. I got the picture from Yahoo News the only source I verified, because that's about as indepth as I'll get researching crap music and useless award shows.


The picture is still funny.

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