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Are there any other John C McGinley fans on here


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And did any of you catch him in the movie Flypaper? perhaps the best actor and cracking insulting and condesending lines, I think they way over did it in Scrubs, but to this day he and only he can make me laugh by just the arrogant faces he can pull before he even speaks, and if anyone ever saw the tv movie Intensity where he plays the deranged and Psycho kidnapper, he is an extremely versatile actor, and I believe way underated.

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very good in platoon,and then a totally different type of performance which I also enjoyed in wild hogs for the short cameos,also liked him as the smarmy captain in point break were he proves that they dont have an asshole shortage :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So really none of you have seen Flypaper, you guys trust me dont you? if you want to watch a totally off the wall movie, and one of my favorite of all times, you know I would never lead you astray, I honestly know alot of you would love this movie, if you can watch it for free somewhere on the internet, please go check it out, John C. McGinley is absolutely hilarious in it, and Craig Schaeffer plays one of the most hilarious and Psycho meth cooks\criminals you'll ever see in your life, if just one of you checks it out, I know you will hear from someone else what an overlooked classic this is, it's also got another old actor I love Robert Loggia, and the hot chick from Bad Boys you get to see her Titties! titties are always a bonus in my book, you may disagree? check this movie out, I don't care if I have to send it to you

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McGinley is indeed a great actor. It was cool to see him briefly in Office Space, too...I will check out 'Flypaper'


Oh he's fucking drop dead funny on Office Space, he plays any role perfectly, but I find him to be at his best, when he's got that smart ass arrogant look on his face, right before he drops a crack at whoever he's talking to, much like the way he addresses Michael Bolton, and then Bill Lumbergh, I see that look on his face in any movie, and I go into auto laugh cause you know something just fucking ignorant and crass is going to follow that look, I think Scrubs kind of killed alot of the humor I saw in him, with the constant one liners, I dont like him doing one liners, just talking shit, and yeah he is absolutely out of his mind in Flypaper, playing a engaged bank accountant, whos got a slight weakness for pretty much anything with a vagina and titties, well his fiancie decides to set him up, and punish him in one of the most bad luck series of events to ever pass in front of my eyes, I mean he plays it so good, your just sitting there thinking, this isnt fucking cool, this is all shit that could happen to anyone of us, yeah bro it's a tits movie and I have yet to figure out how and why it slipped out of the radar and basically never got noticed by anyone, I saw it one night on HBO and I had to fucking have it, like the next day I went searching, and I actually found a used one at Hastings, yeah check it out everybody, it is dark cult comedy,

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Craig Scheffer and Sal Lopez play a couple criminals who are driving around ripping off meth labs, Scheffer is absolutely great as a narcissistic and motivated criminal who believes he is highly intelligent and extremely deep, which is really not the case at all, and Lopez plays his partner Leon, who basically is just a walking target for Scheffers many insults and demeaning comments, this is a great clip I found to kind of give you the standard banter that goes on between these two the entire movie, this is fucking great.










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