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Main site logins... please log out and log in again every few months.


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Even though your web browser stores your main site login for you, it is probably a good idea to log out and log back in again every 4-6 months or so.


That login creation page gets hit by spambots creating fake accounts so heavily that I've started deleting out accounts that have not come to the site and logged in within the last year.


I really should change the site login system so that it requires confirmation and activation rather than automatic login creation, but I simply don't have the time.


If you try to log into the main site and get a message that your login/email doesn't exist, please PM me and I'll try looking it up and reactivating it.





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Yep, that's what happened ...:


This username Swazi was not found. Please go back and re-enter the Username.



Could you reactivate me, please ? Thanks ......

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Give it a shot now...


Works fine now. Thanks ! :drink:

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Can you check mine too please. I tried to re-log in and it excepted it, but now all my database CD info is lost..Cheers

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Can you check mine too please. I tried to re-log in and it excepted it, but now all my database CD info is lost..Cheers


Upss .. ! All your CD's are gone ?? :yikes:




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Can you check mine too please. I tried to re-log in and it excepted it, but now all my database CD info is lost..Cheers


Actually, it looks like you recreated your login... which destroys the link to your old login's data. I think I've fixed it. Please clear your browser cookie for HH and relogin.


And to anyone else who encounters the missing login problem on the main site: Please DO NOT try to recreate your login. PM me with your main site username and your email address and I will restore the login.





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