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DRAGONFORCE - The Power Within


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I know the name itself evokes laughter with many...I admit I laughed at the over the topness of it all.


But wait a fuckin' second, a new singer, could things have changed. Is Dragonfarce...really a 'force' now?


They haven't pulled a 180, but I can stomach it alot better than before.


Well the speed is still there, although nowhere near as stupid and go nowhere like before. The vocals, keys and the guitar playing are much sharper and smoother. Maybe it's the production or the fact they actually slowed it down enough not simply be making noise.


MY GOD!!! I'm actually liking some of the new Dragonforce.








Rhapsody,Blind Guardian and Stratovarius all in one.




The solos!!! Great track!!!




It's not like you can turn the speed off completely




Speed kills!!! The keys are great on this one and the solos are WOW!!!

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I think they're a good band. The trouble was the last singer was shite (and he was a dick who took himself too seriously). They've got some talent and can write good tunes. I will check the new one out...

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Good band in general for me, good songs with some juicy hooks and great musicianship, although I must admit that after about 45 minutes of the breakneck guitar soloing, I usually have to swap to something else to calm me own a bit. Just got the new album this morning, so lookng forward to crashing my van to it later :crazy:

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I've tried, but this band does nothin' for me. The new singer makes'em a little more palatable, but they're still annoying...

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I caved in and picked this up at Wal-Mart. Despite the drums being way too fast for no reason the songs are decent to very good. If they could slow it down a bit more, like they do with the lead off single 'Cry Thunder' they could be a really good band. This will either grow on me or I'll end up pitching it before my head explodes....it could go either way.

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I love their complete lack of irony! i find that refreshing these days!


They play super-fast and seeing them live is pure entertainment!

And let's here it for their drummer! How the hell does he maintain that speed?

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