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HAHA - my bro didn't even ask me how to do it. Dude , you can upload them to the Retro site and post a URL to the sample. LOL.


I will post a pic of the '7' disc as soon as I can.


If you need help selling discs GLAM_JUNKIE , I can help and I would charge less than Ebay!


Incidentally , thanks to JOE , I just signed a walloping number of bands from the Milwaukee area that I didn't even know existed. And they kick serious ass!


One of them even has the bassist from NITRO in it.


Anyways...the following pure Hair Metal bands just got a contract today...(all from the glory years of 1988-1992)








these bands will join fellow Milwaukee bands on the label:




CUT THROAT (to be released in July).


Who knew there were so many great bands from Milwaukee???


Just wished I would have scored the fantastic MOXY ROXX too!

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Hey Sam...this is Joe....glad you signed those Milwaukee bands....Maybe I should get some A&R credit...LOL


Now get COWBOY X...SIGNED...talked to Dave and he is very interested...! :party421::cheer::drink:








CUT THROAT (to be released in July).


By the way there are a lot of Kanasa City 80's band's out there to!!!!

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Without a doubt , the rarest cd in my collection is a fantastic Christian AOR gem from 1987 called simply '7'. Yes , '7' self-titled. I have never seen it ANYWHERE , EVER and it's almost as good as the Mastedon material. I would be shocked if that didn't fetch $1000+ but maybe I'm too optimistic. Has anyone else ever heard of that or seen it around?


I have hundreds of discs like that and I've been extremely reluctant to sell those off.


Here it is: (well I'm not sure, is this the same one?)







super rare 1988 AOR indie bliss!


"Here's your chance to get an original CD called 7 - S/T. This super rare 4 track CD was released in 1988 on a US indie label. This band is totally awesome and features very catchy, melodic AOR with superb vocals and big keys. Take YES (Trevor Rabin period) mixed with SILENT KNIGHT and FX...and that's what best describes this fantastic release. Brilliantly produced and played to perfection, this rarity is near impossible to find. Check out the tasty MP3 song sample below. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it. The CD and inserts are in near mint condition."


Will be interesting to see how close this gets to $1000 ;)

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  • My Little Pony

I love all the Mariah releases. I missed out on the Pretty Boy release and would love to see it re-printed (I've been meaning to email you boys).

Wild August is great.

The Score was also fantastic.

I'd love to see Bad Angels re-printed, too.

Blind Gypsy is another good one.

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