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Diamond Lane: "World Without Heroes" review

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My review of Diamond Lane's sophomore album, "World Without Heroes," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out:


Diamond Lane review


If you're looking for some '80s-drenched modern sleaze metal in the GNR, Buckcherry, Vains of Jenna vein, you should give these guys a go.

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isn't this actually their third album?

pretty sure i already have 2 dscis by these guys. (maybe 1 was an ep??)



edit: actually they have 1 cd and 1 downloadable ep before this. don't think their 2nd release (the ep pproduced by Johnny Lima ever went to cd)

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Isn't this actually their third album? Pretty sure i already have 2 discs by these guys. (maybe 1 was an ep?)


edit: actually they have 1 CD and 1 downloadable ep before this. Don't think their 2nd release (the ep produced by Johnny Lima ever went to cd).

I just went by what they listed in the press notes they supplied along with the new album. The only other release I have by these guys is their "Save This City" EP. So, yeah, it's possible my trivia on the band is erroneous, but what is not erroneous is that this new album is a solid slab of '80s-esque sleaze metal. Definitely not on par with what Crashdiet, Crazy Lixx, etc. are doing, but in my useless opinion this Diamond Lane album sounds better than Vains of Jenna, Sister Sin, Crystal Pistol, etc.

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I like it.

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