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Electric Boys


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  • My Little Pony

Hey, guys. There's a listing on eGay for an Electric Boys release called "Fire In the Mystery World." I've never heard of such a release. I wanna know as much as i can about it, before I make any decision on placing bid. Can any of you give me some info? Thank you kindly.


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  • My Little Pony

Did a little more searching on eGay, and found another Electric Boys listing. Different seller name, same style of write-up for the descriptions, and both from Cincinnati, Ohio. Something stinks, and it's not my ass...

...Wait, my ass does stink, too. Shit, that burrito was spicy.



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  • My Little Pony

Well, I'm leaning towards a boot, but it looks like it could be a live recording. Whatever it is, I don't trust the seller.

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