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Gary Johnson


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Check this one out guys. The debut solo album for Gary Johnson, guitarist/keyboardist for Fran Cosmo who has worked closely with Barry Goudreau. Awesome modern melodic rock. Highly recommended.




"For the better part of the last decade, Gary Johnson was the touring guitarist and keyboardist on a highly successful national tour with Fran Cosmo, former lead vocalist of the band Boston, which also often featured Barry Goudreau, Original Lead Guitarist of Boston.


In this time, Gary also recorded on several discs with the group, including a critically acclaimed international release which also featured drummer Kevin Soffera (former Seether/Breaking Benjamin).


Now ready to stand on his own two feet, Gary has teamed up with Kevin Soffera once again and brought on bassist Jimmy Stofer (formerly of The Fray), as well as award winning producer Justin Peacock to record his Debut Album, "Tracing Starlines with Empty Hands".


The disc is currently available at http://www.gjsolo.com for just $10.99




Lots of song samples to try out here:


Official website - http://www.gjsolo.com/


FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/GaryJohnsonMusic


Reverbnation - http://www.reverbnation.com/gjsolo


MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/gjsolo


YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/garyjohnsonmusic

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Love the sound of this, mate. Just bought me a copy now. Thanks for the heads up. :)


Yeah I'm really looking forward to geting this one. Sounds great. You can't go wrong for $11.


I'm pretty sure he is still unsigned too. I would've thought this music would sit well on any major label.

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Did you pay $11 and he confirmed it was cool? I paid $11 and then noticed it was for local pick-up so I sent him another $2 for the "shipped" option. :lol: Haven't got a reply yet but I assume it's all good to go.


Yeah, I agree it sounds like good stuff.

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Did you pay $11 and he confirmed it was cool? I paid $11 and then noticed it was for local pick-up so I sent him another $2 for the "shipped" option. :lol: Haven't got a reply yet but I assume it's all good to go.


Yeah, I agree it sounds like good stuff.


Yeah I think $11 is for USA and it works out to $13 for Australia.

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Did you pay $11 and he confirmed it was cool? I paid $11 and then noticed it was for local pick-up so I sent him another $2 for the "shipped" option. :lol: Haven't got a reply yet but I assume it's all good to go.


Yeah, I agree it sounds like good stuff.


Yeah I think $11 is for USA and it works out to $13 for Australia.

Either way, a very sweet deal based on those samples. How good's the Aussie dollar at the moment too! :)

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Did you pay $11 and he confirmed it was cool? I paid $11 and then noticed it was for local pick-up so I sent him another $2 for the "shipped" option. :lol: Haven't got a reply yet but I assume it's all good to go.


Yeah, I agree it sounds like good stuff.


Yeah I think $11 is for USA and it works out to $13 for Australia.

Either way, a very sweet deal based on those samples. How good's the Aussie dollar at the moment too! :)


It's awesome for buying CD's, bad for the Australian economy, great for our music addictions.


You know I'm surprised that this Gary Johnson CD hasn't been talked about more. I haven't seen it mentioned on any of the Melodic Rock websites yet and I'm pretty sure the CD has been out for a while now. I'm not claiming that this is the next best thing out there, but these songs are sounding pretty darn good to me.

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Did you pay $11 and he confirmed it was cool? I paid $11 and then noticed it was for local pick-up so I sent him another $2 for the "shipped" option. :lol: Haven't got a reply yet but I assume it's all good to go.


Yeah, I agree it sounds like good stuff.


Yeah I think $11 is for USA and it works out to $13 for Australia.

Either way, a very sweet deal based on those samples. How good's the Aussie dollar at the moment too! :)


It's awesome for buying CD's, bad for the Australian economy, great for our music addictions.


You know I'm surprised that this Gary Johnson CD hasn't been talked about more. I haven't seen it mentioned on any of the Melodic Rock websites yet and I'm pretty sure the CD has been out for a while now. I'm not claiming that this is the next best thing out there, but these songs are sounding pretty darn good to me.

Yeah, my boss said if the dollar keeps going as it is we'll all be out of a job by Christmas, which is exaclty what you want to hear. At least by then I'll have about 10,000 CDs I bought for dirt cheap that I can try to sell off. ;)


Yeah, the CD seems like it'll definitely walk a fine line between the melodic stuff here on HH and the "mordern" stuff many still fear. Should breach the gap, I dare say.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been waiting 2 months now for this to arrive. Contacted Gary once already and he said he would re send with a free t-shirt but still nothing. Pretty disappointed in the service. Geoff has yours arrived yet?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've been waiting 2 months now for this to arrive. Contacted Gary once already and he said he would re send with a free t-shirt but still nothing. Pretty disappointed in the service. Geoff has yours arrived yet?


You guys did end up getting them, right!???

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I've been waiting 2 months now for this to arrive. Contacted Gary once already and he said he would re send with a free t-shirt but still nothing. Pretty disappointed in the service. Geoff has yours arrived yet?


You guys did end up getting them, right!???


No, still nothing. I now have the MP3's thanks to the link you sent me, but the CD's I ordered never arrived. I had kind of given up. Would be nice to have the actual CD to add to the collection though as I do really like these songs.

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Yeah, I'm waiting on a few things here and there, but nothing as far back as November. Or even December. I sure would like to have this one, though.

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Justin and Geoff, I'm still waiting on stuff shipped from the U.S. in December.


Not sure what is going on but there's some holds up somewhere. I did hear something about some new customs screening system though.


Yeah there must be some kind of hold up with the US postal service. Although I have received every other CD I ordered after this one. Anyhow, I'll just continue to be patient and hope it arrives sometime soon.

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You guys have been so screwed. :fun_84: There isn't any cd to buy (anymore), only a digital copy. And it's on sale. $5.


Man that sucks. I paid $25.98 for 2 copies of the CD - one for myself and one for a friend. And all I got was a low quality (128kbps) digital download which I could have bought for $5.

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Yeah, I put through dispute thingy this morning for most of my payment (I paid an extra $2 for postage seperately which I probably won't bother with). I would still much prefer to have the CD, but it's not looking likely. :( Justin, could you send me a link for this album, mate? I'd still like to hear it.

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Discmakers is working on the next batch. The end of the last prod run sold a lot faster than I'd anticipated so the physical copies aren't available currently, but will be shortly.



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Hmm.. looks like my first message didn't go through. I saw that your disputes were denied, but I'm going to refund you both fully and give you new USPS confirmations after I ship them in the morning. .. This way we can track them and find out where the hold up is, and when the others finally make their way in, feel free to pass them along or keep them as part of my continued apology...



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