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Crashdiet - Unnatractive Revolution


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With the new Crashdiet release I've been spinning all 3 of their discs a lot lately so I was thinking that maybe this disc needed to be put in the spotlight again and maybe re-evaluted. It seemed like when it came out most people(including myself) was kind of caught of guard with it sounding so different both muscially and vocally than 'Rest in Sleaze'. And with RIS being held in such high regard(and deservedly so IMO) it seems that most CD fans put this as the 3rd fav, which I don't disagree with. However with all 3 discs having a different vocalist it's really hard to compare the 3 and if you let them stand individually on their own this disc is a hell of a cd IMO and if you take off "Thrill Me" and "Buried Song" then you are left with 9 perfect songs IMO. How damn good is "Overnight", "Falling Rain", "Like A Sin", "In the Raw", "Alone", "Die Another Day", "XTC Overdrive", "Bound to Be Enslaved" and "I Dont' Care". I think from what most have said that they prefer Ollie in Reckless Love more but just wanted to point out that this disc my be a little overlooked. Again I'm not saying it's their best disc or anything just saying that's it's also a damn good cd. :headbanger:

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Yeah, as I've always said about this album from the start - great album with, as you say, only one or two duds... but it's mostly great. And 'Falling rain' is arguably my favourite song from these guys yet.


But, the but. It is a great disc, but, the production / sound quality does detract from it very noticably, imo. The other 2 albums sound brilliant - this is far rawer and less polished and imo does not suit their style at all. End of the day, though, if you're looking at the songs alone then yeah, great disc.

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Yeah, as I've always said about this album from the start - great album with, as you say, only one or two duds... but it's mostly great. And 'Falling rain' is arguably my favourite song from these guys yet.


But, the but. It is a great disc, but, the production / sound quality does detract from it very noticably, imo. The other 2 albums sound brilliant - this is far rawer and less polished and imo does not suit their style at all. End of the day, though, if you're looking at the songs alone then yeah, great disc.


Wow I actually the like the prodcution.

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Yeah it's still a great album, but like Geoff says for me the production is a bit dodgy ...the drums are nearly to the point of distortion in places.

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I read an interview by the lads that they didn't like the recording at all. It was recorded in a really nice studio but the engineers was not really into hardock. Was n't the album mixed in the USA by Kevin Churko which usually is a great mixing engineer.


I think it's a fairly good album. It has some really great songs but also a number of fillers.

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