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Black Friday Today


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Went to BEST BUY today. Trying to look at the c.d.'s while other people are looking was annoying..

It's a good thing I had gas. They were silent and deadly. I cleared aisles and staff members avoided me at a certain distance..

Fuck 'Em!

When I'm shopping, it's all about me.... :tumbsup:


Got home just in time to take a dump... :woot:


I gotta remember this for the next Record Convention... :idea:

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What is Black Friday? :unsure:


The biggest shopping day of the year. Most people do most of their christmas shopping on that day. They even open the store doors between 4 & 5 in the morning to offer great bargins. People are known to get trampled on to get through the doors..

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I did not go anywhere NEAR any sort of retail establishment today... I may be crazy but I ain't stupid :whistle:

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What is Black Friday? :unsure:

In Australia it's actually the anniversary of one of the worst bushfires we ever had, back in 1939. The date's in January, though.

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What is Black Friday? :unsure:


The biggest shopping day of the year. Most people do most of their christmas shopping on that day. They even open the store doors between 4 & 5 in the morning to offer great bargins. People are known to get trampled on to get through the doors..


As someone that worked in Mall retail for many years I'd like to say that it is not the biggest "shopping" day of the year but more like the biggest "looking" day of the year. There was a time when it was the biggest shopping day but as the years go by more stores have just as good of deals or in some cases better deals leading up to Christmas day and many consumers have learned this to make the Saturday before Christmas or in some cases December 23rd the bigger "shopping" day. :tumbsup:


Either way it's a horrilbe horrible day to be anywhere near anything that sales something and I've avoided it like the plague since leaving the retail ranks six years ago. :headbanger:

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