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Vick The Prick Gets Out Of Jail...


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and is already yapping off about how he's "reformed" and wants to help the Humane Society. What a pantload! That asshole is merely following the guideline set forth by his legal team in a pathetic attempt to win public support to get him back to making big bucks playing football. As far as I'm concerned, the only remorse this schlub has is that he was caught. He was a prick before he got caught, and remains a prick today. Fools, who live and breathe celebrity bullshit, might buy this creep's supposed reformation, but I ain't having the wool pulled over my eyes. Some scumbags are reprehensible no matter what spin their high-priced legal shills place on their deplorable activities, and Vick fits that bill to a T. Now if only the moronic media would ignore that idiot completely, it would be peaceful, but I'm sure every news outlet in the free world is going to be following the dickhead's every move and reporting upon it so nitwits with stars in their eyes can gobble it up ad nauseum. Please, media people, I implore you, if you ignore him, he might just simply go away.

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I think the man has paid his debt to socitey. I will give him the 2nd chance to be a good citizen and show he has really reformed. I'm a big animal lover and what he did was SO WRONG but if you can kill a person, do your time and get a 2nd chance so should Vick in my opinion.

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I think the man has paid his debt to socitey. I will give him the 2nd chance to be a good citizen and show he has really reformed. I'm a big animal lover and what he did was SO WRONG but if you can kill a person, do your time and get a 2nd chance so should Vick in my opinion.


Then you're far more tolerant than I am. Any subhuman, who would place family pets (small dogs and such) in a pit with a trained killer dog, and then laugh when the defenseless animal was torn to shreds as a "training method" simply cannot be rehabilitated, nor are they deserving of such a chance. It takes one sick, twisted, demented asshole to do such a thing, and that's exactly what the convict did. His only remorse is over the lost time of his precious career and the millions of bucks he lost despite what he and his high-priced legal vampires say to the contrary. I refuse to give a person a second chance simply because they've served a jail sentence based upon a woefully inept legal system, which imposes penalties not nearly harsh enough for barbaric acts committed. I find Vick as reprehensible now as ever - he took animals and slaughtered them - plain and simple; animals that had no chance with their fate in his hands. Putting something to death by such cruel means is an act for which I will offer no forgiveness whatsoever. Human being; family pet; defenseless animal - it makes no difference. Michael Vick is no better than a common murderer. A second chance? Not in my book. The sight of that prick's grinning mug makes me physically ill; to see it all over the press again will further reinforce my assertion that there is no justice. His arrogant, mocking face spells one thing to me - Dogkiller. May his disgusting behavior haunt him 'til his dying day.

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I think what he did was as bad as you say. I think what he did makes my gut turn but he might have had his eyes opened to how awful the act of dog fighting is. I still think he can change his opinion in a true and honest way. I know some people who use to think "cock fighting" was perfectly normal. their family has done it their whole life for a couple generations. Now they have been away from it for a while and have changed their opinion of the act and see it for how awful it is.

I know people will think it is just a front to get back in the NFL and it may be we don't know yet. I do know (well from reports anyway) that dog fighting for some strange reason is thought of as kind of "normal" where he grew up among the young and if that is the case he would have seen dog fighting as not a really bad thing. maybe, just maybe his eyes have been opened and he can become an vessel of change for that culture. to think someone would throw my little dogs into a pit with dogs that they are training to kill makes me sick. So I'm not saying I forgive him for what he has done, I'm just willing to give him that 2nd chance to prove he has changed his ways.

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I'm a lifelong Falcons fan and I'm glad I'll never see this cocksucker in our uniform again. That is all the attention I'm giving to that waste of perfectly good air that someone else could be breathing.

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dont be fooled you guys...he hasnt been reformed or seen the error of his ways or been rehabbed. he just got busted and got locked up and does what every other loser out there does. trys to put on his game face for the board and beg them to let him out...cuz lets face it...no one wants to be locked up. so he crys a bit and swares he has changed so he can get out so he can try to find a way to make some more money to pay for all the bling he has bought over the years. we all know he wont get back in the nfl, no one will want him on their team, they hate as much as we do what he did to those dogs. if by some chance he were to play again, it would last 2 or 3 plays before some big ass Raider or Brown lineman bust thru the line and snap his leg like the ol joe thiesman hit. and you know someone out there will pay for a hit like that on him. no one wants vick the dick back in the nfl.

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