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Michael Savage has been blacklisted from the UK, name added to list of Terrorists and Murders, to be denied entry into the UK, by UK home office secretary, Jackie Smith, the only radio talk show host on the list, saying he incites violence, hatred, and mayhem through his radio show, ha ha ha! this is hilarious.

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Michael Savage has been blacklisted from the UK, name added to list of Terrorists and Murders, to be denied entry into the UK, by UK home office secretary, Jackie Smith, the only radio talk show host on the list, saying he incites violence, hatred, and mayhem through his radio show, ha ha ha! this is hilarious.



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Michael Savage has been blacklisted from the UK, name added to list of Terrorists and Murders, to be denied entry into the UK, by UK home office secretary, Jackie Smith, the only radio talk show host on the list, saying he incites violence, hatred, and mayhem through his radio show, ha ha ha! this is hilarious.




Exactly! he's a radio talk show host, that doesn't sugarcoat anything, he is hated by liberals and conservatives equally, he is like the outlaw of american talk radio, he pulls the 3rd most listen to show in america, by sheer word of mouth, he calls all the political partys out and exposes their agendas, he's also a Dr. in nutrition and botonolidgy, has written 24 books, taught high school, and manage to have the quickest show ever cancled on CNN or Msnbc,(the little mishap is on Youtube, its pretty hilarious) but a terrorist and murderer he is not, he's been very vocal on how the muslims are slowly taking over Europe, that's the only reason anybody can figure he got banned.

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I'm a fan of Savage, but I think he's a bit arrogant. He takes shots at other hosts and then gets mad when they don't come to his defense. I know that if he took a shot at me I wouldn't be rushing to his defense. He also seems to have the belief that he is the only one with any intelligence. I think The Leprechaun, as Savage calls him, and Glenn Beck are just as good about getting information out there and they actually listen to what the callers have to say. Savage cuts down and belittles many callers before they even have a chance to say anything. Whether they have an important point to make or not doesn't even matter.

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I'm a fan of Savage, but I think he's a bit arrogant. He takes shots at other hosts and then gets mad when they don't come to his defense. I know that if he took a shot at me I wouldn't be rushing to his defense. He also seems to have the belief that he is the only one with any intelligence. I think The Leprechaun, as Savage calls him, and Glenn Beck are just as good about getting information out there and they actually listen to what the callers have to say. Savage cuts down and belittles many callers before they even have a chance to say anything. Whether they have an important point to make or not doesn't even matter.

Well he does talk shit about them, because with the exception of Beck, they are all fucking lemmings, O'Reilly as much as I watch and find him entertaining, that's one of the hilarious things about him, his shear inhability to totally 100%, without even batting an eye ask a question to a guest, stare up at the ceilling, count 1 mississippi, 2, Mississippi, then begin talking again, he is 1/2 Serious, 1/2 Showboater, he's okay, and I was watching when the interview with Savage went south, but why should Savage show any respect to any of them? he isn't even the same kind of show, Mancow is the only other host I've heard come to his defense, but when Rush was getting singled 2 months ago, Savage was the first voice to speak up, they don't gotta like each other, but for christ sakes, its not exactly in one of their interest, if another one falls!

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