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Have you ever booked your own holiday...


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If we holiday in Australia we book ourself - direct with resorts etc. because it's easy to sort out and save costs.


But, in going overseas we have always used a travel agent to arrange flights, transfers and accomodation. My wife and I are currently looking at going on holidays, hopefully to Cook Islands, and I have sent through requests to a couple of travel agents. Inbetween, I have also checked the net for prices if we were to pay direct.


I got a quote today from a travel agent and basically it's quite a bit more than if we were to book online directly. The only thing I am a little nervous about arranging the flights and transfers between airport and resort, resort to resort and then resort to airport. The accomodation is piss-easy... it's inbetween that worries me. Have any of you guys planned your own holiday overseas? Eg. Not somewhere English speaking and in the "civilised' world".

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Hell no Geoff!

Should I gather a search party and put them on stand by?


I could babysit your collection while your away. :whistle:

HAHA! You reckon the locals will eat us?


I'd just hate to book it so save some coin and it turns out to be a freakin' disaster. In which case, I'll leave you my CDs mate. ;)

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When I went to America in December I got about 6 quotes from travel agents but ended up using Orbitz online which, although in US dollars, even with the crap dollar exchange rate at the moment, worked out about $2,000 cheaper than using travel agents.


Orbitz were by far the cheapest online I could find. They do have accomodation links as well but I did my accomodation direct without using Orbitz, so don't know how well that works with transfers but might be worth checking out that site dollar wise.


Be aware though to get everything right using online sites to travel overseas ... stuffed something up with mine and it joined my midde and surname together and it was a bitch to change ... so my middle name was my surname if that makes sense :P


Had to go direct to the airline to change my name and it was total 3 hour stuff around.

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Yeah, my mum went to the US and did it direct and saved thousands too. I tell you now, if I went to the US or most places in Europe I would book it myself in a heartbeat.


It's just smaller "less organised" places like the Pacific Islands which I am nervous about. If you f*ck up times and transfers in the US or Europe (or Australia), you get a cab, or a bus, or a train and you're fixed. Having been to Fiji and Samoa (in the Pacific) and Thailand (which is similar) I reckon you'd be f*cked if you got stuck there without any transfer bookings. Firstly, you'd get ripped off ridiculously, and secondly who knows if you'd get where you want to go? I assume the Cook Islands are a lot like Samoa and Fiji and despite being stunning places, I don't think it'd be too easy to get around on your own.

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yeah true. I got stranded in Hong Kong airport for nearly a day a few years ago because I missed my transfer bus to the hotel but that was done through a travel agent so can't help you there. I finally managed to find another bus or shuttle to get me where I wanted to go but I'm pretty sure I got ripped off.


They lost my suitcase in Hong Kong as well but that's another story ha

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I never travel anywhere, so... no.

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