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The Friday Night Boys


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Yeah, I listened to the songs on Myspace and quite enjoyed them. Good stuff... sort of a SR-71 vibe to them. I think the first song was my fave.

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  • 8 months later...

Spinning the new album, 'Off The Deep End' at the moment. It is very poppy - almost bordering on Busted type of stuff at times. But I don't know, I'm liking it so far. Only up to 'Suicide Sunday' so far but that song is a f*cking cracker.

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Yeah, I was actually listening to this and their two EPs from 2008 back to back and you can even tell the difference there. They sure were no metal band on those EPs, but there was just a little more punch. 'Suicide Sunday' did end up being the best song on the disc, but I loved 'Unforget You' too.


Here's the track list:


01. Permanent Heartbreak

02. Stupid Love Letter

03. Suicide Sunday

04. Finding Me Out

05. Stuttering

06. Cant Take That Away

07. How I Met Your Mother

08. Hollow

09. The First Time (Natalie's Song)

10. Molly Makeout

11. Unforget You

12. Sorry I Stole Your Gurl


There are a few fillers here (quite a few), but the 2 noted above, 'Permanent heartbreak', 'Finding me', 'The First Time', 'Molly makeout' and 'Sorry I stole your gurl' are all pretty freakin' good.


I'd call them a lighter version of The Click Five or Forever The Sickest Kids, but nowhere near as good as FTSK.

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Love those 2 EPs. If you can get them, 'The sketch process' and 'That's what she said' (both from 2008) are worth owning if you're going to invest time in this band. The songs on those 2 are more in a SR-71 vein as opposed to the sticky sweet pop of the debut. But the best 2 songs are still on the full-length debut, imo. :)

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