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Russian edition CDs

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I'm curious as to what HH opinions are on Russian edition cds.I own several cds made in Russia and I've never had problems with any of them. I've come across an internet cd site that sells Russian made cds only.




Their prices are very good and the selection isn't bad either. I picked up 4 cds from them the other day and they seem as good as any other new cd release. I paid under $40 for all 4 and that included registered shipping. They came in sealed cases.


So what do you people think.?

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It is legal for sure despite fact that russian firms paid smaller fees (so they can charge only 9.99 for CD), but in other way....a lot of releases for instance of italian Frontiers is in diffrent content than this sold outside Russia.....one has 12 pages booklet, second only 2 pages...in my case it's a roulette...don't buy there newest Nightwish...2 pages of booklet only...like a fookin CD'R :angry:

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From what I remember reading, if the CDs are new and sealed, its actually illegal to sell them outside of Russia.

Some people, I believe, get round this by selling them as opened or used!


I might be wrong on this, but a lot of people here will know exactly what is and isnt the deal with them!

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It is legal for sure despite fact that russian firms paid smaller fees (so they can charge only 9.99 for CD), but in other way....a lot of releases for instance of italian Frontiers is in diffrent content than this sold outside Russia.....one has 12 pages booklet, second only 2 pages...in my case it's a roulette...don't buy there newest Nightwish...2 pages of booklet only...like a fookin CD'R :angry:


First of all, Russian companies never suggest retail of $9.99 but a lot less.


Second, Russian market itself is divided in two: the big cities like Moscow and St. Petersbourg where the standard of living is higher, and the rest of the country where everyone is bloody poor. So some Russian labels (CD-Maximum most notably) always print TWO editions of every release: Podarochnoe with fat booklet and sometimes glossy slipcase - intended to retail for $6-7 in the cities, and Uproschennoe with simple one-fold insert which is intended to retail for $4-5 elsewhere in the country.


And as you can bet, all those Russian smugglers which buy the CDs from the labels on wholesale (signing petition NOT to import outside CIS and then breaking it out) always prefer to buy the cheaper release so funky stores like nuclearhell will have those when possible. But then again those CDs are gray market when imported outside their designated region for sale, so you cannot really complain - you get what you pay for :P


If you want better release, dont be a shmuck - go buy the original

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It is legal for sure despite fact that russian firms paid smaller fees (so they can charge only 9.99 for CD), but in other way....a lot of releases for instance of italian Frontiers is in diffrent content than this sold outside Russia.....one has 12 pages booklet, second only 2 pages...in my case it's a roulette...don't buy there newest Nightwish...2 pages of booklet only...like a fookin CD'R :angry:


First of all, Russian companies never suggest retail of $9.99 but a lot less.


Second, Russian market itself is divided in two: the big cities like Moscow and St. Petersbourg where the standard of living is higher, and the rest of the country where everyone is bloody poor. So some Russian labels (CD-Maximum most notably) always print TWO editions of every release: Podarochnoe with fat booklet and sometimes glossy slipcase - intended to retail for $6-7 in the cities, and Uproschennoe with simple one-fold insert which is intended to retail for $4-5 elsewhere in the country.


And as you can bet, all those Russian smugglers which buy the CDs from the labels on wholesale (signing petition NOT to import outside CIS and then breaking it out) always prefer to buy the cheaper release so funky stores like nuclearhell will have those when possible. But then again those CDs are gray market when imported outside their designated region for sale, so you cannot really complain - you get what you pay for :P


If you want better release, dont be a shmuck - go buy the original




Well the 4 cds that I just picked up from Nuclearhell all had full booklets, (8, 12,12,16 pages). So if I'm hearing you correctly, I received pretty much the same releases that I would have got if I had bought them outside if the Russian region.....at a fraction of the cost......not a bad deal.... :whistle:

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I received pretty much the same releases that I would have got if I had bought them outside if the Russian region.....at a fraction of the cost......not a bad deal.... :whistle:


Except for the artists.


I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the reason CDs are available so cheaply within Russia (or insert republic here) is that the labels are willing to take a lower percentage/royalty, under the understanding that those CDs are sold ONLY within the countries in question, because of the lower standard of living there. The idea (theoretically) is that by lowering the price of the CDs, people in countries with lower standards of living can still be exposed to the music.


When people export them outside the region in question, the labels and artists are getting screwed.


As with anything altruistic in this world, there's always someone waiting to step in and manipulate it for their own gain...



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I received pretty much the same releases that I would have got if I had bought them outside if the Russian region.....at a fraction of the cost......not a bad deal.... :whistle:


Except for the artists.


I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the reason CDs are available so cheaply within Russia (or insert republic here) is that the labels are willing to take a lower percentage/royalty, under the understanding that those CDs are sold ONLY within the countries in question, because of the lower standard of living there. The idea (theoretically) is that by lowering the price of the CDs, people in countries with lower standards of living can still be exposed to the music.


When people export them outside the region in question, the labels and artists are getting screwed.


As with anything altruistic in this world, there's always someone waiting to step in and manipulate it for their own gain...






I understand and agree with your point Dan....but if I had not bought these Russian region cds I would have instead waited until I could pick them up on Ebay for approximately the same price and that would not have put any money into the artists pockets at all. At least this way they do get some benefit.


If we truly cared about the labels and artists getting every single dollar possible, no one would own an unofficial cdr , or make MP3s , or trade music , Ebay wouldn't be allowed to sell cds and the labels could set whatever price the market could bear....and yes I know we can all come up with justifications for everything I just listed but they would still be excuses. Lets not forget that the labels have only lately dropped the prices of cds (still not enough IMO) because of competition from the sources previously mentioned....

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If we truly cared about the labels and artists getting every single dollar possible, no one would own an unofficial cdr , or make MP3s , or trade music , Ebay wouldn't be allowed to sell cds and the labels could set whatever price the market could bear....


Sorry man, in my opinion you are extending your "logic" to some rather ridiculous extremes.


Ignoring of licensing agreements and restrictions when it's financially expedient is the same reasoning that bootleggers use.


Note: I'm not critcizing consumers who choose to purchase this way, but I would hope that the authorities would shut down the sellers who are circumventing licensing agreements.


In short, buy from whomever you want. I just wish the authorities would shut some of these places down, for the benefit of the artists involved.


Of course, an argument could be made: "Well if the labels can afford to sell the CDs for $xxx in the Russian Republics, why aren't they selling them for that rate worldwide? Are they gouging elsewhere?"



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Well the 4 cds that I just picked up from Nuclearhell all had full booklets, (8, 12,12,16 pages). So if I'm hearing you correctly, I received pretty much the same releases that I would have got if I had bought them outside if the Russian region.....at a fraction of the cost......not a bad deal.... :whistle:


Good for you. I just wanted to be informative and let people like vandervelde know why they should not be picky.

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ive bought from nuclear hell several times. the quality of the products has always been excellent. i dont understand enough about the legal issues, but i dont think they are boots. They look legit.


No, they are not bootlegs. There just only intended to be sold within Russia, that's all...



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ive bought from nuclear hell several times. the quality of the products has always been excellent. i dont understand enough about the legal issues, but i dont think they are boots. They look legit.


No, they are not bootlegs. There just only intended to be sold within Russia, that's all...




so does that mean i should feel bad for buying? or was your point that the seller should be the one feeling bad?


Nuclear Hell has been good to Geoff and i as its impossible to get this music in Australia, and if we go elsewhere overseas the prices are massive to get them shipped here.

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ive bought from nuclear hell several times. the quality of the products has always been excellent. i dont understand enough about the legal issues, but i dont think they are boots. They look legit.


No, they are not bootlegs. There just only intended to be sold within Russia, that's all...




so does that mean i should feel bad for buying? or was your point that the seller should be the one feeling bad?


Nuclear Hell has been good to Geoff and i as its impossible to get this music in Australia, and if we go elsewhere overseas the prices are massive to get them shipped here.



You're missing the entire point. These are meant for sale in RUSSIA only. People are finding loopholes to sell them on ebay. They get them cheap as hell and make more profit when they sell them on ebay

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Well I can see both sides of this issue. However most people are going to buy a product where they can get the best quality for the best price which is why China has a HUGE trade imbalance with North America and there are so many manufacturing jobs lost here every year. (Yes big surprise, people are selfish).


I personally feel no guilt is purchasing Russian cds. The whole point of this thread was to find out if anyone has a problem with the quality of these releases not to play music industry politics. I guess the bottom line for people is buy if you want to save some cash or not if it's against your principles....

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The whole point of this thread was to find out if anyone has a problem with the quality of these releases not to play music industry politics.


Excuse me? No one is trying to make you feel guilty, just pointing out the FACT that when you buy these Russian discs, the artists make less than if you purchased a CD intended for distribution in this country. When you inquire about "Russian CDs" and people are extolling their cheap price, I think that people also need to be aware that there is a reason for that cheap price.


If you want to classify that as "music industry politics" and don't want to be troubled with all the facts, then feel free not to post here.


My patience is at an end. Thread closed.



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