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Everything posted by cook_jaime

  1. I've added a traders page to my site to rate my experiences with each trader I've dealt with. If you're interested, feel free to check it out before making a trade. Also, if I've missed you please let me know.
  2. Star Star - The Love Drag Years Jason Bieler - Houston We Have A Problem
  3. Is this an old post??? This could have been from 1990??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ?.... What are you getting at? Don't you like any of those chics? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I like them all. They were probably all in my top 5 at one point a few years ago. Just giving you a hard time.
  4. Is this an old post??? This could have been from 1990???
  5. Looks like some of them are imports. In particular, the Cats in Boots CD has some asian printing on it. But you're right, you can get that Jailhouse cd anywhere for under $3 new. Don't know about the Leps.
  6. Listening to The Loving Dead - Do It Again. LV KIX turned me onto these guys and they rock. I had never heard of them. Highly recommended!
  7. I'm 90 minutes from Red Lion, PA. 90 miles would take me about 5 minutes if he screwed me over!!!
  8. I'm working on a trade with him right now. Seems like a good guy though. I should be getting my cds any day now so I'll let you know.
  9. We should set up goon squads in each state/country to beat the crap out of people like that.
  10. From Princeton Record Exchange today: Winger - In the Heart of the Young - $1.99 Aerosmith - S/T - $3.99
  11. weird...I may have to check them out then
  12. I lived in MD most of my life and never heard of them.
  13. Anyone else think Rachel Ray is hot???
  14. A little Poison reference???? Very nice.
  15. I do stay up to watch The Ultimate Fighter every Monday night though. And Joe Schmo was great!
  16. Thanks for the heads up. Keep us posted if you ever hear from them.
  17. I'll go with Saving Silverman and any of the LOTR movies. I just don't get them.
  18. Thanks. Although I don't own a tux, so does it have to be formal? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, it's formal. Don't worry though...I have a tux you can have. I was planning on wearing it to the Eagles Super Bowl celebration party today......
  19. What's this "beer" you speak of so fondly???
  20. My cds arrived from Satch and I'd like to formally add him to my list of great traders!
  21. Hey Dan - Do you have the ability to block IP addresses so he can't just create a new username?
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