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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. I went with Hungry because of the song 'Off To The Sun' which is amazing. Their debut album is great as well... But you forgot to mention their very first EP, released in France (vinyl) a looong time ago (Ok, I have to admit this is not an essential release).



    1. Straight In The Night

    2. Only Get You On The Phone

    3. Connected To You

    4. Slow Me Down





    They were on the USA version of Take what you want...live also. I prefer the Japan version of the cd because it has four newer songs as the bonus tracks. I didn't care for these songs at all...very cheesy imo.




  2. Vain's 'No Respect' is one of my favorite albums of all time.


    I love the Crashdiet cd but it pales in comparison IMO.



    I agree with Wes. No Respect may be the best glam rock cd EVER!





    This might be the first time we agree on something Jarred. :)




    Nah, but it might be the last :P

  3. 6....6.....6......THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST......HELL AND FIRE WAS SPAWNED TO RELEASED!!!! :headbanger:


    # of the Beast is not only the greatest Maiden album, but you could argue that it is the greatest Metal album ever.



    1. Number of the Beast

    2. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

    3. Piece of Mind

    4. Brave New World

    5. Powerslave

    6. Somewhere in Time

    7. A Matter of Life and Death

    8. Dance of Death

    9. Killers

    10.Iron Maiden

    11.Fear of the Dark

    12.No Prayer for the Dying

    13.Virtual XI

    14.X Factor




    Wes, take Brave New World out of there & replace it with Somewhere in time and we are identical in opinion! :drink:

  4. Yea ok I agree, Unmasked is not Kiss's finest album,. not by a LONG shot.... But, it WAS the very first album I ever heard by Kiss, SO it's got a special place in My metal heart....*S*



    If this album has anyplace in your heart than your heart really isn't that METAL. ;):lol:





    Man, I haven't slapped anybody today but I can feel it comin on :axe:



    Let's keep in mind Wes, at least I am not jamming to Winger's brilliant album "IV" :P and you make fun of me bro? Unmasked is not my favorite Kiss album, but I do really like it. To be honest, I can't really say I totally dislike any of their albums though. Just a big 'ol Kiss fan I guess :P






    Winger IV is much much heavier than Unmasked.

    For the record I've never said I hated this album, it's just one of my least favorite Kiss albums, hell I even give a spin every once in a while.

    They've released 18 studio albums and I love almost every single one of them but there are a few that I just don't like as much as the rest.


    One more point: When was I making fun of you Jarred?




    Oh come on now Wes..all the Unmasked swipes you have been taking at me... :P It's all good though...one brother to another :)


    One More Point: Heavier doesn't always = better :)



  5. Yea ok I agree, Unmasked is not Kiss's finest album,. not by a LONG shot.... But, it WAS the very first album I ever heard by Kiss, SO it's got a special place in My metal heart....*S*



    If this album has anyplace in your heart than your heart really isn't that METAL. ;):lol:





    Man, I haven't slapped anybody today but I can feel it comin on :axe:



    Let's keep in mind Wes, at least I am not jamming to Winger's brilliant album "IV" :P and you make fun of me bro? Unmasked is not my favorite Kiss album, but I do really like it. To be honest, I can't really say I totally dislike any of their albums though. Just a big 'ol Kiss fan I guess :P




  6. Haven't heard this Kiss CD in years - I remember it sucking the few times I heard it. I picked "Hide Your Heart"


    Same here.


    I have to agree with Keith on this disc...it sucks pretty bad.




    Bob, if you like Crazy Nights, then give this one another spin. I LOVE this cd. I especially like Gene's songs (Betrayed, Somewhere between heaven & hell, The Street Giveth, etc). Give it another try my friend! Don't tell anybody but Keith has lost his mind :P




  7. Sure as shit this is Lonnie's auction:




    It just screams it, same town, new seller, uses all caps. Family store my ass. Same CDs that he commonly sells. I'd be pissed as hell if I were out any money and this little fuck is still around spending it, I'd certainly consider a road trip to pay a little visit. Does he think we are that stupid? What an asshole.



    Wow, check out the pool table he bought with our money...it's in the third pic on the auction.



    You're such a dickwad Lonnie...I wouldn't wipe the jizz out of your mom's crack when I got done you fuck!




  8. God damn, another Hurricane tibacle. I purchased a copy of Take What You Want from Sam last December...I'll have to check it out when I get home. I swear to Christ if it's a boot...heads will fucking roll...if I find out I spent $80 on a fuckin' boot I will flip, I'm going to want to know where Sam got these copies from. Let's just say the authorities will be involved ASAP!!!!


    I'm sure it isn't, Sam seems pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. I will check just to be sure.


    I just checked my copy and it says Discovery on the inside of mine...so I think I'm good.


    Unfortunately, that isn't the litmus test for this cd...both my boots had that on it as well... :angry:



    Matt / Jarred,


    What particular things should we all be looking for as far as identifying these Hurricane boots? Is there any noticable difference in the CD itself between an original & the boot, or is it strictly down to inferior artwork?







    The one thing I remember about Matt's that made it obvious is the back part of the front insert. Very unclear and shitty looking. Plus like he said, it smelled very new for being 20+ years old. Hope that helps...





    On the "Take What You Want" that I have the only letters on the clear inner ring are "CSR" with letters/numbers on the silver on the disc "25XB-308" which is readable from both sides. I don't see any other letters/numbers on or near the inner ring. I hope this helps some! :drink:




    The 25XD is a Japanese copy.





    Every Hurricane cd I have sold is the real deal......and that amounts to about 10 in 7 years.




    Sam, not to start a pissing war but I know this statement isn't true. I'm not saying you sold fakes, but you had a Hurricane cd up for auction almost every week there for a while.




  9. I am not even going to get into all this crazy stuff with you people. You people are all about some conspiracy theories. My brother in law works at Ford of West Memphis , which is in a different town. About 60 south actually. I tell you what, I have nothing to do with any of this stuff and do not appreciate any of you insinuating that I do. What is funny to me, after reading through alot of these posts tonight, this Lonnie person works for Blytheville Ford, yet you say the ip address is Ford of West Memphis. 2 different dealerships in 2 different towns. I hope you got the special decoder ring with that junior detective kit out of the cereal box, because your not doing so hot deputy dog. I don't know why I am bothering it's not like I have to prove anything here. So whatever.




    Your posts sound an awful lot like Lovid also. Please. just go away......

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