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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. WOW - no one else agrees with me :unsure:


    I thought the drums were just awful sounding


    I raley have to mess with my EQ, however with Reborn I must.


    I love the songs, it just that the "raw" sound didn't do it for me.


    I know I'm not the only one, as I remember when Reborn came out production was a big complaint/concern. In fact, if memory serves correctly, Michael even responded in the Styrper forums as to why the production, or lack there of, sounded the way it did, by choice.


    Either way its all up to individual ears to determine for themselves :banger:


    Still can't wait for the new stuff!


    "Raw" sound?? are you sure you are listening to Reborn...


    im pretty sure its got the most polished sound out of all the Stryper albums.


    Yep, it's as polished as IGWT but more balls. I don't see the debate.


    I disagree, Reborn has all the levels pushed too high as is typical with a lot of music in the last few years. levels and compression are pushed far higher in production than they ever used to be. Dynnamic reange is completely lost.

    Take a read on this







    Okay, yeah...you are getting a little too serious for me :)

  2. WOW - no one else agrees with me :unsure:


    I thought the drums were just awful sounding


    I raley have to mess with my EQ, however with Reborn I must.


    I love the songs, it just that the "raw" sound didn't do it for me.


    I know I'm not the only one, as I remember when Reborn came out production was a big complaint/concern. In fact, if memory serves correctly, Michael even responded in the Styrper forums as to why the production, or lack there of, sounded the way it did, by choice.


    Either way its all up to individual ears to determine for themselves :banger:


    Still can't wait for the new stuff!


    "Raw" sound?? are you sure you are listening to Reborn...


    im pretty sure its got the most polished sound out of all the Stryper albums.


    Yep, it's as polished as IGWT but more balls. I don't see the debate.

  3. The biggest problem I had with Reborn was the production. Plain and simple it was weak and the drums sounded like crap!

    The songs themselves were fantastic! It took me a while to get into the Reborn because of the production


    According to Michael the new album will be closer to the classic Stryper sound....SWEET! :headbanger:


    Can't wait!



    I hate to do this to you on your first post & all but I thought the production & drums were great. I just think they alienated their fans a bit with the direction. But I never had a problem with the sound.

  4. Would be KILLER! Why 2009 though?


    I suggested that just so I could start recouping some $$$ after a long lay off... Figured by summer of 09 should be in the $ again and ample to time to finalize all the details.





    Okay, makes sense. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! Should be awesome!

  5. As I said in another thread re. Aldo Nova, 'Blood On The Bricks' is a great disc for sure, but purely down to the fact that it sounds more like a Bon Jovi style disc and a lot more generic than his immaculate catalogue before, it comes in a lowly 4th place in his discography for me. Brilliant, talented Solo artist though and superb live - saw him blow off Blue Oyster Cult when he suported on his 'Subject' release - still THE best support act I have ever seen live, and a damn shame he never toured the UK as a headline act.

    I’d slot ‘Blood on the bricks’ into 2nd place, just behind the delicious ‘Twitch’ album. That one is excellent. I like ‘Subject’ too but his debut was pretty horrid, imo. Aside from ‘Foolin’ or something similar in name.




    Just to show Geoff & I don't agree on EVERYTHING :)



    The only two cd's I like from Nova are Blood & the S/T CD. The rest....ehh.

  6. I never heard the entire cd but the three singles/videos were awesome.


    I have the videos on some vhs with the title-track, Someday and Medicine Man.

    I'm not sure why I never picked up the cd(of course it would of been cassette for me back then).


    I did recently pick up Aldo Nova's portrait of cd, which I think just had songs from the first two albums.

    Besides "Fantasy" I couldn't really get into any other songs.





    Wes, this is as essential as it gets! One of my fave top 50 of all time! Getcha a copy and make sure it has the Japan bonus track too. I can't say enough about this album...

  7. Along those lines, anyone remember Terrible Ted's?


    I remember buying the bootleg of Poison's Crack a Smile from them when it first became available. It was remarkable for its time because (1) everyone wanted it, and (2) for a bootleg, it looked and sounded GOOD. Very unusual for the day...








    Bought that same cd from Ted Dan. It was amazing for beck then. 1996 I believe it was suppose to come out. Maybe 1997 when I bought it from him.

  8. Yep, I gave them a bunch of money back in the day. I think they still have a website? I remember when they tried the Pulse Records thing too.



    Wasn't Impulse Records that had the Pulse Records?

    They released the Monster cd and a few others including the band 'Speed' I think.





    Yeah, that's right. Got my wires crossed. :crazy:



    I believe the first Moon Doc was on there too & maybe Victory's Voiceprint? Can't remember...

  9. King of the Hill - 'I Do You'.



    Good LORD... After years of trying, I had finally managed to forget that this band had ever existed and then you gotta get this damn song stuck in my f**kin head again. Thanks a LOT, Brother Wes. :puke:


    In other words... not a fan.



    Glad to be of service. ;)


    Yea, thanks a lot. These guys were SUCH weenies...they made Extreme look like Cannibal Corpse.



    Negative...both cd's are excellent imo. Especially the debut...


    Negative to that negative. I stand by my previous statement. WEENIES.




    Negative to your negative, to my negative & back to your....ehh..You know.... :hammer::headbanger:


    To use your phrase.... STAND DOWN SIR!!!! :bigboom:




    Can't you two get along? :whistle:



    At least both of you enjoy Kiss' Unmasked cd..........................oh wait a minute no you don't. :whistle:




    Not all of us have good taste. He can't help it.....




    Kidding bud, love ya man! :beerbang:

  10. King of the Hill - 'I Do You'.



    Good LORD... After years of trying, I had finally managed to forget that this band had ever existed and then you gotta get this damn song stuck in my f**kin head again. Thanks a LOT, Brother Wes. :puke:


    In other words... not a fan.



    Glad to be of service. ;)


    Yea, thanks a lot. These guys were SUCH weenies...they made Extreme look like Cannibal Corpse.



    Negative...both cd's are excellent imo. Especially the debut...


    Negative to that negative. I stand by my previous statement. WEENIES.




    Negative to your negative, to my negative & back to your....ehh..You know.... :hammer::headbanger:

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