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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Glamstealer09.... so nice of you to join us. I find it veeeeeery interesting that when you signed up for these forums, the IP address you signed up from originated at: fowm.fordofwestmemphis.com


    Hmmm....doesn't everyone's buddy Lon work for a Ford dealership?


    To all you folks who wonder where Lon may have moved to, here ya go:





    Ahh shit..it's one of the Carlos brothers! :)





  2. All Hurricane cd's I had were legit. And the original Hurricane cd's DO have "made by Discovery systems" on the inner ring. Please do your homework.


    Well, this one that passed through your hands IS a boot...no doubt about it...it's been confirmed by more than one person. Did all the others you sold have that "fresh from the factory" smell, cause this one sure did. And I never said that the real ones didn't say "made by Discovery systems", did I? It would be easy enough to duplicate that from the original as well, wouldn't it...that was my point.




    I don't remember exactly where the first won Matt got came from but he shipped it to me and I knew it was a boot as soon as I saw it. If this one is the same, it's a boot. I wish people would cut this shit out. I can see why you are getting frustrated Matt...



  3. any notice about refunds?



    It's now a dead issue I believe. There will be no more refunds....






    But hopefully those involved will file complaints and see their complaints get a good follow-up by the authorities.



    Well yeah, hopefully you filed a complaint 2 months ago. I just wouldn't expect any money anytime soon or at all for that matter. I hope I am wrong...



  4. I was one of the people who had been very vocal about this and I am still pissed but I think everything that can be said has been said. I'm just burnt on the whole thing. I would piss on the guy if he was on fire...





    You would or wouldn't piss on him?


    Ypu realise by pissing on him when he's on fire it would put out the flames!




    :rofl2: Yeah I fucked that one up....but now that I think about it. He'd been on fire, so that's pretty bad....then you are covered in someone else's urine? Now that's even better! :drink:



  5. I sent Lonnie a PM this morning asking for a status update. Looking at his profile, he hasn't been active here on the board since yesterday morning.


    Has anyone here received a refund since Wedesday?


    Bottom line is that there is nothing I can do to force Lonnie to come through on his promises. The only thing I can do is ban him, which would do nothing but decrease communication options for those of you still hoping for refunds.


    I am, however, removing any restriction on what people want to post in this thread. There have been far too many promises and delays. I just request that any discussion be kept to this thread.


    If the refunds don't come through, I will compose a summary of this thread and it will become a permanant sticky to this portion of the forum so people know not to buy/sell/trade with him again and new members are adequately warned.






    So is now a good time to call him a cocksucker? :)





    Damn, you go right to the point don't you :P





    You know it brother ;)



  6. I sent Lonnie a PM this morning asking for a status update. Looking at his profile, he hasn't been active here on the board since yesterday morning.


    Has anyone here received a refund since Wedesday?


    Bottom line is that there is nothing I can do to force Lonnie to come through on his promises. The only thing I can do is ban him, which would do nothing but decrease communication options for those of you still hoping for refunds.


    I am, however, removing any restriction on what people want to post in this thread. There have been far too many promises and delays. I just request that any discussion be kept to this thread.


    If the refunds don't come through, I will compose a summary of this thread and it will become a permanant sticky to this portion of the forum so people know not to buy/sell/trade with him again and new members are adequately warned.






    So is now a good time to call him a cocksucker? :)




  7. Reading another thread reminded me of a little trick I discovered. One of my KIX CDs got a major scratch somehow and one song wouldn't play without skipping... I had a couple copies...so no big deal. I just couldn't bring myself to trash the CD so I tried something, which to my surprise, cured this problem. I put a couple of drops of my wife's CONTACT LENSE SOLUTION on the disc and carefully wiped the CD. I looked at the CD and I couldn't see the scratch at all. Put it in the CD player and it was as good as new. So... I had to test this again.


    Years ago I found a copy of "Master Of Puppets" which I'm guessing someone chucked out of a car... I found it, case and inserts, in a parking lot. I saved it for the inserts. The thing was totally messed up and just about every song was effected. I again put a few drops of CONTACT LENSE SOLUTION on the CD and wiped it clean. It still had a few little marks on it, but when I put it in the player the whole thing played all the way through.


    Not sure why I didn't remember to share this with everyone sooner... but I have now. I'm not saying it will work 100% of the time but it has worked everytime I have done it over the last 3 or 4 years. Give it a try, it seems to really clean up a CD. Especially works for minor scuffs... makes a CD look new.


    Caution: Try at own risk. :)




    Very strange but who cares if it works! :P Oh yeah, and whoever threw that Metallica cd out the window should be shot! :blink::P




  8. the debut flame cd is one of the best indepedant melodic hard rock releases around! then, came the 2nd album, unsure what happened, maybe it's having 1 less member in the band than on the 1st album played a big part but the 2nd release just plain sucks!




    Are you crazy? While I agree the first cd is better, the second one is also excellent. Not as raw and hard, but still a very solid effort.




  9. Wow! Lots happening today...looks like from what I read Lonnie is not at fault again & wants all these bad things taken off the website. LOL!!! wow, that's funny. Yeah, I don't blame you. I wouldn't want anyone else to know I was a crook either. <_<



    As for Paypal...as much as I don't want to side with him I have to believe that Lonnie didn't file claims. I only have my last experience with him as a buyer as an example. I always send things that can be tracked, especially in the US because it's cheap for delivery confirmation. Lonnie had won a white lion cd from me and paid promptly as he always did. I sent it out delivery confirmation as always and that was the end of that...or so I thought.


    I got an e-mail a few weeks ago from Paypal wanting proof I sent the cd or they would take back the funds he paid me with. So I sent them the confirmation number and they unfroze my funds from him. Anyone who gets this e-mail from Paypal just needs to send them the confirmation number. If you didn't send it with a tracking number, then you're an idiot but that's besides the point. You have to protect yourself always...it's been said on here time & time again.


    My point is that Lonnie would have seen that the package had a confirmation number on it when he received it. So why waste your time filing a claim? I really think Paypal initiated all these claims. I guess it's a way to get their money back.


    I'm not hopping in the shower with Lonnie here because I still think he's a snake but it wouldn't make sense to me. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.




    These packages were sent without delivery confirmation. In ten years of sending 50-100 packages a day I've only had a couple not arrive to US destinations and it's cheaper for me to eat the cost of those and replace them rather than pay fifty or sixty cents a package for delivery confirmation on every single one). However, this experience might make me change my mind about that.




    You shouldn't have to eat anything. You make it part of your shipping costs so the customer pays for it. I have been that through Ebay for years and have never had a complaint. The only people who bitch about it are the one's out to screw you over.


    I hope you get your money back my friend...



  10. Wow! Lots happening today...looks like from what I read Lonnie is not at fault again & wants all these bad things taken off the website. LOL!!! wow, that's funny. Yeah, I don't blame you. I wouldn't want anyone else to know I was a crook either. <_<



    As for Paypal...as much as I don't want to side with him I have to believe that Lonnie didn't file claims. I only have my last experience with him as a buyer as an example. I always send things that can be tracked, especially in the US because it's cheap for delivery confirmation. Lonnie had won a white lion cd from me and paid promptly as he always did. I sent it out delivery confirmation as always and that was the end of that...or so I thought.


    I got an e-mail a few weeks ago from Paypal wanting proof I sent the cd or they would take back the funds he paid me with. So I sent them the confirmation number and they unfroze my funds from him. Anyone who gets this e-mail from Paypal just needs to send them the confirmation number. If you didn't send it with a tracking number, then you're an idiot but that's besides the point. You have to protect yourself always...it's been said on here time & time again.


    My point is that Lonnie would have seen that the package had a confirmation number on it when he received it. So why waste your time filing a claim? I really think Paypal initiated all these claims. I guess it's a way to get their money back.


    I'm not hopping in the shower with Lonnie here because I still think he's a snake but it wouldn't make sense to me. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.



  11. Yes, I am exigent. I hate injustice. I am losing a lot of money. I can threat to make a complaint to the american authorities, I have my rights. These are the "threats", he is distorting the facts. What he is doing is crime. Now he tries to show me as an egoist.


    You can judge who is telling the truth: lies, no refund, no proofs, detained package (an impossible request), etc.


    I decided that I will not post here not even email Lonnie until the next monday, more than 10 days after the date he asked the loan...so he will not protest...I will not give him another reason to get more time....then we will see if he will be honest or not.


    Adriano has every right to be pissed as hell, I would be and I'd probably be sending you emails every day as well. Even if we all believed that the "Blues Brothers" or whoever were behind the Hurricane fiasco (which I'm sure noone does), what you did to Adriano and the poor sap who bought the Lawrence Archer CD from you on ebay was completely separate from that. You basically just straight up rip them off. That was all 100% you. If you don't want threats then here is an idea, DON'T RIP PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR MONEY!!!! I don't think they owe you the courtesy of being polite anymore. You made your bed so freaking sleep in it. Don't you get that. Man I wasn't going to post on this thread anymore but give us a break!




    I would echo this exactly......



  12. Hey Jarred,


    I wouldn't worry about this assclown, although I recently reported Arwine's new ID and it's still active.


    I had psycho like this once bid on a John Schneider cd, yep! a country cd from Luke Duke of the Dukes Of Hazzard. To say the least the bidder was an obsessive John Schneider fan. After 1 month, over 30 e-mails from her asking me to be her friend and telling me I'm cool, she never paid, so I reported her and left her a neg. She turned around and left me one as well, she called me an idiot or something of the sort in the feedback. I wrote to Ebay and said the feedback was not constructive and had nothing to do with transaction.


    I saw what this loser left you for feedback and trust me YOU SUCK!!! has nothing to do with the transaction and is a vulgar and unecessary comment. I'd write to Ebay and tell them about the feedback you received and how it is unfair, unwarranted and is simply a personal attack. I bet you it will get removed as will this newby.


    Cheers, Dave




    Thanks for the kind words & advice dave. I sent them an e-mail and I guess we'll see what they do. I work very hard to keep my feedback right and this assclown just left me 6 negative feedbacks of YOU SUCK!!!.


    Anyone have any idea why someone would do this? The account has been open but not used since the middle of 2006 & he waits for me to use it in a bad way? I just don't get it...



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