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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. All I know is I'm getting drunk at the party Saturday!


    Me too. :tumbsup:


    By the way when you get real drunk I'm gonna take horrible pics of you and post them here so everyone will laugh at you. :beerbang:





    That's okay...I tell everyone you said Def Leppard's X is your fave of all time. :nyanya:

  2. Left for Dead were pretty terrible, weren't they? I forgot about the Trouble Tribe connection.


    I think we discussed Trouble Tribe recently, but I agree they were a great band. After seeing the cover when I bought this album at Hornsby Cash Converters I was a little worried. The naked lady was awesome, but I thought the green circles meant there would be some weird psychadelic twist or something. I was blown away when stuff like the flawless 'Here comes trouble', 'In the end', 'Red light zone' and 'One by one' hit me with a wall of melodic hard rock bliss. Great disc.




    This band is awesome! The cd rocked & was one that I played like crazy back in the day. Geoff, are you the one digging up all these old threads?



  3. Hit The Lights

    Fight Fire With Fire



    Enter Sandman


    Hmmm... for me it's the first track from each album... interesting...

    I wasn't sure about the black album (which I don't like), but Enter Sandman is one of the better tracks on it...





    You don't like the Black album???





    I don't... Is it THAT funny? :)




    Yes...I am still laughting :)

  4. Well i'd pick "Smoke This" over "Piece Of Mind" any day!


    Picking Lynch Mob over Iron Maiden is sad sad stuff.


    Now Wicked Sensation by Lynch Mob is better than anything Bon Jovi has ever done.





    Not just to stir the shit cause I like Iron Maiden a lot...but I would take the first two Lynch Mob CD's over any of Maidens....(Oh shit, I can hear Fat Freddy stomping towards me as we speak :)

  5. This CD is NOT better than BJ but is miles ahead better than Blue Tears. I am in total disagreement with most...this album is fantastic!

    :blink: Did you just say that Blonz is better than Blue Tears? Blasphemy! You & I can no longer be friends.


    I've just heard the Blue Tears debut and it is a good album, but it sounds like they could of been Bon Jovi B-sides.

    Maybe I need to spin it again but from what I remember I think I might like the Blonz a little better. :anon:



    No need to hide...the comment is right on. Blue Tears first cd is over produced & sounds terrible. Their other cd's are just awful...plain awful. Sorry but that's how I feel...

  6. ....these tools don't have a f**king clue what "MINT" condition is!... lucky they're in Canada.---F**king idiots !!!! --




    If you are talking about Tony I might have to get offended. I realize there have been some issues with PJ but if you are including Tony in the group of "tools" you mention you are way out of line. I don't believe I have ever heard a single person say anything negative about him. If you are going to trash someone, at least be accurate.

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