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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. King of the Hill - 'I Do You'.



    Good LORD... After years of trying, I had finally managed to forget that this band had ever existed and then you gotta get this damn song stuck in my f**kin head again. Thanks a LOT, Brother Wes. :puke:


    In other words... not a fan.



    Glad to be of service. ;)


    Yea, thanks a lot. These guys were SUCH weenies...they made Extreme look like Cannibal Corpse.



    Negative...both cd's are excellent imo. Especially the debut...

  2. I actually enjoy these shows a lot. Trashy, pointless, filled with morons and stupid as hell, but great entertaining TV, imo. I find them very enjoyable to watch.


    That said, probably 5-10% of these types of shows actually air on free-to-air TV in Australia. So I never have and never will see this show. BUT, even as a non-watcher one thing points out at me...


    If this girl was with a dude all the time, I think it's Bret who pwned them both, not the other way round. Having seen dozens of these types of shows, it takes a lot more than a pat on the shoulder to actually "win" the things. Based on previous shows, I'd bet Mr Michaels probably had sex with her, if not everything else but.


    So, while to him she's just another notch on what I'm sure is a rather plentiful bedpost, what has she gained for herself that she is apparently so proud of?


    And what's her boyfriend mouthing off about? His girlfriend has just been on national TV being manhandled by Bret Michaels for all the world to see. Yeah, he's definitely got one up on Bret Michaels.


    BTW, Bret Michaels actually agreeing to do a show like this took about a dozen rungs off his ladder of awesomeness for me personally.





    Backed 100%

  3. bitch is making Bret look bad.


    Oh puh-leeeeeeze. Bret made HIMSELF look bad simply by agreeing to be in that train-wreck show in the first place!


    Kinda figured this show had to be B.S. cuz VH1 recently announced that they're auditioning girls for Season II already. So much for Bret "finding his true love"




    I disagree 100%. I watched every episode & LOVE this show! Can't wait for the next one!





    Edit Update:


    Okay after seeing the vidz, this article is a bit off. IOt sounded like to me that during the six months they were apart that she met someone else & she wouldn't leave him for Bret. She didn't say anything else implying she had a boyfriend all along. Did I miss something?

  4. Reason is two-fold...number one, it's real close to my anniversay & my wife would have my nuts in a vice if I chose the concert over doing something special with her. Secondly, I've got a serious problem with flying. I know, I'm a pussy... :anon:




    The wifey thing is understandable. As for flying...grow some nuts...





  5. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the show. I've spoken with Dan & he's going to decide what to do/who gets the tickets. I'd really like to see the show & put some faces with the names of some good friends I've made here at the board. I still owe you one Jarred for the help with the Hurricane fiasco... :drink:




    Bummer...how come you can't go?

  6. aw don't you know how to be happy? I may be new but that's ok because I don't plan on spending all my time in fantasy world like you do. Please reply to other peoples posts and stay away from mine. Now go and be happy and sniff some glue, no one cares how long you been wasting your life away on the message boards. make a post and maybe somebody will come and give you some attention. It's obvious by your actions that you are a child. (oops I made another assumption) I forgot it's not allowed here.




    Just a helpful suggestion for you...get more than 11 posts before you post in this manner. In fact, don't post in this manner...ever. Most everyone on here are friends & back one another. If you would like to make friends, try a different way as opposed to what you are doing.

  7. Wow, sometimes I'm a dickhead, but I hope it's worth it. If not, I'm blaming Jarred. :P Either way, I just bought a copy too. I had to. They started out as a Poison cover band, they look the part, the AUD/USD exchange rate still rules... Jarred said there's no fillers... I had to get it. Thanks for the heads up, Mike. I hope this is good. (No soundbytes here at work to listen on either).





    I think you'll like it bro.



    And we are all dickhead's every once in a while... :P


    One of Bon Jovi's recent shows was in Puerto Rico (sans Sambora). Pictures from the show can be seen at: www.coliseodepuertorico.com/Events/Photos.aspx?id=103.

    The set list from the show was: Livin' On A Prayer, You Give Love A Bad Name, Lost Highway, Whole Lot Of Leaving, Runaway, Born To Be My Baby, It's My Life, (You Want To) Make A Memory, I Love This Town, We Got It Going On, Who Says You Can't Go Home, I'll Sleep When I'm Dead, Bad Medicine/Shout, Any Other Day, Someday I'll Be Saturday Night, Hallelujah, The Last Night, Wanted Dead Or Alive.

    The band's new album Lost Highway will make it's US debut at #1 with 285,300 units sold.

  9. If they had continued to release Slippery when wet and New Jersey style albums, they wouldnt have a career like they have now, so who are we to judge?



    I agree, but it's obvious they're thrown out a big F**K YOU to all of their 1986 fans in favor of the new-breeders. I hope for Jon's sake these new fans are buying their 30th. copy of Lost Highway in 20 years like I've done with Slippery. Thanks for the middle finger, Jon, I appreciate it. :)




    I disagree. In order to last as long as they have, you have to change with the times. Otherwise, you lose most of your fans...

  10. I'm defo gonna get this straight away as I do like all their CDs except the one I already mentioned!

    I wouldnt say they have "lost it", they have just adapted with time and still continue to have massive selling albums.

    Doesnt sound like a band that have "lost it".


    If they had continued to release Slippery when wet and New Jersey style albums, they wouldnt have a career like they have now, so who are we to judge?




    I agree Captain but we are the minority on here...

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