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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Dan/Jarred/jim


    No arrogance or anything else.....I have explained things how they honestly went, if you chose to believe it fine, if not fine. I am not here looking for forgiveness. But as it has been said many times, everyone wanted to know the whole story. And now you have it. Dan i am notgoing to "man up" and admit to something that is not true. I am not the one who was behind it. Jarred-like i said i am not asking for your forgivness or for you to look the other way. and jim-my reponse was not meant to be arrogant, but it was honest.....so like i said this it done, i am taking care of everyone getting their money back, then i am gone from here. this is my last post on this, i have explained all i can, now i am going to make it right.





    Please answer these questions directly..


    1. Pertaining to Adriano's cd's - are you saying he is the liar?


    2. $611 cd sold on Ebay that was never sent


    3. Countless & countless posts from people claiming not receiving items promised other than Hurricane


    4. Were you in the damn hospital or not?


    5. Are we suppose to believe that you just assumed your luck was so good as a first time label to sign such acts as Hurricane, Billy Squier, Valentine & more without thinking "Hey, maybe this is too good to be true" and I won't check on it?



    Let's start here and I'm sure there is much more...







    He's only digging himself into a deeper hole by saying anything. I suspect this will be the last we see a post from him. His attempt at gaining some sympathy to possibly alleviate any of the pursute of jusitce failed....


    Now it's up to those that were screwed to pursue this to seek justice. We'll just have to see what happens....




    I agree but just want to give him the chance to answer these questions directly. One by one...can you give an honest answer Lonnie?




    Lonnie, you are sitting there reading this right now.....I have to just get this off my chest.


    You have no Goddamn clue how much I wanted to help you with this "label". I didn't want any money...nothing, just to help out. I had to send out e-mails to several different websites this morning taking back all the great things I said about you......praising what you were trying to do & what you were accomplishing so early. I had to fucking apologize to these people because I didn't want them to think I was involved with your bullshit. Did you ask for my help? No, you didn't...but I wanted to help because you were my FRIEND. My passion for this music...our music runs so deep. All I want to do is help & spread the word. I wanted to help you Lonnie....



    I can't fucking handle this anymore...........

  2. Dan/Jarred/jim


    No arrogance or anything else.....I have explained things how they honestly went, if you chose to believe it fine, if not fine. I am not here looking for forgiveness. But as it has been said many times, everyone wanted to know the whole story. And now you have it. Dan i am notgoing to "man up" and admit to something that is not true. I am not the one who was behind it. Jarred-like i said i am not asking for your forgivness or for you to look the other way. and jim-my reponse was not meant to be arrogant, but it was honest.....so like i said this it done, i am taking care of everyone getting their money back, then i am gone from here. this is my last post on this, i have explained all i can, now i am going to make it right.





    Please answer these questions directly..


    1. Pertaining to Adriano's cd's - are you saying he is the liar?


    2. $611 cd sold on Ebay that was never sent


    3. Countless & countless posts from people claiming not receiving items promised other than Hurricane


    4. Were you in the damn hospital or not?


    5. Are we suppose to believe that you just assumed your luck was so good as a first time label to sign such acts as Hurricane, Billy Squier, Valentine & more without thinking "Hey, maybe this is too good to be true" and I won't check on it?



    Let's start here and I'm sure there is much more...





  3. I really want to believe you Lonnie...but I can't. As others have said, still too many other things not addressed & that don't make sense. I'm sorry and I wish I could, but I can't forgive on this or look the other way.



    I would like to say though, & feel I need to say because I called Lon's work place earlier today to confirm that he wasn't in the hospital...that I didn't make any threatening phone calls. I'm not sure who he is refering to but I never called his house or called anything other than the one time.




  4. Earlier, all of them went to "page under contruction".

    Hey guys!! Have you noticed that the "cds-in-stock" potion of Lon's page is now back up?!?!?!?! Trying to get some last minute cash for the get-away?!?!?!





    I don't think that page was ever down, it was his other pages that were down.




    Nope, that one has always worked...




  5. I'll never forget when I had this girlfriend whom I tried to convert to liking some of the more obscure indies I had, and rare pieces y'know.....long story short she'd go into my collection and just help herself, lol, and it drove me nuts cuz she wouldn't handle em like I do (no fingerprints, very delicate, etc.)


    I'll never forget, I had a sealed Lillian Axe "Love and War" Jap press, still very rare, and then I had another domestic version that wasn't in that great of condition, used it to do my listening. Well, I had turned her onto it and she liked the whole album, then when she wanted to go get it she was like "whoa this isn't opened yet" as she's tearin the damn thing open cuz she didn't see the domestic version. She barely managed to break plastic and it's still for all intents and purposes sealed/new for myself.....bein the weird collector that I am!! Want it to sit there new forever haha. Love that CD.


    Had to cut her loose not so long after that, lololol :P




    Is she still alive? :P




  6. Let's face it... the chance of recouping any money via a Paypal refund is slim to nil. You can't get blood from a stone. What I suggest is initiating a donation page (Dan- maybe you can set something up on this site) to help out the two biggest victims of "Hurricane Lovid": Georg and Adriano


    I'll personally kick in $10 each via Paypal. I know it's not much, but it might help take away the sting.





    That's the smartest thing I have read on here all day. Great idea! I'd be happy to pitch in also :drink:




  7. I know I'm nobody, and I don't spend half my annual income on CD's, but it f'n hurts to keep reading this stuff.



    Well, I don't think it's a misunderstanding...but I do believe with all my heart it will make all of us STRONGER & CLOSER than we were before.


    I said something yesterday replying to one of Sam's posts about nothing positive coming from this. Well, it's a day later & have to disagree with myself. I think we have to take something positive from this. We need a tighter bond in the end and maybe this won't happen again, better communication, etc...



    Also, I am NOT gay! :P Just wanted to clarify :)



  8. Dan & all other friends:


    Of course I will keep you infomed. I e-mailed now David (or Lonnie) and asked him a simple explanation. I want to see if I will get any reply.


    I pre-ordered the Hurricane cds, I would be asking him at least ten copies of each Hurricane cd, fortunately I didn´t pay for them. I also purchased a small lot of rarities (8 cds) spending more than US$ 1,000. Now I am not sure if they really exist. He offered the same cd to Michael Butt, Delbert and probably to other top dealers.


    I am extremely disappointed with this whole history, as always, I am open to hear your important opinions.


    all the best


    Adriano - adboimel@uol.com.br



    You are a class act Adriano & I am very sorry you are going through this. Keep your fingers crossed bro...good things will come to you. :)



  9. Holy shit I just got a my first refund from Lonnie. Though it is pending LOL And this message

    Message From Seller:

    Here is refund #1 for you, we apologize for this issue and we hope you

    understand that is was not us who was behind this, we are in the same boat as



    While I think it's great that some folks may start to be getting refunds, I'd appreciate if Adriano and Georg would post here when they receive their refunds (or if they don't receive their refunds by Friday), since they have 4 figures in limbo.


    It's a good first step, but regardless, I think full disclosure is still warranted.





    I agree...I would rather these guys get their money back first. They obviously got it the worst...


    Justice should still be served though...



  10. the madness goes on - here's "Lavid's" reply through paypal, after I started to cancell/refound my payment:


    Packages have been shipped and tracking information will be provided via UPS as of 2/5/07. Buyer continues to make slanderous threats. Once this transaction is through there will be no more dealings with him. He has started all of this in the wake of Lonnie Holdaway(owner of the company) being involved in a terrible auto accident. There will be a libel and slander lawsuit filed by our company in US District court 297 against Georg Siegl/Aor Heaven on 2/5/2007. Sincerely David Holdaway




    So Georg, it looks like you will getting $5000 worth of Hurricane cd's anyday now.....





  11. It just keeps getting better........





    Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.





    The key phrase is "So leave it be" (so I can scram before the police come!)





    I would love for the authorities to be involved....by all means Lonnie...call the police. ;)



  12. It just keeps getting better........





    Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.



  13. Ok, here's what I was told by Paypal, which is not a lot.



    1. They have received a numerous amount of complaints against Lonnie in the past 24 hours.


    2. His account has been locked though she wouldn't specify whether or not there were any funds remaining.


    3. The Paypal Fraud team is currectly working with the police regarding Lonnie Holdaway.


    4. Unless you purchased something through Ebay Paypal will not guarentee funds back to you but if he cannot provide a tracking number you will be refunded.


    5. Anyone who wants to help the Fraud team with case by giving info can do so on the webpage.




  14. Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"





    Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







    Give me a fucking break!



    so David answers to the name Lonnie when lonnie gets a phone call....hmm....



    Apparently.... <_<



  15. Here's the newest PM I just received from "David"





    Are you sure? Because I answered the phone, and u didn't have the balls to say anything. Your money is being refunded, so continue your little name calling game. As i have repeatedly told you, you aren't the only ones here that have been done wrong. but you can't be man enough to let it be and wait till the whole story is told, but like everyone else you want to assume the worst without knowing all the facts. I am done speaking with you, so please refrain from anymore contact or name calling until this is all settled. All the payments will be refunded by friday, then you can make up all the little stories you want.







    Give me a fucking break!


  16. Holy f*cking shitballs, just read this whole thing now. Unbelievable. Like watching 'Heartbreakers', but without Jennifer Love Hewitt's spectacular norks to cushion the betrayal.


    I was initially like Nick, thinking why the f*ck would you go to all this effort and f*ck over so many good people for what I thought would have to be a pretty dismal earning... and even since I've seen some of the possible pre-order stats I still can't believe you'd do this for what money he must have got away with... and as also noted, possibly split with a partner or 2 too? It such an elaborate fuck-over for so few dollars.


    I admit I thought it was a little dodgy with the Hurricane re-issues and the problems he posted here in the thread he had created - they seemed off to me at the time, but not in a million years did I ever picture a scam or something like this... I just thought they were dud excuses for the delays. This is f*cking ubelievable. I cannot fathom becoming good buddies with so many people to fuck them all over for this sort of money... surely the cash would have paid for his airfare's to getaway and that's about it? Fuck me...


    Man I feel so bad for all the guys who lost out on this... seriously, all the best guys and I know it's looking doubtful but I hope something amazing happens and you guys get your money back... somehow. But f*ck I feel so sorry for Georg it's ridiculous. That dude pretty much gave me my entire 2000-2005 CD collection and the guy is an AWESOME dealer of CDs, great guy. Man I pray all you guys get your money back.



    I really wonder! Who would ever believe that Hurricane Re-Release CDs could be official????(especially

    dealers should know this or ignore with full intension to earn more bucks on these)

    And others could have asked here before ordering with Lonnie.

    And Geoff-I don't find it awesome to buy a CD (which proves as fake) at any place!

    How about the Stage Dolls-Commandos CD (with error!) which was re-released officially much better some months later-

    who refunds the first buyers their money????


    Thanks God (or Heaven) that this thing failed! :crazy:




    Who are you sir?




    I just don't understand: who in his right mind will try to pull a scam like this without properly covering your ass???? I cannot believe this guy had a nerve to show up at work and perform his routine like nothing happened.Pardon my impudence, but you have to be plain stupid to think that you could get away with it!!!




    I assume he isn't even going to run or hide? It would be rather easy to have him arrested now wouldn't it?




  17. Just called the garage & guess who is working today? You guessed it..............Swear to God..





    Are you shitting me?



    Nope...anyone can call & confirm it....



    I want to hear David lie his way out of what he just told Dan. It's a Goaddamn miracle! He's healed so fast that he only had to miss a half a days work. You bastard!!!


    It is amazing the medical marvels that exist in this day and age! :P




    Isn't it though...Looks like David/ Lonnie/ X-Man or whoever the fuck he is...is back on HH right now.



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