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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. I disagree....he should play if he wants to play. He's earned that right.


    I agree that if he wants to play again he has the right but he should made that decision months ago not after the team has already moved on and anounced a starting quarterback.

    If he was so unsure about retiring he should of taken a couple of weeks.




    Yes but we don't now the whole story. He is claiming he was forced to make the decision sooner. The Packers have handled this poorly.


    He was expected to make his decision by the draft, which was in the 3rd week of April I believe, but he decided to retire in early March.



    No offence but none of us were behind closed doors where things were being done. My feeling is that they both are at some fault but at the end of the day you have to let a top five QB of all time back if he wants. This is obviously a case of too much emotion mixed with a lack of communication.


    When it's all said and done you have to strip it down to the bare minimum....and that is that the Packers were an overtime loss away from the super bowl. Are they better with THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON or Rodgers? Any idiot can answer that question.


    Top 5 QB or not, make up your f#@king mind is all I got to say.


    This is just my opinion but the biggest difference between the 2006 and the 2007 THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON was a great O line.

    In 2006 the line sucked and he threw a hell of lot of INT's and then last year the line was so badass he had like 5 full minutes to make a decision. I remember during the Chiefs game in KC last year he sat back in the pocket every damn pass play for what seemed like an enternity.



    That's true of any QB though...you put Tom Brady behind the Chiefs O-line last year and he would have a shit season too.


    Totally agree.


    The thing that pisses me off about THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON is that people go on and on about how many games he's won and how many touchdowns and yards he has but it's never talked about that he also has the record for the most interceptions.





    Again, no offence but I would take THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON over Elway. I actually don't even think he's a top ten QB but that's just me...


    It has been said that THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON's yards, TD's & wins are mostly because he played for so long. The same is true of his INT's because of his style of play & length of time he has played.


    People also forget that he has never missed a game....at a position where everyone's job each down is to kill you.


    That's impressive...

  2. I disagree....he should play if he wants to play. He's earned that right.


    I agree that if he wants to play again he has the right but he should made that decision months ago not after the team has already moved on and anounced a starting quarterback.

    If he was so unsure about retiring he should of taken a couple of weeks.




    Yes but we don't now the whole story. He is claiming he was forced to make the decision sooner. The Packers have handled this poorly.


    He was expected to make his decision by the draft, which was in the 3rd week of April I believe, but he decided to retire in early March.



    No offence but none of us were behind closed doors where things were being done. My feeling is that they both are at some fault but at the end of the day you have to let a top five QB of all time back if he wants. This is obviously a case of too much emotion mixed with a lack of communication.


    When it's all said and done you have to strip it down to the bare minimum....and that is that the Packers were an overtime loss away from the super bowl. Are they better with THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON or Rodgers? Any idiot can answer that question.


    Top 5 QB or not, make up your f#@king mind is all I got to say.


    This is just my opinion but the biggest difference between the 2006 and the 2007 THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON was a great O line.

    In 2006 the line sucked and he threw a hell of lot of INT's and then last year the line was so badass he had like 5 full minutes to make a decision. I remember during the Chiefs game in KC last year he sat back in the pocket every damn pass play for what seemed like an enternity.



    That's true of any QB though...you put Tom Brady behind the Chiefs O-line last year and he would have a shit season too.

  3. I disagree....he should play if he wants to play. He's earned that right.


    I agree that if he wants to play again he has the right but he should made that decision months ago not after the team has already moved on and anounced a starting quarterback.

    If he was so unsure about retiring he should of taken a couple of weeks.




    Yes but we don't now the whole story. He is claiming he was forced to make the decision sooner. The Packers have handled this poorly.


    He was expected to make his decision by the draft, which was in the 3rd week of April I believe, but he decided to retire in early March.



    No offence but none of us were behind closed doors where things were being done. My feeling is that they both are at some fault but at the end of the day you have to let a top five QB of all time back if he wants. This is obviously a case of too much emotion mixed with a lack of communication.


    When it's all said and done you have to strip it down to the bare minimum....and that is that the Packers were an overtime loss away from the super bowl. Are they better with THAT EGOTISTICAL MORON or Rodgers? Any idiot can answer that question.

  4. I disagree....he should play if he wants to play. He's earned that right.


    I agree that if he wants to play again he has the right but he should made that decision months ago not after the team has already moved on and anounced a starting quarterback.

    If he was so unsure about retiring he should of taken a couple of weeks.




    Yes but we don't now the whole story. He is claiming he was forced to make the decision sooner. The Packers have handled this poorly.

  5. Yeah. I'll do that. Last time I checked, it was 9.


    Thanks for the heads up.


    (I wanted to lock it at 10. So you last 2 bastiches can consider yourself lucky. :lol:

    I didn't even know/recall that option was there from the beginning either. Way to go, attentive guy!)


    If there's enough interest, which I doubt, I could created a "B" league, so to speak. If anyone else wants in, let me know.




    You got it my friend! :headbanger:

  6. I am in too as Killerbirds! Does this league allow you to dance around when you win to the Rocky Theme??






    Only if you like Italians in boxing shorts :crazy:



    you wont be looking at the shorts as I hoist the trophy do the my victory dance :nyanya:




    I'm not too worried but good luck to you :headbanger:

  7. How is this album compard to "Human Nature? I really liked that one.




    Better :)


    Better? Hmm I might have to check this one out then.




    I think so & most would probably agree. The songs have more of an edge & the production is great. I don't think this will be it though. Harem Scarem reunion in a year or two anyone?

  8. I finally looked up this band and I cannot see what the hype is about at all. The guitars and the band seem tight but the vocals...oh my God. Fucking terrible & nothing but screaming and cookie monster rock. I will have to pass on them. Now Hinder & Shinedown...I can roll with them :)

    Hey Jarred,

    Just out of curiosity, have you heard the 'Lead sail paper anchor' disc from 2007? This is their latest disc and the cookie monster vocals are all but completely gone (though I admit that before this one there was a lot of screaming, though not too much on 'A death grip on yesterday' from 2006).


    It is just a 100% heavy rock disc, imo the way they should all sound these days. :) Seriously, musically this, to me, is a 100% flawless sound.



    I d/l all of them and didn't like any of it. Sorry mate :(

  9. They sound a little like a more 80's version of ATREYU, without the awesome production, heavy guitars & huge hooks...





    I finally looked up this band and I cannot see what the hype is about at all. The guitars and the band seem tight but the vocals...oh my God. Fucking terrible & nothing but screaming and cookie monster rock. I will have to pass on them. Now Hinder & Shinedown...I can roll with them :)

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