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Everything posted by Gibbo

  1. Yeah, I know ... studios won't risk losing money, the public won't go to see something new/different ... and I agree that if a film is done well, it will stand on its own merits. I just wish they wouldn't trot out sequel/pre-quel/re-boot (etc.) after sequel/pre-quel/re-boot without appearing to put any thought into it. So many series/franchises/original ideas have been ruined (IMHO) by film-makers looking to make easy money.
  2. Disney are producing a seventh 'Star Wars' film; 'Ghostbusters' is being re-vamped/re-booted with an all-female cast; Disney (again) are considering making another Indiana Jones film (with a younger actor playing the lead); there's a new Mad Max in town ... What the hell happened to original ideas? Yes, yes - I KNOW the studios are all about making money, and I know there are plenty of people out there who have never seen the 'original' films (and thus don't harbour feelings of resentment when they see another childhood memory being kicked in the balls), but, sweet baby Jeebus, this sort of thing pisses me off ...
  3. I'm with Glen on this ... it must be something in the water around here ... I love both Starbreaker albums ...
  4. Carcass is a pretty kick ass death metal band, give them a listen. I like death metal - I was fortunate enough to see Carcass when they toured with Amon Amarth, and they were FANTASTIC! It's the floppy-fringed, metalcore shite I can't stand ... on the same bill were Bleed From Within, and they were truly dire!
  5. Pretty much any 'Metalcore' band sucks, as far as I'm concerned ... a lot of the music is pretty good, then you get some idiot screaming all over the shop ... *shudder*
  6. I quite like(d) Cold - 'When Angels Fly Away' is a bloody good song ... but I'm with you on the rest of 'em ...
  7. I'd go with 'Motion In The Ocean' and/or 'Radio: Active' (which has got 'Lies' on it ... turns out, this is one of my favourite McFly toons.)
  8. 'Watching War Films With My Dad - A Memoir' by Al Murray - very funny (and pretty interesting!)
  9. To be honest, I'd rather read his book ... at least then, you're (probably) reading HIS view, rather than someone else's interpretation of what he had to do, and why he had to do it.
  10. I really want to see this ... the work done at Bletchley Park fascinates me ...
  11. Parenthood (with the kids) ... we spent most of the film trying to decide which of my kids was most like the kids in the film We also agreed that I ride a horse about as well as 'Cowboy Gil' ...
  12. Spent a lot of time in the car this weekend ... Bon Jovi - These Days (which is actually better than I remember it being) Eluveitie - Slania Steve Earle - Angry Young Man Mansun - Attack Of The Grey Lantern Del Amitri - Some Other Sucker's Parade Sheryl Crow - C'Mon, C'Mon Slash's Snakepit - It's 5 o'clock Somewhere In Flames - Reroute To Remain
  13. To be honest, I don't rate Busted that highly - a couple of good songs, but I'd say that McFly have the edge.
  14. Hold up. What? There's a film? Damn, there are two, now. I'm gonna have to watch these. As a wise man said to me not so long ago: "Damn. What took you so long?"
  15. I'm with you on this one, Geoff - McBusted are a guilty pleasure for me (as are McFly, if I'm honest.) My better half and her daughters are BIG fans, so I've kind of absorbed this album by osmosis over the past few weeks ... They write annoyingly catchy, entertaining songs. Good on 'em!
  16. I was reminded of this topic last night, after hearing the edited version of Gerry Rafferty's 'Baker Street' on local radio ... the same radio station plays the butchered version of 'Sweet Child o' Mine' ... *sigh*
  17. ...except that right now he's in France, which is having problems of its own in recent weeks, haha. France has been a problem for ever. Oh, "having problems." I got ya. ;} From what I hear France is over 50% Muslim. Fuck it, I'm just going to sell everything and move to Tibet and ride a Yak to work. If you heard that from Fox News, you might want to check again ...
  18. Is Ellefson's book any good? I really enjoyed Dave Mustaine's effort, and I'm a big 'Deth fan, so this quite appeals ....
  19. 'We Fought At Arnhem' ... three veterans who dropped into Arnhem with the 1st Airborne share their memories of Operation Market ...
  20. Dispatched: Motherwar (which includes possibly the most ferocious take on Europe's 'The Final Countdown' that you're ever likely to hear ....)
  21. The Yngwie Malmsteen Collection ... I've never really been that bothered about Malmsteen's stuff, but I have to admit there are some pretty good songs on here!
  22. I love 'Presence' - it was the first Zep album I ever heard. 'Achilles Last Stand' and 'Nobody's Fault But Mine' are both fantastic songs ... I was put off them for years, simply because EVERYONE raved about them, and I kept thinking 'They can't be THAT good, surely?' But they are - and if you look beyond the obvious ('Stairway ...', 'Whole Lotta Love', etc.), there are some stunning songs in their canon.
  23. Taken ... did they miss a trick casting Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher when they could've asked Liam Neeson?
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