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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. From their upcoming album Glorified https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=Y6t4gZr2W_M Those who haven't heard them before should check out theirmost awesome album "Here Come The Prostitutes" from 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Utf9LhNYGg
  2. Yeah you're right. Anyone going to give a 9.9/10 as a rating? 5/10 9/10 10/10 - easy with whole numbers Rating out of 5 is harder because many would see 4/5 as 80%
  3. Iron Maiden with Bruce Van Halen with Sammy Danger Danger with Paul Laine - at the time I was a bit sick of Ted Motley with Corabi - could have been great, instead settled back into Vince and mediocrity for new music The Angels with Dave Gleeson are amazing, sadly far better than they were in the later years with Doc
  4. My take is this. 100% indicates that an album couldn't be better. Axl Rose proved that no matter how long you spend trying to get the perfect songs and the perfect sound, it is impossible. The main thing is that people like different sounds. Andrew is very AOR, and while I like some, I'm not a die hard. So he will always rate this type of music higher than I would. My favorite band is Hot Action cop. Most here won't like the, but I would give their ST release a very high score. Also, over time your taste changes a bit. Some albums I loved and never stopped playing when they first came out I now only tolerate. Point is - all this rating stuff is very subjective. I love Dr.Feelgood. The good songs are amazing. But then there's Slice Of Your Pie, Rattlesnake Shake and Sticky Sweet. Others will like then , but those songs are average for me. So without those songs the album would get 98%, but with them, maybe 88%, which I suppose would put it in my top 20 of all time.
  5. I'd be the same. Preferred SNBE to Crimson Idol in many ways...
  6. Same could be said about Australia, though, mate. Aren't we pretty much the most expensive country on earth in every single way? That aspect sucks hairy balls, but I still wouldn't live anywhere else. I guess we are these days. Property prices, taxes etc Dollar is good for US tourists at the moment. I import a lot so it's kinda killing me at the moment.
  7. Um, yeah, I forgot about that one. It's pretty crappy. Think I must have deleted it from my memory. For me it would be between Pride and Big Game with Pride edging out Big game, although Big Game has their best song on it - Goin' Home Tonight and one of the best cover songs ever - Radar Love
  8. Moved from iPhone 4s to Galaxy 5. Best move I ever made. Fuck iTunes and fuck not being able to drag documents onto an iPhone For a while the back button was weird and scary, but after a couple of weeks I tried to use an iPhone again and freaked out because there was no back button lol Only crappy thing is trying to get the charge lean into the phone, they kinda screwed that up and made it harder than they had to...
  9. I watch F1, have for a long long time, back to early 80's I remember I hadn't followed it for a year or so and tuned in one night when a race was on and it happened to be the race where Senna died. Kind of surreal that I hadn't seen anything for a year and then I click on the TV and within 10 minutes I'm seeing one of the greats crash. Anyway, it's been pretty good for me in recent years with Webber up there, and then Ricciardo coming through. Unfortunately this year has been pretty boring for me - maybe I was spoilt with Red bull when Webber was driving and many others found the races boring. It would be nice to see some more changes to spice it up a bit. Maybe two tyre suppliers again?, they'll never start refueling again for safety reasons
  10. I think of Scandinavia and I think expensive. I guess they must earn more (in line with the cost of living) but they aren't cheap places to visit. Maybe that's why they're happy - few tourists
  11. For me White Lion Harem Scarem Joey Tempest solo Little Caesar Firehouse Steel Panther Hot Action Cop Nelson Michael Sweet solo Skid Row WASP
  12. Cool thanks. Just found out my daughter likes their music. Hate it when I discover 'new' music only to find that my kids have already been all over it...
  13. But did her write the riff and the solos that became synonymous with GNR?
  14. In the vein of screamo/growling vocals, here is the other song I'm really digging at the moment Have yet to check out their other material, but apparently they have 3 lead singers - one females, one male mainstream, and one male growler Amaranthe - Drop Dead Cynical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdyExxpd3Pg Have
  15. Imagine how much different things would have been if they had lyrics on clips in the 80's and people actually knew what James Reyne was singing?... lol
  16. I don't hear nu-metal, but then again I change as music changes. Remember when Kiss were heavy metal? Remember when Slave To The Grind was really heavy shit? I don't even remember what Nu-Metal is. I just like what I like. I love Saliva but I'm sure most here would class them in the same group as Nickelback who I really don't like. and then you have songs like Bad Man. Not sure how this is classified... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq7JRUVwA7w
  17. There was a grand time when he was living in Tasmania for a few years and he'd tour Melbourne regularly. Kind of like a local band - no hooplah and fun.
  18. Vince in the day (marginally) and Bret now (easily)
  19. I used to call them cookie monster vocals Regardless I'm kinda proud of myself to venture into this type of music and be open to liking it. In the past I'd hear the growls and click next.
  20. Obviously MTV broke heaps of these bands. Now when I listen to GNR, what hits me most if the guitar. Not many bands where I feel compelled to make guitar noises to mimic all the solos when I'm listening.
  21. So I've always seen Axl as the hero of GNR. He had the visions, he led the group and he was the star. Ironically I've read all the GNR members books, but I'm not sure who wrote what. I'm going to assume that Slash created he own solos, which leads me to the question in the title. I was watching November Rain and the 3 or 4 guitar solos in that song, and for me, they are what made it. Then I thought about Sweet Child and obviously the riff and guitar through that song made it what it is. Then I looked at Chinese Democracy and it seems that a Slashless GNR aren't very well received. I wonder if he was the biggest X Factor in them becoming what they were?
  22. That martinsane was kinda weird for me. At first I thought it was someone taking the piss, but I never really had anything to do with them. Way back on the Metal Edge forums I started as cure21, and then I found out that many people thought I was a huge Cure fan so I changed my name to the extended version. Been CureTheSane and only that since
  23. Apparently SR is redoing the website. What they should have done is let people know what was going on more. I ended up not posting music threads because it was a waste of time. And most new people who ventured in weren't welcomed, but instead received the "fuck off, nobody wants you here" type thing which they thought was hilarious, but nobody really stuck around. A few came over from Sludge and brought their shtick with them, which also helped kill things off. Not sure how they will save it now because its basically a little social club of back patting. I went there when Metal Edge died and skid started up that board. Now skid is retiring and passing over the site. Anyway, I like it here, everyone seems pretty cool.
  24. Yeah I (kinda) remember seeing Painters & Dockers there and basically everyone was jumping up on the stage, and after a few minutes the bouncers were clearing people off by pushing them back into the crowd. But you could sing with the band etc and it was a damn fun environment, so I bit the bullet and made my move. Luckily I got up just after the bouncers had cleared the stage so I have a little bit of time there. Was yelling into a mic when I saw a dude coming for me like a bull so I decided to 'take my own life rather than have it taken' and elected to do a split second stage dive. The premise was good, but I was leaping into a massive mosh pit. In my drunken state I did a big belly flop and the last thing i remember seeing was the crowd part like the red sea lol Landed on the hard ground and was surprised a wasn't more injured than I was - alcohol probably helped there. Other memory from there was the back room with the dance floor. My friend and I was really plastered and ended up in a booth. He was really over the edge and eventually leaned over and pushed apart the booth seats backing on to each other and threw up between them. A bouncer saw him and they dragged us down the back stairs. Then a bit of panic set in as there were many stories about people having the shit kicked out of them by bouncers where we were being led, but in the end they just kicked us out which was probably the best result...
  25. See for me Burn This City would be a really great song, but I just can't get past the growling. Maybe one day I'll be more accepting, but for now they just ruin a good tune. My daughter loves this stuff, she walks around the house with earphones in growling all over the place lol
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