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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Diamons Star Halos Would also be right up the top for me.
  2. Was relatively easy for me. Surprised I rated VHI so highly
  3. CureTheSane


    God damn it really does suck to be you. Nobody will ever call you a little ray of sunshine on a gloomy day....
  4. CureTheSane


    lol wah wah. It never stops... Let's summarise... Geoff is right, therefore making pretty much every government and health administration around the world either coincidentally wrong, or a part of some huge conspiracy. Yes, there really aren't any restrictions now. Please list them. I am interested in any restrictions that affect you. I'll start !. need to wear masks on public transport and in hospitals etc 2. you're going to need to continue here, I'm all out of restrictions. Biggest inconvenience for me is other countries (Japan, China, etc) who still have serious restrictions and isolations that makes getting there impossible I had my 4th jab the other night. This time I went Novavax, because I haven't had that one before. I'm doing a trade show at the exhibition centre this weekend, so wanted an extra dose of protection from this purported new wave. I also had a whooping cough vax becaus emy daughter is pregnant and even though there really isn't a valid reason for the jab (i've looked into it thoroughly) her health care nurse told her to get people visiting a new born vaxxed, so she asked and I did. I don't like that the world is so overly cautious these days that I needed this stupid little needle, but I'm not going to kick up a stink, just jab me and I'll move on...
  5. The Jani Lane rape half story has been around for ages, and seems to be genuine. Who would make something like that up? Until names are named, and given that he's dead, it won't likely hit the major news channels Kinda sad that Bobbie decided to somewhat taint Jani's legacy with extra sadness...
  6. Break The Silence was a great album with a big Enuff Z Nuff vibe to it. Frantic was also a good album.
  7. From Facebook... Well Gunettes and Gunners, it’s official. We’ve started recording our new electric record. As you can see, Simon Bloor our (producer extraordinaire) Dante and my foot (Jools) in pre production working on the tracks to bring you guys. 🤘🤘XXX I know many canned this band after more recent albums, but I've always found more than decent track on all of their releases. Looking forward to a new one.
  8. CureTheSane


    The natural evolution of viruses like this is that they generally become weaker as time goes on. Killing the host is counter productive, so the virus learns to not be as deadly. Latest variants have reflected this. In the end this is effectively a flu virus, but animal based rather than human based. For the record, Australia is pretty much completely open. Main restirction is masks on public transport. I went into the city over the weekend, and maybe 40 to 50% of people were wearing masks, even though it's mandated. Aside from that, hopsitals, and aged care facilities etc require masks, but I'm sure that's the samein most countries. We can travel anywhere and return with no quarantine etc, biggest issues there are other countries. We were looking at taking our family to Japan in December, but they have just opened up to organised tour groups only, so still have a long way to go. I am desperate to get back to China, but still 2 or 3 weeks quarrantine on arrival there. Other countries have other varied restirctions.
  9. CureTheSane


    I'm from Victoria, the most locked down place on earth. It sucked, and I didn't agree with most of it. But at some point you need to say "well that fucking sucked, but shit is a lot better now" and move on. I moved on like 6 months ago, some people can't. Or won't. Or need to just constantly sook about something.
  10. CureTheSane


    Look at you, wiping your tears away and standing tall! I think you need to come to Melbourne. Far superior to Sydney, less aggression, no NRL fans, better music scene, sporting capital of the world, etc We can have brunch one day 😉
  11. CureTheSane


    aaaaand, there we have it... end of argument! It's a waste of time. Geoff is simply one of the conspiracy theorists who look for weird 'raw stats' from people so passionatly anti vaccinations and masks that they form their own little secret propaganda spreading groups. The absolute epitome of plucking stats from weird singular conspiracy sources on the internet. There is no discussion here, only Geoff trying to lamely convince people to see 'his light' that makes him feel validated and give him a sense of feeling good about how he thinks.. No point in mentioning that pretty much EVERY country acted in a protective way and identified this virus as a significant threat to people and in many cases a threat to life. Seems they all conspired, or maybe they are all equally blinded by the 'truth' and all acted in the same crazy way! No form of reason or legitimate argument is going to inspire any thought, but will only drive him to argue with more spite. Good luck with your sad sooky like. The glass is half empty for you, and you're just going to stumble and spill the other half as you sook through life...
  12. CureTheSane


    Masks help prevent the spread of covid if you have it. They don't protect you from contracting the virus if someone is close to you and is positive and doesn't wear a mask. If I got covid, I would stay inside until I was over it. If I had to leave to get medication or whatever, I'd wear a mask for sure. I never agreed with a mask mandate. Let people make up their own minds and if they get sick, it's on them. If they die, it's on them. I just don't constantly cry about having to wear a mask. And I get it, Australia's not perfect, and no problem with pointing any issues from time to time, but you CONSTANTLY say how much you hate it here. Yawn, Wah wah, Yawn. surely you get tired of the same old shtick every day? They just announced 4th jabs for over 30 year old's here today. I'll be off to protect myself. Don't really care if you choose to or not. But I'm sure you'll be sooking about all the sheep and brainless fools who go and get it.
  13. CureTheSane


    Here is a list of other countries. Pick any one. See ya.... • Afghanistan • Albania • Algeria • Andorra • Angola • Antigua and Barbuda • Argentina • Armenia • Austria • Azerbaijan • The Bahamas • Bahrain • Bangladesh • Barbados • Belarus • Belgium • Belize • Benin • Bhutan • Bolivia • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Botswana • Brazil • Brunei • Bulgaria • Burkina Faso • Burundi • Cabo Verde • Cambodia • Cameroon • Canada • Central African Republic • Chad • Chile • China • Colombia • Comoros • Congo, Democratic Republic of the • Congo, Republic of the • Costa Rica • Côte d’Ivoire • Croatia • Cuba • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Djibouti • Dominica • Dominican Republic • East Timor (Timor-Leste) • Ecuador • Egypt • El Salvador • Equatorial Guinea • Eritrea • Estonia • Eswatini • Ethiopia • Fiji • Finland • France • Gabon • The Gambia • Georgia • Germany • Ghana • Greece • Grenada • Guatemala • Guinea • Guinea-Bissau • Guyana • Haiti • Honduras • Hungary • Iceland • India • Indonesia • Iran • Iraq • Ireland • Israel • Italy • Jamaica • Japan • Jordan • Kazakhstan • Kenya • Kiribati • Korea, North • Korea, South • Kosovo • Kuwait • Kyrgyzstan • Laos • Latvia • Lebanon • Lesotho • Liberia • Libya • Liechtenstein • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Madagascar • Malawi • Malaysia • Maldives • Mali • Malta • Marshall Islands • Mauritania • Mauritius • Mexico • Micronesia, Federated States of • Moldova • Monaco • Mongolia • Montenegro • Morocco • Mozambique • Myanmar (Burma) • Namibia • Nauru • Nepal • Netherlands • New Zealand • Nicaragua • Niger • Nigeria • North Macedonia • Norway • Oman • Pakistan • Palau • Panama • Papua New Guinea • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Qatar • Romania • Russia • Rwanda • Saint Kitts and Nevis • Saint Lucia • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines • Samoa • San Marino • Sao Tome and Principe • Saudi Arabia • Senegal • Serbia • Seychelles • Sierra Leone • Singapore • Slovakia • Slovenia • Solomon Islands • Somalia • South Africa • Spain • Sri Lanka • Sudan • Sudan, South • Suriname • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Taiwan • Tajikistan • Tanzania • Thailand • Togo • Tonga • Trinidad and Tobago • Tunisia • Turkey • Turkmenistan • Tuvalu • Uganda • Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • United States • Uruguay • Uzbekistan • Vanuatu • Vatican City • Venezuela • Vietnam • Yemen • Zambia • Zimbabwe
  14. CureTheSane


    Firstly, wah wah I have never worn a mask except when I've had to. In hospitals, getting in to bars and restaurants etc. I've said this before, but you only hear what you want. As for the vaccine, as I've also said before, get vaccinated, don't, whatever, I really don't give a fuck. You get sick, then maybe you wish you had the jab. I chose to have it, big deal. Just stop all the crying and country hating, it's pretty old now. We get it, everyone are sheep, the vaccine is more deadly than the virus and you fucking hate the country you live in. If you could turn your tears into gold you'd be be rich...
  15. CureTheSane


    Yawn wah wah wah. Funniest thing there was that you used the word 'humble' to describe your opinion. Wah. Wah.
  16. CureTheSane


    There is an argument that kinds build natural immunities from playing in dirt etc, and they are all valid and well and good. Only issue is that covid doesn't really work this way. Vaccination does not prevent a childs (or adults) body from building natural immunities the same way. I'd get a 4th jab if they were on offer. Happy to pay to get it. My choice and I haven't had covid and I don't want to have it. Had a flu shot a couple of months ago. Told my wife that she should also get one, but she didn't Then a couple of weeks ago she got the flu. Lasted for over a week. Took a few days off, and still has some remaining effects. Glad I didn't get it, glad I haven't had covid. But I can't believe this is still a conversation, sure in Australia we were forced to get a jab if we wanted to keep working. Was always the wrong thing to do. But it happened, wah wah, move on. I love living in Australia, still one of the best countries in the world. My city Melbourne has slipped to 10th most livable in the world after having sat at #1 for many years. I can live with that, and it happened for a reason, it's a great country to live in. If you don't like it, see ya.
  17. Meh, keep on waiting for "take a ride on the wiiiild siiide"
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