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Posts posted by CureTheSane


    Didn't see anything last night because my family insisted on Eurovision Song Contest :(

    Of course most of the ones I didn't like made it through


    Eurovison Song Contest? What a waste of time....



    .... and the second show tonight.

    One more to go...



    And it can't be a waste of time if it keeps my wife happy. Big payoffs :)



    If this were some brand new band, people would probably be singing praises.



    Some people just can't do that.

    Which sucks for them because they miss out.



    Yeah...It is hard though. I mean, when you see "Warrant" you have a preconceived notion of what you're wanting it to sound like and this is quite a ways from the fun, party melodic rock that Warrant is known for. I do wonder sometimes if they should've tried a new name but it would be tough to leave behind the catalog of songs so can't blame them for keeping it.


    I had to keep trying it though and it's sunk in a bit. Warrant and Firehouse are coming about 30 minutes from me in a month and gonna hit that show. I mean, can't go wrong seeing them both for $20.



    Fucking $20

    What I'd give....

    There was Warrant 96, how about Warrant 2009, or even Warrant 2031 :)

    That would instantly bring a realisation that it's a new Warrant

  3. Will someone give that man a mic!!! Seriously. Put it in his hands now! Make the awkwardness stop. Why do all the other band members have their instrument, except Jorn? It's just silly.


    As for the song, hmmmm, not sure. It's not awful, but I don't exactly like it. Sounds like the average side of current Jaded Heart (or Sinner, funnily enough). Holy shit, though, pretty awesome solo!


    Yeah, I'm with you there.

    Hate bands without mic's.

    Jorn is worse because he looks like a tool. Would much prefer him singing into a mic in the studio, or even better, a clip without him in it.

    Musically a great track, but the vocals define it. Not bad, but just Jorn i guess.

    Probably grow on me.

    In fact I'm listening as I type and I like the song more already :)







    H.E.A.T. - TBA (September)






    HEAT in Sept should be massive.


    I have v high expectations....i want them to absolutely nail this one.

    If it was anyone but HEAT, I'd be all like oh no, not a selfie cover! But it's HEAT, so it's okay. Absolutely cannot wait for this one.

    ha ha I didn't even notice the selfie.


    Classic......I agree , only HEAT could get away with that.

    Or Reckless Love.

    Why them? Because they're sexy as f*ck?

    Because they have the charisma to pull it off.



    When I first saw the CD cover, it smacked of a band who had just made an awesome CD.

    Full of themselves. Almost as if this is the calm before the storm.

    Hope I'm right.


    Love this thread.


    Ill go Bon Jovi.


    Ha! I thought I'd go down to the wire, but this is correct. They've been out here plenty of times and I do love their prime stuff, but it's always been a price point for me. Tickets are just too expensive, and to be honest, I am just not sure I'd love the show much these days anyway.


    Bon Jovi and Def Leppard have both been out here in recent years, but I've seen neither due to the cost of tickets.



    Dude, https://lasttix.com.au/


    Subscribe to to their email, and they'll let you know when tickets are being cleared out.

    Often tickets for bans that I did't know were even touring.

    Often the tickets being sold off are pretty good.


    This works best for band who you aren't sure are worth the $$$

    You can pass, and then get an email with half price tickets and reassess whether you wanna go :)

  6. Which bands have changed singers (for whatever reason) and still managed to keep your interest?

    Which bands changed their singer and then lost your interest?


    I'll start with a few

    Warrant (provoked me to start this thread) - Not the same as with Jani. Miss his brilliance, but still produce decent music which is a step above most bands.


    Judas Priest - never was a big fan. I appreciate some of their bigger hits, Living After midnight, Turbo Lover, etc but for some reason I picked up a Ripper Owens disc and loved it.I should pull it again and have a listen.


    Quiet Riot - Was always Kevin for me. Maybe this new guy will do OK, but so far it's been hard to really do anything after QRIII for me.


    Motley Crue - Corabi CD was great. They should have moved ahead with him. Not much of any real note came after him from the Crue, a few good songs, but that's about it.


    Van Halen - Not a huge DLR fan, but some of his VH stuff is great. Sammy was amazing. Cherone sucked.





  7. I just can't seem to get into this....


    I'm willing to give new singers in bands a shot....For me personally I liked Van Halen better with Sammy than DLR, like H.e.a.t waaay better with Erik than Kenny....(Just the first two examples that popped into my head).


    But sometimes it just doesn't work for me and this is one of those cases. The music is pretty good but apparently I'm just not a big fan of Mason. I know the band wasn't left much choice and I applaud them for moving forward....But this just doesn't work at all for me.


    That's a great post.

    And even though I like the new Warrant (not as much as the Jani version, but I still think it is great music) since you've given it an objective review I think that's fair.

    I hate seeing "it's no Jani Lane Warrant song" - well no shit lol

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