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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. If you put this on not knowing its supposed to be great white most would say it's pretty good.


    Clinging to the name not really helping them.




    I'll get it because it's Great White. And I like the new Great White.

    Would I be as interested if it was from some 'new' band with some weird name? Probably.

    Would most other people even give it a listen? Probably not.


    The point here is that some people are testing this out even though they hated the other Ilous stuff, so overall they may be better off.

    Not sure their stuff is strong enough to break fresh ground.

  2. ^^^ Great movie.


    Just returned from seeing John Wick 2

    Loved it. Not quite as much as the first, but that is only because I knew what I was getting this time.

    But a killer sequel.

    Can't wait for Chapter 3, and perhaps a prequel in the mix would be good as well.




    Way better than anticipated.James McAvoy does a bang up job!



    Dude deserves a nomination.



    But a more mainstream actor could put up a mediocre performance in a movie about a controversial issue.

    Sad that so many great performances are overlooked.

    Haven't seen Split yet. Look forward to it now.


    On a side note, our main movie chain put up a post for anyone who wants a double pass to John Wick 2 to email through their name and address.

    I did, and they arrived in the mail.

    Cool, because I had decided to wait for the DVD, because I am still pissed that it took so long to get to Australia.

  4. I think the following are great songs


    Wild One

    Man In The Moon

    Still I'm Burning

    Rocket Through My Heart

    Chasing Rainbows


    These are good


    Do You Really Wanna Taste It

    C'mon Everybody

    All You Wanted

    Gotta Get It on


    5 great songs on a disc is enough for me.

    Add 4 good songs and you've pretty much got a non-skippable song list.



    Well, Karen was due to take Lily to see Ariana Grande tomorrow night, but of course now the gig has been cancelled.


    Its obviously been quite an emotional time for them both, realising just how easy it is to come into contact with terrorism - this could just have easily been London!!


    I was amazed at how efficiently the ticket agencies are handling the refunds - we booked using viagogo who are reknowned for being awkward but they contacted us!! unheard of.


    Anyway, our thoughts remain with the poor families involved in this awful tragedy.


    My 15 year old was pretty upset as she wanted to see the singer when she came out our way.

    Kind of hit home how easy it is to be a target I guess.

    Not sure how my 18 year old daughter feels as we are traveling to the UK is a couple of weeks.

    My evaluation is that it's probably the safest place on Earth right now.



    Trying to explain to a 10 year old why her big night out was cancelled because of bombs and killings was not something I expected to be doing to be honest. The world has gone mad.


    That aside, nowhere is truly safe at the moment mate. The next attack could be anywhere - loads of places in Europe have been hit now. The intelligence service in the UK has been pretty awesome over the last few years when you read the detail of how many potential attacks have been foiled.



    I, personally, have no issues anywhere.

    The odds of being caught in a terrorist attack are next to none.

    Better odds with loto, which is a mugs game because the odds are so crazy.

    Different case for the children and teenagers though. They have a harder time dealing with how sick the world can be...

  6. Well, Karen was due to take Lily to see Ariana Grande tomorrow night, but of course now the gig has been cancelled.


    Its obviously been quite an emotional time for them both, realising just how easy it is to come into contact with terrorism - this could just have easily been London!!


    I was amazed at how efficiently the ticket agencies are handling the refunds - we booked using viagogo who are reknowned for being awkward but they contacted us!! unheard of.


    Anyway, our thoughts remain with the poor families involved in this awful tragedy.


    My 15 year old was pretty upset as she wanted to see the singer when she came out our way.

    Kind of hit home how easy it is to be a target I guess.

    Not sure how my 18 year old daughter feels as we are traveling to the UK is a couple of weeks.

    My evaluation is that it's probably the safest place on Earth right now.

  7. I'm much more likely to have a real listen to a song outside of the genres I like if the video is cool.


    Likewise, I try not to watch people such as Jorn etc in their videos because they make me hate the whole experience.

    So many 40 to 60 year olds who decide the close ups of they aged band is somehow cool and interesting.


    re Rock Me Tonite - the song is killer. The film clip i saw only after I loved the song, so it added to it in a comedic way for a while, and eventually I cane to think of the clip when I hear the song, which is bad.

  8. Never thought Bone Machine was much chop. Just the same singer


    Others mentioned Guiffria and Johnny Lima - good choices.

    I'd also add Trixter, Firehouse, Haywire, Harem Scarem, Tuff and Nelson as being the same style of 'pop metal'

    Maybe also a bit of Little Caesar and Marvelous 3


    If you're on this board you most likely know all these bands, but just in case....

  9. From the amazing Josh Todd (Buckcherry) solo CD "You Made Me"

    Great story behind this album. I recall reading years ago that he replied to an ad in a paper for a band looking for a new singer and went along to 'audition'.

    He then auditioned them and they made the cut and played on his solo CD.


    Does anyone know if it's Gary Cherone singing background at around the 3:00 mark?
    Sure sounds like him.



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