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Posts posted by simo

  1. The beginning of ''Wake Up'' sounded promising, especially the scream during the intro where he sings ''fight the power'' or something. But during the verses his singing sounds kind of...... I don't know, weird. Maybe it's the accent, I don't know. Something about the tone of his voice and how he sings the words sounds funny to me.


    Let's hope this new song is better as I was quite fond of the band's last EP

  2. Listened to this a couple times throughout the day yesterday... Quite a few different styles and influences to be found, but after a couple of spins I started to appreciate most of the songs. The opener ''Metal Dreams'' is an outright old skool metal tune with memorable riffs and vocal delivery. At the end of the songs he just screams the word METAL over and over and finishes it off with a scream.


    The rest of the album features party tunes, more serious or darker moments, songs that move into AOR territory, a ballad (''Dangerous Thing'') and a part in ''Stormchild'' that sounds more like Def Leppard than Def Leppard has sounded in 20 years, with husky gang vocal harmonies accompanied by a riff that could have come directly off Hysteria.


    Of course I'll have to give this ona a little more time but after all the uncertainties surrounding this record, recording and subsequent re-recordings of the songs and numerous postponements I'm glad he was able to deliver a solid album with catchy tunes and big hooks.


    I can't see anyone preferring this over De La Cruz but I could be wrong. Has anyone else on here heard the album already?

  3. LOL on the Geoff comment. I think since most people use the free version (the subscription one pays the artist a bit more, 1 cent in total per stream as opposed to 0.21 cents in the free version). For artist to earn more, Spotify would have to charge the ones running their ads on Spotify more, not sure if they can do that.

  4. I doubt it, one stream on Spotify (free version) equals 0.21 cents. Spotify takes 0.06 cents of that, the rest is split (publisher 0.026 and label gets 0.12 cents). Now remember, this is CENTS we are talking about here, I usually end up turning these numbers into dollars and always have to remind myself it is in fact cents and how little it actually is.


    So let's go with the 0.12 cents the label gets... If you played an album of 10 tracks 20 times you would get 24 cents... Other question is, are you really gonna play an album 20 times? I know it doesn't seem much for an entire lifetime but still a lot of albums don't reach that number of plays for the average listener. Maybe a few selected tracks get played more often, yes.


    By the way, Jez has a band / album out??



    So he asked producer and songwriter Alessandro Del Vecchio (Hardline, Edge of Forever) to come up with some new songs in that vein.

    Got excited as i love the Sunstorm releases but argh... Another Del Vecchio project with hired Italian musicians! Decent songwriter, but he is on every second album at the moment and the songs are starting to all sound the same. That has turned me off.

    What happened to the PC69 guys?!


    Exactly! I thought I was the only one...

  6. Never used Spotify personally. At first I was against it but maybe I'll try it myself for the reasons others are using it - get a feel for an album, hear full songs and decide if they're any good and later buy the album if they are.


    What I still have a problem with is people who use Spotify as their main and ONLY way of listening to music, so just stream the latest songs from the top 20 on their crappy phones. But that's the new generation of kids and teens for you right there... So at age 27, I already feel old and out of touch with today's youth :D


    Like everybody said so far, good song. I just wish there was more of a guitar solo to take it to the next level. Great riffs and singing otherwise

    The solo was the low point for me too...expected it to fly....but just kinda didn't happen


    Still a good song tho - love the sonics.


    If I could ''like'' this comment I totally would :D


    I thought I was the only one a little underwhelmed by these guys, but seems like you've all caught on


    Is there actually a single positive comment in this entire thread? I thought everyone has been hating this one since day one?


    Inglorious indeed... :whistle:

  9. Not sure if it's gonna be an exact continuation, obviously the vocals will be the same or similiar (maybe apart from the gang vocals and harmonies as now it's just the singer doing everything) but that's not saying this can't be as good as De La Cruz was. Here's hoping it will be...


    And the fact Street Level is still that good (and I spin it regularly) is really a testament to the songs I think. Just a great, great release overall, also their debut EP was awesome. Great output for such a short-lived band, not sure there's been anything like them to come along in recent years I wish the other band members would get back into music as well

  10. Yes forgot to mention Stryper in my original post. Had a quick look and according to Wikipedia both their studio albums from 2013 and 2015 sold 10 thousand copies. I guess they're one of the more ''popular'' bands on Frontiers which means if we use that as a guideline we can expect sales for other releases to be lower. Another one I assume sold well should be Toto's last record.


    Don't forget Frontiers also has to cover costs like rent, salaries (last time I checked they had close to 10 employees I believe) and so on. I guess in the end it's enough to keep the label running

  11. I guess you're right... of course recording an album doesn't cost nearly as much as it did 20 - 30 years ago so it could still be profitable. Was just curious cause sometimes the label would anounce ''we're proud that so and so made it to number 16 in the Swedish album charts'' or whatever. I was just wondering what that would mean in numbers you know. Together with maybe sales in Italy, Germany, France, UK, US and Japan... maybe it's more than we'd expect, maybe it's FAR less who knows

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