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Posts posted by simo




    Lol. Overland the weakest thing on the ISSA album.


    Mate that is the loneliest opinion in the history of this site i reckon.


    Loneliest, but truest. He sounds so tragic on that duet.



    and she sounds so 'tragic' (or shit would be a better word!) on the rest of the album lol.



    You speak the truth Glen. Issa's "vocals" are pure SHIT.



  2. Can't come up with a specific setlist, but there's definitely a few songs especially from the 80s albums I'd love to hear live (not sure if they could still pull them off and sound good or close to studio version qualitiy but anyway here it is) for example:


    from Creatures Of The Night: Keep Me Comin / I Still Love You

    Lick It Up: Young And Wasted / Not For The Innocent

    Animalize: Get All You Can Take / Thrills In The Night / While The City Sleeps

    Asylum: Trial By Fire / Radar For Love / Secretly Cruel

    Crazy Crazy Nights: Hell Or High Water / Reason To Live / Good Girl Gone Bad / Turn On The Night / Thief In The Night


    Not sure if they played Hard Luck Woman on recent tours but that one would also be nice to hear.


    This thing actually isn't new and it happened since hundred years ago.

    I know it's not new, but the whole point of the original post is the dream you are sold as a youngster, and then the reality of it all.


    As I said, I was always taught ... Work hard, be the best you can, save and you'll get ahead and be successful.


    20 years later I now know that is a crock of shit. No matter what I've done, how hard I've worked I'm still and always going to be middle / working class and a slave to the corporate world.

    And sometimes I feel I just wanna break out of that, but it's not possible to do so in the way you are brainwashed into believing.


    As sad as it sounds, I believe nowadays if you want to be successful you have to be ready to f... people over, that's it

  4. You guys have shares or bonds? See I'd never do that, rather try and be happy with what I have (even if it's not much) than trying to earn a couple extra bucks per year. The problem with investments is that your money is tied up, and in cases of a crisis or collapse (which seem to be happening more and more often now) your investment is only worth 50% all of a sudden

  5. Yeah, back when I had my '95 Sonoma pickup, it had a dash unit that would create parallel scratches along each side of the hub, presumably where the CD got scraped across something as it was "sucked into" the player. I ended up ruining more than a few rather collectible CDs before I discovered the problem.... grr.


    My last car didn't have a CD player, strictly USB.


    I just got a new car earlier this month (well, not new but new to me), and it has the coolest damned feature: It's an in-dash DVD player to watch movies on the in-dash display, and the system also has an internal 30GB hard drive. There's a "Record" button on the console, and if you press it, it converts any CD to mp3s and copies them to the hard drive.


    A buddy has a CD you like, play it in the car and you have a copy for yourself. How cool is that?


    Now, there's no way to export the mp3s from the HDD (presumably as an anti-pirating mechanism), but still, you can build up a nice collection for on-road listening.

    That's cool, awesome that you can directly rip from an audio CD. My parents have a hard drive in their car as well, but you can only copy songs from a CD if they're MP3s


    Of course I've loaded theirs with a couple favorites, so everytime they take out the CD they were listening to Ratt or Dokken comes blasting from the hard drive :D

  6. Well, I have to say it. A lot of the time I see some of you guys talking about guitar solos in current songs and I wonder if you're just easy to please, or am I just a grumpy old shit? I've mentioned it in other threads before that a lot of the time today I feel like guitar solos are often there because they're supposed to be. They're technically good, but clinical and cold most the time.


    Whereas back in the day, I feel like it was like a real moment of pride for the guitarist to show off his shit and really add something to the song.


    I don't know what's happened, but I'm generally pretty skeptical of the modern day guitar solo. But I have to say, listening to this album tonight, I was absolutely loving some of this shit. Some of these solos are just fantastic! Loving it.

    Of course, my taste in guitar solos is impeccable :D

  7. The idea of the crowd funding thing is a noble idea, but it is unfortunate to hear of it being abused. But I guess in the minds of artists, they assume their die-hard fans will be happy with anything they produce?


    It's not really avoidable, I guess. Not every band can be as reliable as Destine (where you can be 99% sure of a great end product), but it'd be nice for a band/artist to clearly outline their plan for the crowd funded project in order to prevent nasty surprises and fan backlash.


    It's as simple as saying that the plan is for "an album in the style of our debut" or in the case of Jettblack "a piece of grungy shit that will sound like it's straight out of 1996" or Michael Bolton just straight up saying, "Basically guys, I am going to take your money to record something which even I cannot believe that I am interested, and I know you guys won't give a shit about it. But thanks for paying for the horseshit."

    Exactly, it's as simple as that: let the fans know what they are going to get. I remember a few years ago I saw that Slash had a project on Pledgemusic. Wanted to chip in cause I've always liked Slash and his music (even though let's be honest, he could have funded this himself with ease) but when I realized it was for a horror movie soundtrack I passed.


    Taking everything into account, what's surprising and frustrating is the album that DID sell very well (even for past standards) is the fat bitch Adele's CD (released in 2011 or 12) which sold over 20 million copies! Her, out of all singers and bands...

    Which is a great album by the way

    Come on man, don't say that. I always trust your musical taste and common sense :D

  9. Yeah, they try and make you feel bad about actually buying CDs. I got no problem with them downloading or not listening to music at all so just leave me be. I remember a guy who I went to school with years ago saw me with a CD once and was surprised, he said he didn't remember when he had bought a CD the last time, so must have been a few years already and this happened in 2006! The guy was around 18 years old at that time...

  10. Do you think once the big labels stop making CDs the smaller ones will have to eventually cave in or will they keep going? Obviously smaller labels don't have as many CDs produced so maybe this won't be profitable for the places that press CDs and they will have to close down?

  11. This is a bit of a big one, not quite sure how to start this but here it goes... Do you guys believe that there will be no more CDs a few years down the road? Don't get me wrong, I love and buy CDs, it's what I grew up with and what I'm used to. But what about today's generation, the kids being born today?


    Most folks that get a CD from me tell me ''I can't play this, I don't have a CD player'' well what about your computer? ''Oh I don't have a computer or laptop with a CD drive any longer...'' WHAT??? So the tendency seems to be shifting towards tablets,being online at all times, streaming or USB sticks. But what does that mean for the music industry? A lot of ''big'' artists have millions of views on their youtube videos and their music is being streaming on spotify. Sure, these artists are also the few ones who still sell a lot of records (although record sales as well as album charts now include digital downloads as well as STREAMS so hard to say how many of those sales are actually physical) but compared to what's being streamed on youtube and spotify it's just a tiny fraction.


    So with the big labels being the decision makers for the industry, after they realize this do you think they would have the power to stop producing CDs altogether and completely switch to digital only? If so, what would that mean for let's say stereo systems? Sure with no more CDs being produced, this market would suffer (even more than it already does I think). And in such a scenario, what would happen with the countless CDs that already have been produced and are in the shelves of record stores, at Target or BestBuy?


    I'm tempted to say ''there will always be a market for CDs, no matter how small'' but never say never cause you don't know what the future holds. I'll admit it's a different technology than CDs, but there are no more tapes or Vinyl so maybe the same thing will happen to CDs? I know LPs have made a ''comeback'' and new albums are being released on vinyl, but who are we kidding no one is buying these


    Looking forward to your thoughts and opinions on this

  12. I begrudgingly quite like this album. Still think of The Darkness as a parody band though.


    My girlfriend thinks it's dreadful so not allowed to play it in the car any more.


    I hear ya, that would be a great topic though what are you allowed to listen to in front of your wife / girlfriend hahaha

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