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Posts posted by simo


    Thanks for your kind expression of sympathy. I'm happy with The Lord and my guitar playing but sometimes it's hard of course and that's when I go to the Massage Parlor.


    HAHAHAHA, no pun intended :D

  2. Record store?!?! I haven't picked up in a shop an AOR or melodic rock cd that wasn't from a super popular band like Journey since the 90's.

    By record store I meant the music department in ''Media Markt'' which is similiar to Best Buy and located in Switzerland, Germany and also Austria I think. Because of the distribution deal Frontiers has with either Sony or Universal (not sure which one exactly but one of the big ones) these stores get their releases which is cool. AOR Heaven CDs are also available but other than that not much except for mainstream pop to be found there



    I'm just tired of all the games, rules and all the bullshit involved when dating. Really makes you think sometimes....

    Equal parts of this after the ring gets on and other things virtually disappear...



    Haha. I'm probably just as bad as most women, if not worse, as far as head games go.


    That's what they teach you in the DIVISION hahahaha

  4. I've been listening to it non stop for a month now. I love how there are moments it sounds like RATT, moments it sounds likje Def Leppard, and other it sounds like Whitesnake. You can really hear his influences :guitar: . And yeah that part he sings on Fall Awake is really good!


    I'm excited he says he's already writing a new one.

    Yeah a lot of the songs have wicked moments, whether it's instrumentally or how he sings certain parts just very unique


    Did you get one of the CDs where the track order is mixed up (Dark Skies track 2 instead of 10)? I have one of those and it's a CD-R, to anyone with a ''normal'' version (where track 2 is All We Need and track 10 Dark Skies): is yours a CD-R too?


    Stupid-ass fart-saving carpet store motherf...... oh man this is gold! All right will add you to my squad or whatever

    Cool. You're Swiss, right? I've got a mate in Sweden, so you'll probably be on around the same time.

    Exactly, same time zone maybe one hour apart tops

  6. Do you play Division on PS or XBOX? I got it after it came out and before unwrapping it realized it was online only. Thought about bringing it back but then decided to try it. Played a little but haven't touched it in like a month it's kinda boring...... Maybe if you play with other people it's better? Shoot me a message if you're playing it on PS4 maybe I could get back into it


    Alright I have to praise a show I've been watching the past couple days:


    Rick and Morty!!!


    Man how great is it, only just discovered it and watched the complete first season in 2 days the second is already out and will watch that too. A third season has been confirmed and should air soon


    The two main characters are likable and make a great team, very good voice acting, interesting plots, fast-paced, very funny jokes and just an all around great show!


    That's hilarious, because I just started watching it a couple days ago, too. I'm half way through season two, and it's much darker than the first season. I think you'll enjoy it.


    A lot of great quotes in this show.


    Some scenes made me laugh soooo hard like the episode where they die in another dimension and then have to bury themselves. Rick is absolutely fine with it whereas Morty is pretty shaken up seeing himself dead, having to carry the lifeless body and put it in a hole he dug in the back yard :D then they go back inside the house with this absolutely depressing song playing in the background and everybody's fine except Morty whose life will never be the same again.


    Or after Jerry sells the ''hungry for apples'' slogan and walks out of the building while Baker Street is playing. One of the best shows in recent years for sure. When I talk about it at work with the guy who recommended it to me everybody else is like WTF are you guys watching??? HAHA

  8. Alright I have to praise a show I've been watching the past couple days:


    Rick and Morty!!!


    Man how great is it, only just discovered it and watched the complete first season in 2 days the second is already out and will watch that too. A third season has been confirmed and should air soon


    The two main characters are likable and make a great team, very good voice acting, interesting plots, fast-paced, very funny jokes and just an all around great show!

  9. Of all the albums I've heard this year this is the one I keep coming back to. Really still enjoying it after quite a few weeks of listening.

    Agree, everytime I choose songs to listen to in the car I add some from this album. Usually ''Twisted'' which absolutely rocks on a car stereo, ''Metal Dreams'' ''Dark Skies'' and ''Dangerous Thing'' (great mood and solo) those are my absolute favorites



    Supertramp belongs for sure.


    As for Bolton - who on earth can moan about that?? Up to and including The Hunger his albums are classic AOR


    It was the inclusion of the 'Soul Provider' album that tipped some to the edge of insanity mate. It's still is a well deserved entry to the main pages (as is 'Time, Love and Tenderness' which isn't on there yet ...i'll have to put right at some stage and cause a little more outrage ;) ) Some of the songs on both being about as AOR as you can possibly get and the same goes for Cher and her late 80's early 90's stuff.


    Agree 100%


    One could even argue that ''The One Thing'' belongs on the site. There's more ballads and I'm certainly not requesting it but still with guitars provided by Dann Huff, Michael Landau and Michael Thompson some of the songs are nice lite AOR moments

  11. I never got into these guys. I remember listening to one album -- part of one album -- and wondering what all the fuss was about. Because the people that do like Enuff Z'nuff seem to phuking LOVE Enuff Z'nuff. Am I missing something?

    Same for me, but it's been a few years so maybe I'll check out some songs on youtube again

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