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Posts posted by simo

  1. Haven't listened to this one yet, but I remember seeing a live version on youtube (recorded around 2005 I believe) where instead of ''Rat-tailed Jimmy is a second hand hood, he deals out in Hollywood'' Vince sang exactly this: Rat-tailed Jimmy..... second hand hood..... hollywooood''

  2. Many years ago as a 15 year old kid (without internet back then) I inherited an old record player. Went to a secondhand record store nearby to look for records. I was heavily into GNR at the time and watching the Tokyo live DVDs regularly (at least parts of it almost daily). As I was browsing through the LPs I saw a familiar face: Gilby Clarke on the back cover of Kill For Thrill's ''Dynamite From Nightmareland''


    Bought the album without listening to it before and went home. When I heard the opening track ''Motorcycle Cowboys'' I really liked it, luckily my purchase had been a good one. A few years down the road I was listening to the album again when I though: Hey wait a minute... I think I like this more that Appetite For Destruction by now. Told a friend and he said I was crazy, yes Dynamite is a good album bot not as good as Appetite he said (probably biased because GNR is a ''bigger'' name).


    Anyway... what's your opinion?

  3. I recently listened to Tesla again and experienced that... When I first got into them a few years ago I was blown away by ''The Great Radio Controversy'' but now there were a lot of songs I just skipped. The debut was my second favorite album of theirs and is now my favorite cause I enjoy most of it and think it's a good album. Never really been a big fan of ''Psychotic Supper'' and ''Bust A Nut'' even less and this hasn't changed


    So this is where I'm at with them right now, solid debut that can be listened to as a whole and a nice compilation with songs from the other albums but that's it


    Isn't it easier to learn on an electric guitar? That's what I did, more comfortable, thinner strings, takes less effort to press the strings down or bend them. Only thing you have to learn is to get the noise under control with muting etc. when you're plugged into an amp but once you have that down eletric is much cooler.


    Yes it is. I'm relearning the chords on acoustic which i'm managing to do and when i try on the electric its a piece of piss in comparison plus it's strengthening my hands nicely. I will switch to electric completely soon i think but unplugged. I can't control the noise at all so it sounds like shit as soon as add any kind of distortion!


    That's how I started out as well, unplugged electric. Thanks to a friend who encouraged me to plug it in I got the hang of it. Sure it sounds terrible in the beginning but you could use headphones until you gain a little confidence if you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of your neighbors ;-)

  5. Isn't it easier to learn on an electric guitar? That's what I did, more comfortable, thinner strings, takes less effort to press the strings down or bend them. Only thing you have to learn is to get the noise under control with muting etc. when you're plugged into an amp but once you have that down eletric is much cooler.



    What pisses me off about these, is they dont ever portrait the entire story, how the big mouthed bitch probably slapped and hit at Dean, until he was forced into physically protecting himself, the second he did, the cunt yells rape, or assault, he is put down, and she laughs all the way to the bank, very rarely does a man come home from a hard days work, to find his house clean, and dinner made, then turn around and beat the shit out of his wife, theres just no logic to anything like that.

    Wow, wtf?
    Yes, WTF indeed! You sound like your condoning violence against women.


    I wouldn't say he's condoning it either, besides what else would you expect from Leykis101? :D Reminds me of a bit Bill Burr did in one of his specials:



  7. Good song, and a good decision to lay down their guns. Saw them a cuple a weeks ago at Sweden Rock Festival. Worst shit I've ever seen...

    It's not that they weren't good enough, you just weren't drunk enough :D


    Also festivals aren't necessarily the place of choice where I'd go and see shows


    Just thinking about how awful George Lynch is now-a-days made me come up with this new topic for discussion.


    What other great guitarists are not great at all anymore.


    3 off the top of my head:


    George Lynch

    John Norum

    Akira Takasaki


    Are we talking about playing ability or what they write nowadays?


    For me usually one inevitably leads to the other..... Playing, output and also their tone or lack thereof. Sometimes they don't even bother trying to get a good sound

  9. Is it normal for bands to charge 1000s for gold/plantinum tickets? Mind blowing.


    German tickets on general sale next Thursday. So I'm told.

    Seems like it. What's weird is the meet & greet package includes meeting Vince, Nikki and Mick but not Tommy why is that? There's different presale dates depending what show it is I think, I secured myself tickets for the Dusseldorf show, if you have a a fanclub membership you can get tickets early so I just signed up :D


    About Vince, I also thought that the crowd was singing a lot but I didn't care at the time, these are songs everybody knows the lyrics to so it was cool

  10. Saw this, didn't really like it sounded a lot like ''pop / punk'' but obviously everyone on youtube and facebook writes ''this rocks, well done, keep rocking, you deserve to be famous'' bla bla...


    What do you think of the song? Sure it's just one song, but if this is the direction they're gonna be heading in... then the hope I had in this band is gone

  11. I've heard A LOT of people complain, I guess it's a decision everybody has to make on their own. I've seen them in 2012 with Slash opening for them (also in 2011 with Def Leppard and Steel Panther)... KILLER SHOW!!! Now that's something I'll never forget.


    My girlfriend broke up with me that day in the afternoon, I went home, changed. Got on the train with my buddy and off to the show. First row, great crowd, band in a good mood (even the vocals, sure not great but considering it's Vince Neil it was tolerable) playing all the classics, I mean they have a great catalogue. That was definitely a good concert and overall experience / memory I have

  12. I listen to some languages like Italian, Spanish, English or bands from my native country (I live in Switzerland but was born in what was formerly known as Yugoslavia) There's also languages I intentionally avoid like German :D I don't really have to understand what's being sung, but it's a bonus and kinda cool when listening to a foreign language and you know what they're singing about. What do you guys think about this one? I like the build up and the vibe at the beginning of the track:



  13. Yeah, what surprised me right at the beginning was Paul's ear, I had NO IDEA


    I'll never forget reading the very last page of the book (or the last two pages), I can't explain why and how but it gave me hope. Just left me with a good feeling, maybe you'll feel the same

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