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Posts posted by simo

  1. Back on topic... While I did enjoy watching / buying VHS tapes when I was younger and later on DVDs to a certain extent (because basically that was the only way to watch them), I'm really glad most movies and shows are available online these days.


    While I'm all for buying music physically, I really welcome the most recent developments that have taken place in the movie industry. Might seem contradictory but I really like that we have Youtube, Netflix and all that stuff available. Guess I just feel a much stronger connection to music than I do with movies which is why CDs taking up space at home doesn't bother me like DVDs, Blu Rays etc do

  2. 90 $ is too much. There was a time when I used to see them every couple months (2011 and 2012) but haven't been to one of their shows since then. I don't remember if the last time I saw them was in 2012 or maybe once in 2013 so would like to go this time if they're in Europe and tickets are in line with previous prices. Tickets were always around 30 - 40 Euros which is okay

  3. Man, I'm starving for a more technical analysis on this beauty (love and bullets). And I prefer a more formalistic approach than all the contextualisms and comparisons already mentioned in the topic.



    I mean I even want to now the tension of those snare drums, goddammit. Just so I keep a decent level of dignity, before go Crazy (insert Johnny Lima here).

    Well for startets, it's in F minor but i think they're tuned down half a step so they play it in the F# position which is one of the coolest on guitar


    Is that what you meant? :D No but seriously, I really love what Rob Marcello is doing on this track, from the solo after the first chorus to the shredding underneath the singing towards the end just so much feeling

  4. It's funny cause I always thought that in certain De La Cruz songs (when there was a lot happening musically) the vocals weren't perfectly audible. It never bothered me though, I just thought a ''mainstream'' listener might find the vocals too quiet or instruments too loud :D but like I said, hardly ever an issue for me I usually complain when guitars are buried in the mix


    Depends though, what are you listening on? Is it on your stereo, computer, MP3 player, car? Might have something to do with it

  5. Heard this today and I'm very fond of it. I think in a few spins I will far prefer this to De La Cruz, just for the consistency of more "commercial" hard rock tunes.


    Just have one issue with it, and that would be the vocal production. Why does it sound like the lead vocals were recorded while the singer was hiding in the far corner of the garage? The overall production is pretty basic, but good enough. The vocals just sound almost unwanted.


    Anyway, some really cool songs, though, and nothing really weak on here. It's a good 'un.

    Not sure what you mean? Vocals sound pretty up front to me


    You got an example or is it in every song all the time?

  6. I'm on Bill Leverty's (Firehouse guitarist) mailing list and get news whenever he releases new music. A lot of times it's single tracks as opposed to full albums. Now in the most recent one I got he writes you can get the new song on iTunes but he prefered it if fans downloaded it from his site directly so Apple doesn't take their ''30 %'' cut

  7. Hey, as long as there's good lead guitar work ''beyond the fade'' I'm all for it!! But I doubt that'll be the case on Ted Pole'y album. It's funny he mentioned the thing with the guitar player going crazy at the end of the song and how frustrated he was that the producers would start fading the song cause that's exactly what I've always thought about Danger Danger's ''Boys Will Be Boys'' there's a great outro solo but it fades out very quick and we don't hear Andy Timmon's brilliant playing.


    There's such an extensive list of these, we could basically start a whole topic on that. For example Lynch Mob's ''For A Million Years'', while not my favorite song of theirs, has a great solo at the end but gets faded way too soon

  8. This happens quite often, but I can never remember the songs when I think about it. One I know cause it happened last week is Ozzy's ''Mama I'm Coming Home''


    The way it builds up just gets me everytime and when he starts singing right after the guitar solo I just lose it

  9. Nice little band from Italy I just found out about. Seems to be two best friends doing what they love, they have a few covers on Youtube and have released their 4 song EP of original material last year. Good hard rock infused with a bit of metal and great George Lynch like lead work. Full EP can be streamed on Youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_9ZJwW0n7Q and downloaded on Bandcamp https://shockfront.bandcamp.com/releases

  10. Well I just heard the samples for all the tracks on MR.com and to be honest it pretty fucking weak. A few decent tracks but lots of shit rockers and boppers with horrible, horrible lyrics. Reckless Love seems to have a limited English vocabulary and it's caught up to them.


    Kind of regretting already having pre-ordered it.


    It still sounds like Reckless Love just one that is lacking any new ideas.

    Not overly excited about this either. I was for Spirit because Night on Fire was a good track they released in advance, something I can't say about any of the songs they're released from this so far. But who knows, maybe you'll like it once you hear the entire album... How long are the samples on MR.com, 30 seconds / 1 minute each?

  11. You got yours already? Where you at the UK? Hope I'll get mine soon...


    Yes Dangerous Thing is definitely a nice track, love the overall feel of it. Album really seems to be a grower as I find myself constantly reaching for it. So far I think Twisted is great (the part before the guitar solo is just absolutely insane and the verses - so addictive) and Metal Dreams is just a really cool opener.



    I must be the only one not feeling it

    It's an ok song to me but I hope there's better on the album

    I think I might have hyped the album up too much. Maybe I was expecting more Danger Danger. It's by no means a bad song, but I guess it's not what I was anticipating. I'll give it a few more spins.



    That's weird, because when I heard this song I thought that this sounded more like "real" Danger Danger than anything Laine recorded with the band (well, except 'Cockroach,' I guess). But this sounds a hell of a lot more like the "real" Danger Danger than 'Four the hard way' or 'Guildersleeves,' imo. Great as both albums were...


    That's how I see it too

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