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Posts posted by simo



    The topic is about women and the show is about women. Thus it's on topic. Anyway, I do have my own women issues. So I pick up information from wherever I can find it in hopes it will help me. My life really is like a soap opera right now. Not a very good soap opera, but a soap opera. A girl shredded my heart a week ago. I don't even think she knows what she did. I'm in a black hole right now.


    It's Cinco De Mayo and I don't even think I have the will to go to the store and buy some cheap Mexican beer.



    What happened man, you wanna elaborate? And what about the job is that going better at least?


    it's not ever about what you look like(unless u go out of your way to look bad)! it's not about what you have, how much money you make, where you live, what you do, these are all things that can be, and should be lied about anyways when picking up on women, it's merely about your tactics, and your approach, if you show nothing but confidence, and exude radiating amounts of unfading self respect and appear to not have a single second thought about your confidence level,


    Wow man, this made ME feel better. Thanks! Will try & apply

  2. The topic is about women and the show is about women. Thus it's on topic. Anyway, I do have my own women issues. So I pick up information from wherever I can find it in hopes it will help me. My life really is like a soap opera right now. Not a very good soap opera, but a soap opera. A girl shredded my heart a week ago. I don't even think she knows what she did. I'm in a black hole right now.


    It's Cinco De Mayo and I don't even think I have the will to go to the store and buy some cheap Mexican beer.



    What happened man, you wanna elaborate? And what about the job is that going better at least?


    And one other thing that slightly bothers me on GOG is the production. Maybe it's just me but the vocals sound slightly low in the mix on some of these songs and at times I almost have to strain to hear/understand them in parts.


    Don't get me wrong though...I think it's pretty good and I really like Inferno, GOG, Endangered, I Don't Miss The Misery, Nonstop Madness and Stunts/Everything to Everyone are pretty decent.


    So I don't know...For me, CDG was probably somewhere around an 80 and if I were rating this, it would probably be about an 85. I like it but it just doesn't really "wow" me.


    Personally, I much prefer the Defiants release to this one as that one does "wow" me. For me, the Defiants is about a 95 if I were putting a number on it. Honestly, while listening to GOG I really had the urge at about midway through House on Fire to take the CD out and pop in the Defiants....But I finished it out.

    I know what you mean, sometimes hard to put into words though. I also struggled a bit as I don't know Treat from previous albums so I wasn't familiar or used to their ''sound''. But I must say after a couple of spins over the last 3 or 4 days I'm enjoying Ghost of Graceland quite a bit.


    I still haven't familiarized myself with the album to the point I have with the Defiants so while listening to Treat I have moments where I space out and don't pay attention to the music when all of a sudden I hear a great hook and check which song number it is on the Stereo. So throughout the album there's good melodic moments but also some ''boring'' parts until the next good or memorable moment. If I recall correctly somewhere after the middle of the album there are some ''forgettable'' tracks and then ''Everything to Everyone'' grabs my attention again. Good songs or parts at the beginning as well with ''Better The Devil'' , ''I Don't Miss The Misery'' and so on.


    Not feeling the ballad ''Together Alone'' so far though, while listening to it yesterday it reminded me of one of the songs on Rick Springfield's new album. Kind of how the vocal melody is sung. Will try and check which one it is

  4. Damn I just realized I never knew who the other women besides Sarah Jessica Parker were. I thought some of the Desperate Housewife chicks were in Sex & The City and vice versa :D..... Anyway, after checking it out here's what I think - Kim Cattrall and Kristin Davis nice, the other two not at all. That Cynthia Nixon looks like an old version of Kirsten Wiig, awful! Plus she's a dyke

  5. I recently watched the complete Sex And The City series. I realize I might have to hand in my man card for admitting that. I find the show absolutely fascinating. Are most women like that, or just certain ones? The women in that show are horrible people and for the most part they don't even seem to realize it. Most of the problems are their fault and they always blame the men. I can't understand why Big would want to be with Carrie. She makes his life miserable and somehow he's at fault.

    And butt ugly on top of everything...

  6. I really liked ''TIme Won't Heal'' off their EP except for the chorus. But the verses are really nice including the pre-chorus and beautifully sung. This is why I believe this album could be good, they're a young band but I think it'll sound a little more mature than your ''average'' rock band that only wants to party

  7. Yeah, they don't know either that's the problem! I know the lyrics are kind of abstract but Journey's ''Girl Can't Help It'' reminds me of this. The sort of will they / won't they, he wants it but she doesn't, now she wants it but he doesn't.....

  8. Okay.... about to say something weird here......


    Do some of these songs on the Defiants disc almost have a Blink 182 tinge to them or am I completely crazy. I 100% felt it in at least 2 songs. If I ever stop listening to Treat, I will point out which ones.

    Absolutely! One of those you're referring to must be ''Underneath The Stars'' but only the verse. Like I mentioned earlier some songs do have a pop punk feel to them. But it's always just parts of songs and they manage to turn them around with great hooks and harmonies. That's why they're so addictive

  9. Not sure why this album received a constant comparison to Treat, but maybe because of both Danger Danger and Treat hasn't released a new album for a while and their last one is superb ?


    I think my best pick of this album are 'Runaway', 'Save Me Tonight', and 'Take Me Back', so second on what Geoff said and against what simo said :D

    Haha, can't explain it it's just the way it is. Last Kiss sounds a little too much ''pop punk'' in terms of structure but to each his own. I think the reason they're being put up ''against'' each other (Treat and Defiants) is cause they came out on the same day and are from ''veteran'' bands people were looking forward to :D


    Unless an album sounds like a cheap demo I could not give a damn about production. As long as the songs and band are good and it doesn't sound like it was recorded straight to an old mono cassette player, I don't even notice production.

    Yeah I gotta disagree, if a killer song is not well produced, it tanks it for me, I might still like the song, but lets give an example, Dynazty Hunger For Love, now I dont know if you heard the version the band produced, but after whats his name, the Swede went back and remixed the entire album, play the 2 versions side by side, and you'll see what im saying, the original doesnt even hold a candle to the well produced version, but I know many friends who dont even notice the production, so your certainly not alone, I just happen to be weird about production, and hate it when a killer song isnt completely done to the best of its ability, it's almost a shame. to me.


    Definitely, like Bang Gang's ''Vanity Kills'' for example. Such a shame..... Fair enough, they ARE just demos but would sound SO much better if properly produced. Same goes for Heartland's second album but the list just goes on

  11. Absolutely love how creepy the intro sounds and when ''Love And Bullets'' kicks in... just powerful. Yeah Geoff, some song structures or ''types'' of songs I just don't like (no matter who performs them) and the tracks I've mentioned fall under that category. On the other hand absolutely love how ''Love And Bullets'', ''When The Lights Go Down'' and others sound. Also like ''Lil' Miss Rock n' Roll'' which kind of shares the same relexad vibe as Foreigner's ''Headknocker''

  12. Seen this French flick ''LOLO'' the other day. Kinda reminded me of Cyrus with Jonah Hill and John C. Reilly a bit. Basically a middle aged woman meets a guy and her 20 year old son is not happy with it so he tries to sabotage the relationship. Good movie and great performance from the always funny Dany Boon

  13. Oh man what is this, all the headlines about Guns N' Roses, AC/DC lately and I've just been ignoring them cause after years in the rock business and following the scene you know that rumors are just that... rumors. Countless facebook posts I've skipped and messages from friends sending me links and I didn't even click on them after seeing it was AC/DC or GNR related until now I decide to read the latest posts in this thread... seriously WTF??? First Axl and Slash reunite on stage, now this is really happening? Axl Rose touring with AC/DC!!!?!!?!???!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?


    It's not like I've been waiting for any of this (although I love both bands) it's just something I never expected in a million years. Just waiting for this dream (or nightmare) to end and get back to normal life but the more I read I think this is real..... :D shit, well how bout that!!!

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