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Posts posted by simo

  1. Listening to Eclipse's 'Armageddonize' as I'm typing this. I've always wondered, how many copies get sold of new melodic rock albums everybody raves about and includes in their top ten lists for each year? Anyone have any info on how many albums the ''big'' names like Eclipse, Hardline, Revolution Saints etc. sell? What's a realistic number, like 5 or 10 thousand?


    I remember back when Crashdiet's last album came out they had a thousand pre-orders and were overwhelmed by that number so I don't know, what do you guys think is a number that Frontiers and the artists can consider a ''success''?

  2. Something nobody seems to think about I believe is: Riot Avenue with the same ''sound'' as New Religion (everything else being the same, same songs and arrangments) would NOT EVEN sound good I think


    I like both albums for what they are and couldn't imagine either having the sound of the other and vice versa


    One comment below the facebook post in particular resonated with me:


    Maybe it's time to rethink release dates, instead of complaining how the decades-old promotional model is broken. I don't understand why advance copies are necessary. If, say, Toto has a new record coming out, don't tell me how great it is but then tell me I can't listen to it for another 2 months. Just go "the new album is done! Here it is." Reviews can still be written after an album is released, unless the only thing that matters is first-week sales, which is an idea that really needs to die. A good album is just as good a month, a year, a decade after it's released as it was on the release date. There's no MTV, or good rock radio anymore, so the idea of serving videos and singles to build up albums seems very out of date and unnecessary. I don't need to know about albums I can't actually go listen to yet.


    While not directly aimed at the issue frontiers raised, I've been asking myself the same question like what the fuck!!??!?!?!?!?!? this needs to stop just release the music we love and want to hear don't be teasing us with that type of shit. take the inglorious release for example, people who have been wanting to hear it know about the album coming out since........ at least october. the album's been done since LOOOOOOOOONG before that. when is it coming out though?? fucking end of february i mean come on!!!!!!!!!


    This from Paul Logue -


    To be able to fulfil the modern needs, the label needs to have all production parts at least 4 months prior the scheduled release date. Vinyl production takes nowadays 8-14 weeks, digital albums should be online in stores 2 months prior the release that direct links can be spread and fans can hit the "buy" button after seeing news online. US releases need 3 months of pre-roll time to add the release to the distributor databases, sub-licensing to Japan and South America needs months of pre-roll time for listening and negotiations. Creative digital promo and marketing campaigns need to be arranged months in advance and last but not least boxsets with manufacturing in China need easily 4 months of production time.


    Nice explanation from Paul, but why not do all that behind the scenes, and THEN say new album is coming out in a couple weeks?

  4. I'm fairly new to the genre of AOR and would like for people to recommend me albums that they may think that I would like :whistle:


    My favorite artists are:


    Early Queen


    Robby Valentine




    Mark Lee


    and City Boy


    I also like more classic AOR like Strangeways and Toto



    Don't know half the bands YOU mentioned :D but try british band FM, especially their first two albums ''Indiscreet'' and ''Though It Out''

  5. With the recent events in Paris media and governments have asked for stricter security measures at concerts. What's your experience how have security and security checks been at concerts you've been to?


    Also have you ever felt unsafe at a show for some reason?

  6. kinda cool, but also kinda gay and WTF are they sayin in between songs???


    no but seriously it's not bad they might be on to something is there a full length coming out?

    HAHAHAHA, that's Swiss German for you my friend. A lot of people unfamiliar with the language think it sounds like Arabic


    From what I've heard no album planned yet. Apparently these guys all go to uni and already had trouble finding the time (and money) to record this EP. Hope they release an album though and maybe step it up a little next time. But I think for a debut it's not bad

  7. I was at this band's record release party recently. This is their debut EP with 6 songs offering a nice blend of sleaze / glam / hard rock:


    1. Never Die

    2. Nice Boys Play Hard

    3. She's On Fire

    4. Cock Your Guns

    5. Time Has Come

    6. Shit On The Wall


    Lucas Clay Widmer - Vocals & Bass
    Fabian de Cecilia - Guitar & backing Vocals
    Luc Hangartner - Guitar
    Andy Portmann - Drums


    Here's a preview of all the songs:



    Official site www.rustedguns.ch and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rustedguns/

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