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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Haven't seen all that many reviews yet...Decent write up...




    Back in 2014, with their fourth album ‘Tearing Down the Walls’, and high energy live shows, H.E.A.T seemed on the verge of a major commercial breakthrough as standard bearers for a new breed of melodic rockers. But after a long period of silence, during which guitarist Eric Rivers departed and former axeman Dave Dalone (now renamed Sky Davids) was brought back into the fold, the young Swedes find themselves having to build up a fresh head of steam.

    Their eagerly awaited comeback begun in controversial fashion with opening single ‘Time On Our Side’ which showed a startling change of direction, a modern pop song, with a falsetto chorus musically and lyrically owing much to Muse, and divided fans on social media.

    However it makes more sense lodged four songs into an album, which has been 18 months in the making and sees them boldly branching out into some new directions while maintaining their strengths of youthful freshness and memorable hooks and choruses.

    Many of the bands that inspired them- Bon Jovi, Europe,Whitesnake and Queen all spring to mind- all took the leap of faith into a radical new direction at some point of their careers and though some older fans may have been offended and jumped ship , it probably enhanced their musical longevity.

    Opener ‘Bastard of Society’ is classic H.E.A.T, albeit with a stripped back leanness, with ‘who-oahs’ and a chorus that is sure to make it a live favourite, and ‘Shit City’ is in a similar mould, but they are sandwiched by the first curveball in ‘Redefined’, a reflective, slow burner with programmed drums and keyboards the dominant instruments for much of the song, which shows a new maturity.

    After the aforementioned ‘Time On Our Side’, ‘Best of the Broken’ has a slightly epic feel with dystopian lyrics and taking a while to get to a typically strong chorus.

    They branch out with new sounds throughout the album, and at times the keyboard heavy sound reminded me of fellow Scandinavians HIM and The Rasmus, but the second half is perhaps more reassuring for long-time fans. ‘Eye of the Storm’ has an intro that reminds me of Dare, and more Muse-like falsetto singing from Erik Gronwall who really stretches himself throughout the album.

    ‘Blind Leads the Blind’ is more traditional Scandi melodic rock with big riffing, a big chorus and some synthesiser work that calls to mind Tony Carey’s magic on ‘Rainbow Rising’ spoiled only by more of the unnecessary bad language that is one of the album’s few downsides.

    ‘We Rule’ is a grandiose Queen-inspired epic with lush vocal harmonies which can easily be imagined as a scarf-waving closer to the live set while ‘Do You Want It’ is an anthemic, straight ahead rocker, though the synthesisers and falsetto singing on the verse reminded me of Sparks.

    The final proof that H.E.A.T have triumphantly pushed at the boundaries of their comfort zone comes in a seven minute plus title track. More conventionally melodic than much of the album, with Sky given a longer guitar solo, lyrically it combines a Europe-like fascination with space with what could be seen as an allegory for their career at this stage- ‘is it the end of the road or a one way ticket to fortune and fame?’

    I am confident it will be more like the latter. Some of the experimenting in new directions may baffle excising fans, but without losing their strengths H.E.A.T have reemerged a more rounded and complete band, with a record that I suspect time will view kindly.

    **** 1/2

    Review by Andy Nathan

  2. It's grown on me slightly when I've basically started viewing it as more of a ballad. Don't love it by any means, but I guess I'm tricking myself into thinking it's okay as a change of pace song or ballad.


    Looking at the songs placement on the album tracklist, It'll probably be alright in the context of the album. We've heard the first 3 songs before it on the spanish podcast and they're all good. And have heard 2 of the songs after it which are also good. I haven't heard Best of The Broken yet but have heard it's an up tempo rocker.


    Still feel like it was a poor choice as a lead single though and that they should've come out rocking with Bastard of Society or Blind Leads The Blind first.

  3. I keep trying to play it and can't get through it. It's awful. :puke:


    I'm with you. I've tried 4-5 plays and just really don't like it.


    I'm glad I know there is better stuff on the album. Bastard of Society and Blind Leads The Blind are awesome tunes that I can't crank loud enough. Those are the kinds of songs I want from H.e.a.t.


    I don't mind variety and liked the "diversion" type songs on the past couple albums but this song just has zero redeeming qualities for me. It starts out okay but when it gets to the chorus I want it to take off and it doesn't. It just plods along. I think a bigger chorus and more guitars could've made it a solid song.


    Perhaps this song will become more tolerable when I listen to it within the context of the album if there is better stuff sandwiched around it....


    At this point though, quite easily my least favorite song they've recorded since Erik came into the band.

  4. Would be interesting to hear Andrew's thoughts on this song in particular... judging from the comments on youtube (and the likes / dislikes ratio) a lot of people aren't too happy with this song. Having heard 6 of the 10 songs so far, I think I won't be getting the album but rather just the few tracks I like from this one


    I think I saw Andrew comment that he liked this song. Still interested to read his review of the album.


    Noticed the number of dislike on YT also....I'm one of them. I'm just not sending them a thumbs up with this....Don't want to see them heading in this direction again in the future.


    I liked the other 5 songs just fine....Great variety and the modern effects didn't bother me. This one though just seems to go nowhere.


    A few listens now and still think it's my least favorite song I've heard them record since Erik Gronwall came into the band.

  5. People here know how into these guys I am....And I really don't like this song at all. I'd even go so far as to say it might be my least favorite song in the Gronwall era. This will have to grow on me quite a bit to get out of automatic skip territory.


    After hearing the five other songs in that spanish podcast, I know there is way better stuff than this on the album so I'm not getting all down on it. I have to say though that if I hadn't heard those other songs, I'd really be disappointed if this was the first taste of new H.e.a.t I was getting.


    I think this is a poor choice for a lead song though and will have many people scratching their heads. I would've led with something like Bastard of Society or Blind Leads The Blind.


    I suppose they're probably trying to get to a different audience with this song....More commercial, pop or whatever. Maybe they think this can get on radio in Sweden or something, I don't know.


    It's not for me though.

  6. Great info...have heard 5 songs leaked in the Spanish podcast above...that wasn't one I've heard so that's good news.


    Was wondering also on a video. Seems they usually launch with one...maybe that was part of the hold up.


    Thanks again for the info.






    First single is out 11th August

    The posted today on FB that first single will be released Friday the 11th.


    I thought Davecrash was just throwing out a random date but guess he was right on the money lol.


    Wonder what the song will be and if there will be a video or anything?

    If I was picking random dates it would have been earlier than August mate haha!


    Single is Time On Our Side - unsure if there is a video to accompany it.

  7. New song Sugar....Sounding good....Heavier than the first couple tunes....reminds me a bit of the song The Scam from the last album.


    Anyone seen many reviews yet on this album? I've only seen 1 or 2 so far and neither was a very in depth review....although both were favorable.


    From the 3 songs we've heard it's sounding darn good to me and looking forward to getting this album in my hands.


  8. Yep X2.


    For me, first 2 discs aren't even in the same league. It's like a totally different band.


    I guess some like it...some don't....and some like both. Is what it is.


    I prefer the heavier, edgier style.



    As much as I've tried to dig the first 2 discs, I just don't.


    Erik made this band incredible. They were just okay with Kenny.

  9. Get your point and agree he's not the strongest vocalist. I kinda like his "rawness" though I guess....sorta like a Danny Rexon or something. Think he fits the music pretty well.


    While the debut had some strong material on it, I was never crazy about the singer and always thought he was the weakest link, same goes for this new single, good song though, and gotta love that flashy Jackson guitar.

  10. http://blurtonline.com/news/video-premiere-stations-need-heartbeat/


    The glam-slam of a “perfect summer single” is taken from forthcoming full-length.

    By Blurt Staff

    Between the sleazy back alleys of hair metal and the squeaky clean streets of power pop lies a path travelled by only an intrepid few. Candy, Starz, the immortal Enuff Z’Nuff – bands that wanted a little more power to their pop, but not so much that it replaced melodic sparkle with sneering attitude. Artists that still shoot for that target are hard to find, which is what makes Station so refreshing. On its latest single “All You Need is a Heartbeat,” the NYC quartet fashions an anthem more about singing along than pumping your fist, without stinting on rock & roll swagger.


    “This song has been in the works for a long time,” explains guitarist Chris Lane. “It was actually written when we filmed our very first music video and it’s about the experience of doing so. We’ve loved the song for a while and were excited to finally get into the studio and record it!”

    “All You Need is a Heartbeat” is not only a teaser for the band’s forthcoming LP on Rhyme & Reason Records, but a perfect summer single, with lots of snap, plenty of heart and hooks out the ying-yang. Check out the premiere of the video below.

    Station’s next show is at New York’s Gramercy Theater on August 24. Ticket info is available here.


    1. Freedom Rock

    2. S/T

    3. Address the Nation

    4. Tearing Down the Walls


    That's accurate.



    Complete opposite for me...TSTW, ATN..........S/T, Freedom Rock. Just never got into Kenny's voice for some reason.


    For me though, I never got into these guys until ATN came out. I bought that album, loved it and then went back to listen to their earlier albums and they just don't appeal to me. There's some good songs though and I like them when they do them live with Erik.


    Not trying to start and Erik versus Kenny thing.....sometimes you just don't like something for no real reason :)


    As for the new songs, I'm digging them. I'd say Redefined is the only one I'm a little hesitant on...It's okay but my least favorite of the five.


    It'll be interesting to see what they choose as the lead single. I'd vote for Bastard of Society or Blind Leads The Blind. I think if they lead with Redefined they could have a lot of people scratching their heads.


    Heard some Spanish podcast that played 5 songs off the album. The songs were Bastard of Society, Redefined, Shit City, Eye Of The Storm and Blind Leads The Blind. I'm sure it isn't authorized and will be killed soon enough. I just didn't have the will power to not listen lol.


    Sounds pretty darn good to me. Bastard and Blind both rock and are highlights for me and sounds like TDTW holdovers. Eye is the power ballad...pretty good. Shit City is different but better than I expected from the name. Redefined is also different....probably the kind of song that will grow.


    Definitely some variety in the songs I heard. Probably need to hear how the whole album fits together before really making much judgement.

    Do you have a link to where we can find that podcast?



    Link to the post over at MR.com that had the link in it. No telling how long it will work.



  13. Heard some Spanish podcast that played 5 songs off the album. The songs were Bastard of Society, Redefined, Shit City, Eye Of The Storm and Blind Leads The Blind. I'm sure it isn't authorized and will be killed soon enough. I just didn't have the will power to not listen lol.


    Sounds pretty darn good to me. Bastard and Blind both rock and are highlights for me and sounds like TDTW holdovers. Eye is the power ballad...pretty good. Shit City is different but better than I expected from the name. Redefined is also different....probably the kind of song that will grow and the least immediate for me of the ones I heard.


    Definitely some variety in the songs I heard. Probably need to hear how the whole album fits together before really making much judgement.

  14. Starting to see some reviews on this album surface...








    The third one is some other language and a little difficult to read translated, but just included since it seems to present some different thoughts.


    I think all I'm taking from these is that the album is going to have a bit different approach than the last one. It definitely sounds like they're using more keyboards and modern/pop type elements in some songs. Maybe it's fair to say they're really trying to blend the styles from the last two albums as ATN was clearly more AOR oriented than TDTW in my opinion. I loved both albums so doesn't really matter to me.


    It's going to be a long couple months LOL.

  15. The first song is a while yet. August?


    I think with TDTW they released the first single about 2 months ahead of the album release.


    And Degreed is on the same label....They released Shakedown in May and their album isn't releasing until late August....


    I know all that could mean nothing but just trying to convince myself that maybe we'll see something this month :git:

  16. Just saw Firehouse this past weekend so got the urge to comment on this....On a side note, it was a fantastic show they put on and forgot how much I really liked those first couple albums they did....CJ still sounds great.


    Interesting read as I've been really wondering if Firehouse would consider hooking up with Frontiers for another album. It seems like it would be a great fit and with the little revival this scene has seem to had lately, it would also seem to be a good time for them to crank out a new album. I think with some decent song writing and Frontier's input they could put together a pretty solid album.


    As someone that liked Firehouse myself, it annoys me a bit that these guys seem to have the time to do other projects like the Rubicon Cross thing (which I believe has a second album in process from a recent CJ interview I've heard)....And also think Leverty has done a solo album. CJ talks about there not being a big financial reward to doing albums anymore....Then why bother with these smaller projects that I'm sure didn't make anywhere near the money that a new Firehouse release could. I get that Rubicon Cross is different than Firehouse and maybe allows himself to express different desires....But a few of those songs could've been good Firehouse songs with some tweaking. And if the guys are so worried about putting their efforts where the money is, then concentrate on the band that has the name and pays the bills.


    I'm not trying to bash CJ though. Frankly, I think this guy is probably one of the "nicest" guys in the business from all I've heard and seems like a total class act. And I'm sure what he's saying is probably true in terms of albums not making much money anymore and not having a big cost benefit.


    I just don't think I'd be happy "settling" to be a pure nostalgia act if it were me. One saying I like is "If you're not moving forward, your moving backward". At the very least one would think they could do a new single or something. It isn't that tough to record something like that these days.


    Frankly, I'm not sure I'll go see them again in concert. I mean, it's obvious all they want to do is show up, play the same songs and collect a paycheck. I've already seen their show now and no point really going again if I'm going to see the same thing I've already seen.


    Along with Firehouse I also have to add I saw Warrant. I have to say I really enjoyed them with Robert Mason. They played a great set of old and new songs and I thought they did the old songs just fine. I give them a lot of credit for sticking it out and putting out this new album that really is pretty decent IMO. At least they're trying....Unlike Firehouse.

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